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Methane seep locations derived from water-column acoustic backscatter data collected along Cascadia Margin offshore Oregon and Northern California, 2018-2021

Between 2018-2021, the U.S. Geological Survey cooperated with NOAA to conduct multibeam echo-sounding surveys to map the seafloor along the Cascadia convergent margin, collecting acoustic bathymetry, backscatter and water column data. Rising bubbles emitted from methane cold seeps on the seafloor can be detected acoustically with this multibeam echo-sounding sonar, and this dataset contains the lo

Data on the detection of Cumberlandia monodonta using a designed environmental DNA (eDNA) survey upstream and downstream of known populations in the Big Piney River, Missouri 2020 – 2022 (ver. 2.0, August 2024)

Data describe a designed environmental DNA (eDNA) survey for the detection of Spectaclecase (Cumberlandia monodonta, also referred to as Margaritifera monodonta) from field collected water samples. Parameters described include the limit of detection and limit of quantification of the assay; a list of freshwater mussel species tissue samples that were used to test specificity of the assay; and fiel

Degradation of Cumberlandia monodonta environmental DNA over time in laboratory conditions using the C.monCOI assay

Data describe a designed environmental DNA (eDNA) experiment for the estimation of eDNA degradation rates for the spectaclecase (Cumberlandia monodonta) from water samples collected in the laboratory. Parameters described include laboratory collected water samples that were tested to estimate concentration of spectaclecase DNA and associated quality assurance data. Samples were collected from expe

Data to quantify ecosystem states and state transitions of the Upper Mississippi River using topological data analysis

The dataset and analysis scripts accompanies the scientific article, "Quantifying ecosystem states and state transitions of the Upper Mississippi River using topological data analysis." We coupled this highly dimensional dataset with multiple topological data analysis (TDA) techniques to classify ecosystem states, identify state variables, and detect state transitions over 30 years.

Erosion rates and salinity and selenium yields in a basin near Rangely, Colorado following the 2017 Dead Dog wildfire as modeled by WEPP and measured from UAV

This data release accompanies a U.S Geological Survey study that assessed sediment, salinity, and selenium yields following the Dead Dog wildfire in northwestern Colorado. The Dead Dog fire ignited on June 11, 2017, near Rangely, Colorado, and burned over 17,000 acres, including the B2 study area. Two methodologies were used to quantify erosion and associated salinity and sediment yields in the B2

Data Release for Laboratory and field comparisons of TFM bar formulations used to treat small streams for larval sea lamprey

The dataset was generated to verify the suitability of the new TFM bar formulation for wide-scale use in the Sea Lamprey Control Program (SLCP). Dataset includes TFM concentrations of three streams (each used twice) where randomized experimental applications of new and old TFM bar formulation dissolution trials were conducted, TFM concentrations of 12 laboratory flume experimental applications of

Geochemistry of authigenic carbonates from Cascadia Margin

Geochemical analysis of authigenic carbonates from the Cascadia Subduction Zone. Powdered carbonate samples for stable carbon (delta-C-13) and oxygen (delta-O-18) isotopes and carbonate phase were analyzed as a proxy for potential fluid sources, and to better understand how process, such as mixing, and oxidation, can alter the initial fluid isotopic composition and the archived fluid-source signat

Irrigation water use in Kansas, 2015

This dataset describes irrigation water use in Kansas in 2015. Volumes of water used, irrigated area, and average irrigation application depths are provided for three sets of subareas: (1) Irrigation water use analysis regions that include Groundwater Management Districts (GMDs) with the areas outside of GMDs divided into eastern, central, and western Kansas; (2) Regional Planning Areas (RPAs), wh

Lakebed features extracted from single-beam sonar in two Laurentian Great Lakes

Acoustic seabed classification (ASC) is an important method for understanding landscape-level physical and biological patterns in the aquatic environment. Bottom habitats in the Laurentian Great Lakes are poorly mapped to date, and will require a variety of contributors and data sources to complete. We repurposed a long-term split-beam echosounder dataset gathered for purposes of fisheries assessm

Toxicity Testing Review, Derived from published literature and reports

The dataset is derived from a search of published books, papers, and reports on toxicity studies with Dreissena spp. mussels. Specific information was extracted from each paper on the study design, collection, handling, test methods, and reporting parameters.

Hawaiian forest bird avian malaria prevalence 2018-2021

Native and introduced forest birds were captured and then released across the Hawaiian Islands to acquire a blood sample for obtaining DNA and test for exposure to avian malaria (Plasmodium relictum). A total of 2,945 samples were collected and analyzed for avian malaria prevalence from 39 species captured at 66 sites from Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Maui, and Hawaii islands.

Survival and growth of the freshwater mussel Lampsilis siliquoidea during a 28-day chronic zinc exposure and subsequent grow-out period

This dataset contains the results of a laboratory chronic bioassay with 6-week-old juvenile mussels (Fatmucket, Lampsilis siliquoidea) in a 28-day zinc exposure (120 and 240 micrograms zinc per liter) with endpoints of survival and growth (biomass and length) following standard ASTM methods. Surviving mussels were transferred from the control and treatment groups into a culture pond and their surv
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