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Data collected for estimation of storage capacity at managed water resources used by Desert Bighorn Sheep in Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge, Arizona, February 2022

These data were compiled for Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge (CPNWR) in southern Arizona, to support managment efforts of water resources and wildlife conservation. Objective(s) of our study were to 1) measure water storage capacity at select stage heights in three tanks (also termed tinajas), 2) build a stage storage model to help CPNWR staff accurately estimate water volumes throughout th

USGS CoastCam at Sand Key, Florida: Timestack Imagery and Coordinate Data

Two digital video cameras were installed at Sand Key, Florida (FL), facing south (camera 1) and north (camera 2) along the beach. Every hour during daylight hours, daily from 2018 to 2022, the cameras collected raw video and produced snapshots and time-averaged image products. For camera 2, one such product that is created is a "runup timestack". Runup timestacks are images created by sampling a c

Water velocity profile measurements in River Raisin near Monroe, Michigan, August 17-September 13, 2023

These data were collected by a SonTek Argonaut-XR 3000-MHz 3D acoustic Doppler current meter (ADCM) that was mounted on an approximately 75-pound mounting plate. The ADCM was deployed on the bottom of River Raisin at approximately 41.899978°N, -83.353548°E and took measurements from August 17-September 13, 2023. These data were collected in cooperation with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US

USGS CoastCam at Madeira Beach, Florida: Timestack Imagery and Coordinate Data

A digital video camera was installed at Madeira Beach, Florida (FL) and faced west along the beach. Every hour during daylight hours, daily from 2017 to 2022, the camera collected raw video and produced snapshots and time-averaged image products. One such product is a "runup timestack". Runup timestacks are images created by sampling a cross-shore array of pixels from an image through time as wave

USGS CoastCam at Sand Key, Florida: Calibration Data

Two digital video cameras were installed at Sand Key, Florida (FL), facing south (camera 1) and north (camera 2) along the beach. Every hour during daylight hours, daily from 2018 to 2022, the cameras collected raw video and produced snapshots and time-averaged image products. This data release includes the necessary intrinsic orientation (IO) and extrinsic orientation (EO) calibration data to uti

Dedicated Dredging on the Barataria Basin Landbridge (BA-36): 2018 and 2021 land-water classifications

The Louisiana State Legislature created the Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act (CWPPRA) in order to conserve, restore, create and enhance Louisiana's coastal wetlands. The wetland restoration plans developed pursuant to these acts specifically require an evaluation of the effectiveness of each coastal wetlands restoration project in achieving long-term solutions to arresting

Semiquantitative mineralogy results from powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses of mineral scales from The Geysers geothermal field, California, USA

This data release provides semiquantitative mineralogy results from X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses of mineral scales from The Geysers vapor-dominated geothermal field in California. The mineral species and their abundances are reported in weight percent and values have been normalized to total 100 percent for each sample. The X-ray diffraction results show that the mineral samples from the wellh

The major, minor, and trace element geochemistry of mineral scales from The Geysers geothermal field, California, USA

This data release provides quantitative whole rock geochemical results from The Geysers vapor-dominated geothermal field in California. The concentrations of major elements are reported in oxide weight percent by wavelength dispersive x-ray fluorescence (WDXRF), the concentrations for sixty elements are reported in elemental weight percent (pct) or parts per million (ppm) from inductively coupled

Supporting files for particle tracking simulations of the Upper Missouri River near Wolf Point, MT

This dataset contains supporting files for particle tracking simulations of the Upper Missouri River near Wolf Point, MT.

Turbidity Data from the Upper Esopus Creek Watershed, New York

This data release contains continuous (15-minute interval) turbidity data from the upper Esopus Creek Watershed in the Catskill Mountain Region of New York State. The upper Esopus watershed drains to the Ashokan Reservoir, part of the New York City (NYC) drinking water supply system. Turbidity is a primary water-quality concern in the NYC water-supply system, particularly in the upper Esopus Creek

2011 and 2017 Pika Pathology Colorado

American pikas (Ochotona princeps) are small lagomorphs that live in mountainous talus areas of western North America. Studies on the histopathology of American pikas are limited. This report summarizes the clinical histories, and gross and histologic findings of 12 American pikas, including nine captive and three wild animals. Death was often attributed to stress (transport, handling, and anesthe

Development of High Surface Area Organosilicate Nanoparticulate Thin Films for Use in Sampling Hydrophobic Compounds in Sediment-Data

The data set describes the characterization of organosilica nanoparticle thin films used to adsorb PCBs from laboratory water and a sediment collected near Anniston Alabama. Data not shown here for the porewater and sediment PCB concentrations can be found in Appendix 1 of Ingersoll et al. 2014 ( Bulk sediment chemistry was obtained from Table A1-3a.Porewater
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