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2021 USGS Phragmites australis Greenhouse Submergence Experiment Data conducted in Ann Arbor, MI

To determine the potential for controlling non-native Phragmites australis through use of a cut-to-drown management strategy we performed a controlled greenhouse mesocosm experiment in Ann Arbor, MI during summer 2021. Field collected Phragmites rhizomes from one site within Michigan were propagated, cuttings taken of individual stems and potted in nursery pots. Established plants were then subjec

Tephra geochemistry of the Ibex Hollow Tuff, a 12-Ma super-eruption

These tables contain geochemical data collected for tephra samples either correlated with or in the same type section with the Ibex Hollow Tuff. Most samples were collected by Andrei Sarna-Wojcicki and Mike Perkins, but some were submitted to the U.S. Geological Survey Tephrochronology Project for analysis by other persons. Electron microprobe analysis (EMA) was performed at the U.S. Geological Su

Sulfide Electron Microprobe Analyses and Petrography of Mineralized Samples from the Stratabound Sheep Creek Sediment-Hosted Zn-Pb-Ag-Sn Prospect, and SHRIMP U-Pb Zircon Data for Metaigneous Rocks in the Bonnifield Mining District, Healy Quadrangle, AK

This data set contains 99 electron microprobe analyses of cassiterite, chalcopyrite, galena, pyrite, sphalerite, and tetrahedrite from seven Sheep Creek drill core samples and one outcrop; and a table that describes the textures, mineralogy, and rock type of 15 thin sections of Sheep Creek drill core and observations from our study and from drill core logging by industry. These data were used to c

USGS National Shoreline Change - A GIS compilation of new lidar-derived shorelines (2010, 2017, and 2018) and associated shoreline change data for coastal South Carolina

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has compiled national shoreline data for more than 20 years to document coastal change and serve the needs of research, management, and the public. Maintaining a record of historical shoreline positions is an effective method to monitor national shoreline evolution over time, enabling scientists to identify areas most susceptible to erosion or accretion. These dat

Database of Trends in Vegetation Properties and Climate Adaptation Variables on the San Carlos Apache Reservation and Upper Gila River Watershed (1935-2021)

We apply a research approach that can inform riparian restoration planning by developing products that show recent trends in vegetation conditions identifying areas potentially more at risk for degradation and the associated relationship between riparian vegetation dynamics and climate conditions. The vegetation is characterized using a series of remote sensing vegetation indices developing using

Downscaled western bumble bee predicted occupancy for 2020, western conterminous United States.

This data represents occupancy predictions for western bumble bee in 2020 across the western conterminous United States. This product is a 30-meter resolution downscaled version of previously published occupancy layers for the western bumble bee. For more information on original publications, see the publication listed in the Larger Works Cited Section.

Environmental DNA metabarcoding results of fish prey DNA in common loon (Gavia immer) fecal and cloacal swab samples from the Whitefish Chain of Lakes, Crow Wing County, Minnesota

The dataset contains sequencing read counts of fish prey eDNA metabarcoding (using primers targeting the 16S rRNA mitochondrial gene) that were extracted from fecal and cloacal swab samples collected from common loons (Gavia immer) captured on the Whitefish Chain of Lakes, Crow Wing County, Minnesota during 2015-2106. Sample type (cloacal or fecal); loon identification, age, and sex; capture date

Wadeable stream habitat data integrated from multiple monitoring programs for the US from 2000-2022

Wadeable stream habitat data from four long-term monitoring programs (AIM, AREMP, NRSA, PIBO MP) were obtained, pre-processed, transformed, and combined using R code following the Stream Habitat Metrics Integration (SHMI) Data Exchange Standard. The dataset includes 26 stream habitat metrics collected between 2000 and 2022 across the United States at ~12,000 locations from ~19,000 data collection

Total neutron scattering of methane in Niobrara Formation samples at the wet-gas maturity level

Petroleum within unconventional source-rock reservoirs is hosted in organic matter and mineral pore space as well as in voids and microfractures. Recent work has shown that for source-rock reservoirs in the dry gas window, significant portions of methane (CH4), the main component of petroleum at elevated maturities, can be stored within fine organic matter porosity. However, within reservoirs at l

Water withdrawal data of selected public water systems in West Virginia, 2014 - 2020

These data were collected to support a drought-vulnerability assessment and near real-time drought awareness web tool for public water systems (PWS) on surface water supply in West Virginia. PWS withdrawal rates were evaluated against USGS low-flow stream statistics, modeled streamflow from the National Water Model, and thresholds from state drought response guidelines and ecological-flow literatu

High-resolution multichannel sparker seismic-reflection and chirp sub-bottom data acquired along the Cascadia margin during USGS field activity 2019-024-FA

High-resolution multichannel sparker seismic (MCS) data and chirp sub-bottom data were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in collaboration with the University of Washington (UW) in the summer of 2019 along the Cascadia submarine forearc offshore Oregon and Washington. Data were acquired to characterize quaternary deformation and sediment dynamics along the central and northern Cascadia margin

Data Release for Multimodal Invasive Carp Deterrent Study at Barkley Lock and Dam: Status Update through 2022

The BioAcoustic Fish Fence (BAFF; Fish Guidance Systems Ltd.) is a multi-modal deterrent that utilizes a combination of lights, sound, and bubbles to guide fish away from a location. An experimental deployment of a BAFF is currently ongoing at Barkley Lock and Dam on the Cumberland River near Grand Rivers, KY. This dataset includes information derived from two telemetry arrays (i.e., VEMCO and HTI
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