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Airborne magnetic and radiometric survey, South Pass-Granite Mountains region, Wyoming, 2023

This data release provides digital flight line data for a high-resolution airborne magnetic and radiometric survey over the South Pass-Granite Mountains region in central Wyoming. The airborne survey was funded by the state of Wyoming, designed by the Wyoming State Geological Survey (WSGS), and contracted by the USGS. The survey is aligned with the Earth Mapping Resources Initiative and was design

Larval and Young of Year Walleye Diets in Western Lake Erie during 2014 and 2019

Lake Erie walleye (Stizostedion vitreum) recruitment fluctuates annually and depends partially on their diet and growth during their first year of life. To determine how age-0 walleye have responded to changes in prey species and abundance, larval and young of year walleye were collected from western Lake Erie in 2019 and 2014. Larval and young of year fish stomachs were extracted and dissected, w

High-resolution seismic data from the Frijoles Fault of the San Gregorio Fault zone, Año Nuevo, California

The U.S. Geological Survey acquired high-resolution P- and S-wave seismic data across the Frijoles Fault strand of the San Gregorio Fault Zone (SGFZ) at Año Nuevo, California in 2012. The SGFZ is a Holocene-active, dominantly right-lateral fault system that trends more than 200 km along the California coastline. The Frijoles Fault is one of several onshore strands of the SGF system, and together t

Index of vulnerability for elevated nitrates in groundwater in the Puget Sound Basin, Washington, 2000–2019

This data release consists of the initial well input data for the logistic regression model, the conceptual well data for logistic mapping, the logistic mapping output data, the logistic mapping output vulnerability and vulnerability difference rasters, and supporting geographic information system (GIS) files for the study titled 'Index of Vulnerability for Elevated Nitrates in Groundwater in the

MODFLOW-NWT model to simulate the groundwater flow system at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, Naval Base Kitsap, Bremerton, Washington

A three-dimensional groundwater flow model was developed in 1997 to evaluate the groundwater flow system at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, Naval Base Kitsap, Bremerton, Washington ( In 2016, a regional groundwater flow model for the greater Kitsap Peninsula was developed ( Using information from the 2016

Chemical and Biological Data from a Study on Evaluation of Chronic Effects of Potassium Chloride and Nickel on Survival, Growth, and Reproduction of a Unionid Mussel (Lampsilis siliquoidea)

We conducted multiple toxicity tests to (1) evaluate the survival and growth of juvenile mussels (Fatmucket, Lampsilis siliquoidea) in a standard 4-week and a longer-term 12-week exposures following a method refined from the standard method using two common reference toxicants (potassium chloride [KCl] and nickel [Ni]); (2) evaluate reproductive endpoints from reproductive KCl and Ni toxicity test

Black carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus) mouth gape and size preference of a bivalve prey

These data represent the measurements of length and mouth gape from large juvenile and adult wild-caught and small juvenile hatchery origin black carp, and the results of laboratory size preference trials with bivalve prey, specifically Corbicula clams. Wild-caught black carp ranged from 429-1580 mm total length, a larger range than measured in previous studies. Corbicula feeding trial data consis

Field Site Locations from Phragmites Bioherbicide 2023 Field Experiment in Southeast Michigan

This dataset represents the locations of experimental plots that were used during the Phragmites Bioherbicide 2023 field experiment. To meet the criteria for selection, a site must have relatively dry soil with no standing water, have two or more large monotypic stands of Phragmites australis, and be easily accessible by vehicle. Experimental plots were created at these sites and one of four treat

Projected coastal flooding extents and depths for 1-, 20-, and 100-year return interval storms and 0.00, +0.25, +0.50, +1.00, +1.50, +2.00, and +3.00 meter sea-level rise scenarios in the Hawaiian, Mariana, and American Samoan Islands

This data release provides flooding extent polygons and flood depth rasters (geotiffs) based on sea-level rise and wave-driven total water levels for the coast of the most populated Hawaiian, Mariana, and American Samoan Islands. Oceanographic, coastal engineering, ecologic, and geospatial data and tools were combined to evaluate the increased risks of storm-induced coastal flooding due to climate

Sediment grain size at river outlets along the California coast

Fluvial sediment samples were collected from the lowermost reaches of 21 coastal watersheds in California, in order to characterize surficial grain size of river sediment from deposits that appeared to be recent based on field context. Samples were collected using a trowel to sample the uppermost 10 cm of sediment. Sampled locations included river-deposited sediment, upstream of tidal influence. S

Data Release of Final Report to Bureau of Reclamation: Case Study Using KINEROS Model to Assess Potential Hydrologic and Geomorphic Impacts of Installing Gabions in a Developing Subwatershed near Buckeye, Arizona, USA

This data release provides results from a watershed modelling effort to depict the use of natural infrastructure in dryland streams (NIDS), i.e., gabions, as a low-tech and low-cost, nature-based solution for increased water availability in the Buckeye area, west of the White Tank mountains and northwest of Phoenix, AZ, USA. Our goal was to identify impacts of current management and hypothetical i

Captures and habitat classification of benthic fishes along the Missouri and Lower Yellowstone Rivers, 1996-1998

In 1995, the Missouri River Benthic Fishes Study was initiated to provide improved information on Missouri River fish populations and how alterations might affect them. Missouri River Benthic Fishes Study (MRBFS) documented annual patterns, habitat, and water quality associations of 21 Missouri River benthic fish species based on relative abundance, including sicklefin and sturgeon chub from 1996
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