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Streamflow statistics calculated from daily mean streamflow data collected during water years 19012015 for selected U.S. Geological Survey streamgages

In 2016, non-interpretive streamflow statistics were compiled for streamgages located throughout the Nation and stored in the StreamStatsDB database for use with StreamStats and other applications. Two previously published USGS computer programs that were designed to help calculate streamflow statistics were updated to better support StreamStats as part of this effort. These programs are...

Estimated county level domestic well population with arsenic greater than 10 micrograms per liter based on probability estimates for the conterminous U.S.

Arsenic concentrations from 20,450 domestic wells in the U.S. were used to develop a logistic regression model of the probability of having arsenic > 10 g/L (high arsenic). We use only domestic well arsenic data and a national-scale modeling approach. This approach expands our understanding of potential exposure to arsenic in drinking water to a national scale and allows inter-regional...

Airborne electromagnetic and magnetic survey data and inverted resistivity models, western Yukon Flats, Alaska, February 2016

Airborne electromagnetic (AEM) and magnetic survey data were collected during February 2016 along 300 line kilometers in the western Yukon Flats near Stevens Village, Alaska. Data were acquired with the CGG RESOLVE frequency-domain helicopter-borne electromagnetic systems together with a Scintrex Cesium Vapour CS-3 magnetometer. The AEM average depth of investigation is about 100 m. The...

Airborne magnetic and radiometric survey, Ironton, Missouri area

This publication provides digital flight line data for a high resolution horizontal magnetic gradient and radiometric survey over the Ironton, Missouri area of southeast Missouri. Data were collected using a fixed wing aircraft with magnetometers mounted in the tail stinger and each wing tip pod and a fully calibrated gamma ray spectrometer. The survey took place out of the Farmington...

The State Geologic Map Compilation (SGMC) Geodatabase of the Conterminous United States

The State Geologic Map Compilation (SGMC) geodatabase of the conterminous United States ( represents a seamless, spatial database of 48 State geologic maps that range from 1:50,000 to 1:1,000,000 scale. A national digital geologic map database is essential in interpreting other datasets that support numerous types of national-scale studies and assessments...

Airborne electromagnetic and magnetic survey data, East Poplar Oil Field and surrounding area, October 2014, Fort Peck Indian Reservation, Montana

Airborne electromagnetic (AEM) and magnetic survey data were collected during October 2014 in a 553-square-kilometer area that includes the East Poplar oil field on the Fort Peck Indian Reservation in northeastern Montana, USA. Data surround the town of Poplar and extend south into the Missouri River floodplain. Data were acquired with the SkyTEM301 transient electromagnetic helicopter...

StreamStats for Virginia and the Nation

Interactively identify a watershed boundary and obtain detailed streamflow statistics. For an introduction to StreamStats click HERE.

Data for calculating population, collision and displacement vulnerability among marine birds of the California Current System associated with offshore wind energy infrastructure (ver. 2.0, June 2017)

The U.S. Geological Survey, Western Ecological Research Center (USGS-WERC) was requested by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) to create a database for marine birds that would allow quantification and species ranking regarding vulnerability to offshore wind energy infrastructure (OWEI). This was needed so that resource managers could evaluate potential impacts associated with...

SAR 2016 Native Fish Population and Habitat Study, Santa Ana River, California

Data included in this dataset include: 1) population estimate data; 2) microhabitat use data; and 3) microhabitat availability data for the Santa Ana Sucker (Catostomus santaanae) and the Arroyo Chub (Gila orcutti) in the Santa Ana River, California.

Wetland data layers derived from Barnegat Bay Little Egg Harbor hydrodynamic model

As part of the Hurricane Sandy Science Plan, the U.S. Geological Survey is expanding National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards and forecast products to coastal wetlands. The intent is to provide federal, state, and local managers with tools to estimate the vulnerability of coastal wetlands to various factors and to evaluate their ecosystem service potential. For this purpose, the...

Characterization of seafloor photographs near the mouth of the Elwha River during the first two years of dam removal (2011-2013)

We characterized seafloor sediment conditions near the mouth of the Elwha River from underwater photographs taken every four hours from September 2011 to December 2013. A digital camera was affixed to a tripod that was deployed in approximately 10 meters of water (Tripod location from September 2011 to April 2013: 48.15333, -123.55931; tripod location from April 2013 to December 2013: 48...

Water classification of the Colorado River Corridor, Grand Canyon, Arizona, 2013Data

These data area classified maps of water in the Colorado River at a discharge of approximately 227 meters squared/second in Grand Canyon from Glen Canyon Dam to Pearce Ferry in Arizona. The data are derived from interpretation of multispectral high resolution airborne imagery that was acquired in May 2013. The water classification data have the same 0.2-meter ground resolution as the...
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