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Assessing risk communication in the pet and aquarium trade

This product summarizes data for the web engine search analysis and the outreach materials analysis from our report entitled, Assessing Risk Communication in the Pet and Aquarium Trade: An Analysis of Outreach and Engagement Efforts. The web engine search data include internet search results from Google and Bing. Materials analysis data include a matrix of questions that were used to determine mes

Plant, soil, and microbial characteristics of marsh collapse in Mississippi River Deltaic wetlands

Site, field, and soil data collected from 14 sites along a chronosequence of wetland submergence on 15 – 17 October 2019 in a Louisiana salt marsh in Barataria Basin, part of the Mississippi River Deltaic Plain, along the northern Gulf of Mexico coast.

A Remote Sensing Approach to Characterize Winter Water Level Drawdown Patterns in Lakes

This data release consists of four datasets that were used for evaluating winter drawdown patterns in 166 Massachusetts lakes greater than 0.3 km2 surface area. The first dataset (“Water area and level.csv”) provides water area and water level time series data of 166 lakes from 2016 to 2021. Water area and water level time-series data were derived from European Space Agency’s Sentinel 1 synthetic

Louisiana Barrier Island Comprehensive Monitoring Program – 1996-2005 general habitat maps, West Chenier Plain, Early Lafourche Delta, Late Lafourche Delta, Modern Delta, Chandeleur Islands Regions

This data release includes data from 1996-2005 for the Louisiana Barrier Island Comprehensive Monitoring Program. Specifically, this data release includes general habitat maps for West Chenier Plain, Early Lafourche Delta, Late Lafourche Delta, Modern Delta, Chandeleur Islands Regions. Please consult the accompanying readME.txt file for information and recommendations on the contents of this datas

Survey of potential viral pathogens in the ceca of pen-raised mallards

The threat posed by infectious diseases are a major concern for global public health and the role of migratory birds in pathogen transmission is increasingly under scrutiny. Enteric viral pathogen surveillance in migratory birds is a critical component of outbreak preparedness. The shedding of such pathogens through excrement into bodies of water located at migratory stop-over sites and breeding a

Multichannel minisparker and chirp seismic reflection data collected during USGS field activity 2021-614-FA along the Palos Verdes Fault Zone

High-resolution multichannel seismic (MCS) and coincident Chirp sub-bottom data were acquired during USGS field activity 2021-614-FA aboard the R/V Sproul in May of 2021. The survey was conducted in the offshore region of southern California, specifically in the inner continental borderlands tectonic region. The focus of the survey was to collect seismic lines perpendicular to the Palos Verdes Fau

MODFLOW-2005 and SWI2 models for assessing groundwater and surface-water interactions in the Heeia Watershed, Oahu, Hawaii

Resource managers and users seek information that can be used to balance the needs of competing uses of groundwater and streamflow in the Heeia watershed, Oahu. A previously constructed steady-state numerical groundwater-flow model for the island of Oahu, Hawaii ( using MODFLOW-2005 with the Seawater Intrusion (SWI2) package was used to examine the effects of wi

Statistical and groundwater-flow models of the Fountain Creek alluvial aquifer near Colorado Springs, Colorado

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Air Force Civil Engineering Center, created a numerical groundwater-flow model for the Fountain Creek alluvial aquifer using the finite-difference MODFLOW code with the Newton formulation solver. This numerical groundwater-flow model simulates water-budget components, groundwater-flow directions, and groundwater-flow paths of the Fountain

Data and Code Release: Determination of Larval Sea Lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) Seasonal Sensitivity Differences to Lampricide Treatment

Controlling larval sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) in Great Lakes tributaries with 4-nitro-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenol (TFM, a pesticide) stream treatments reduces the number of spawning-phase sea lamprey, an invasive species capable of collapsing Great Lakes fisheries. An important component of stream treatments is ensuring that the proper amount of TFM is applied that will effectively control sea

Water Temperature, Electrical Conductivity, and Salinity of Lagoons in the Beaufort Sea, Alaska, 2017-2019

This dataset contains a table with temperature (°C), raw electrical conductivity (μS/cm), and salinity (psu) measured in Beaufort Sea, Alaska, Lagoons during summers 2017-2019.

Fish sampling data in La Grange Pool of the Illinois River during 2015 to determine largemouth bass and silver carp population size structure and size-selective largemouth bass piscivory

Dataset contains sampling information (site, location, and date of sampling) for largemouth bass and silver carp captured in La Grange Pool of the Illinois River during 2015 used to determine the population size structure of both species for analyzing size-specific feeding of largemouth bass on young-of-year and Age-1 silver carp. The dataset also contains information on fish prey items found in l

Supporting Data for "Subduction intraslab-interface fault interactions in the 2022 Mw 6.4 Ferndale, California, earthquake sequence"

This data release pertains to the December 20, 2022, Mw 6.4 Ferndale, California, earthquake and complements the following publication: Shelly, D. R., D. E. Goldberg, K. Z. Materna, R. J. Skoumal, J. L. Hardebeck., C. E. Yoon, W. L. Yeck, and P. S. Earle (2024). Subduction intraslab-interface fault interactions in the 2022 Mw 6.4 Ferndale, California, earthquake sequence, Science Advances, https:/
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