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Louisiana Outer Coast Restoration Project – 2022 habitat map, Whiskey Island

This data release includes 2022 data for the Louisiana Outer Coast Restoration Project for Whiskey Island. Specifically, this data release includes a detailed habitat map, general habitat map, and georeferenced imagery. These habitat maps are developed using the methods and classification scheme from Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority’s (CPRA) Barrier Island Comprehensive Monit

Louisiana Outer Coast Restoration Project – 2022 habitat map, Shell Island

This data release includes 2022 data for the Louisiana Outer Coast Restoration Project for Shell Island. Specifically, this data release includes a detailed habitat map, general habitat map, and georeferenced imagery. These habitat maps are developed using the methods and classification scheme from Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority’s (CPRA) Barrier Island Comprehensive Monitor

Louisiana Outer Coast Restoration Project – 2022 habitat map, Chenier Ronquille

This data release includes 2022 data for the Louisiana Outer Coast Restoration Project for Chenier Ronquille. Specifically, this data release includes a detailed habitat map, general habitat map, and georeferenced imagery. These habitat maps are developed using the methods and classification scheme from Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority’s (CPRA) Barrier Island Comprehensive Mo

Louisiana Outer Coast Restoration Project – 2017 habitat map, Chenier Ronquille

This data release includes 2017 data for the Louisiana Outer Coast Restoration Project for Chenier Ronquille. Specifically, this data release includes a detailed habitat map, general habitat map, and georeferenced imagery. These habitat maps are developed using the methods and classification scheme from Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority’s (CPRA) Barrier Island Comprehensive Mo

Maps of multiple future threats and stable areas for Gunnison sage-grouse habitats across three scenarios (2016-2070)

This dataset contains a series of maps of projected threats and current state of habitats for the threatened Gunnison sage-grouse (Centrocercus minimus). The maps are 30-m spatially explicit projections of current habitats (2016) and future landscape change (by 2070) for the full range of the species’ seven extant populations, which cover diverse ecoregions of the imperiled sagebrush biome of the

Pacific Walrus Coastal Haulout Images from Carcass Surveys

This data package contains digital images, survey location logs and a summary tabulation from carcass survey conducted at walrus haulouts in Alaska. A summary of image collection times is provided as a tabular file.

Data release of isotope geochemistry, mineral chemistry, and geochronology for a Proterozoic paragneiss sampled from drill core from North Dakota

This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release provides whole rock isotope geochemistry, zircon hafnium isotope geochemistry, feldspar mineral chemistry, and zircon, monazite, and xenotime geochronology for a paragneiss sampled from a drill core from North Dakota. The sample was collected from the 9-11R E-M Larson well in order to constrain the depositional age, provenance, metamorphic history, a

A geodatabase of Woodruff, K.D., and Christopher, M.J., 1982, Thickness of Regolith in the Delaware Piedmont: Delaware Geological Survey Open File Report No. 19, scale 1:24,000.

This Scientific Data Release is a spatial geodatabase containing Woodruff, K.D. Christopher, M.J., 1982, Thickness of Regolith in the Delaware Piedmont: Delaware Geological Survey Open File Report No. 19, scale 1:24,000, formatted to Geologic Map Schema (GeMS) standards. These geospatial data depict the total thickness (regolith) of both the loose, transported material and the weathered rock that

GPS Tracking Data for Caribou (Rangifer tarandus granti) from the Fortymile Herd, Alaska, 1998-1999

These data were part of a pilot tracking study of three adult female caribou from the Fortymile Herd in Alaska. The dataset is comprised of two comma separated values (.csv) files. Data includes: 1) processed (i.e., erroneous locations removed) GPS locations for caribou, received once per hour for 6 months (October 1998 to April 1999), and 2) spatial, temporal, and biological attributes of three f

Cenozoic Foraminiferal Collections of Weldon Rau in Oregon and Washington, USA

The original compilation of this data is in Rau (2004) (, where most samples are located by Township, Range, and Section relative to the Public Land Survey System. For this database, Snavely's original field sheets and notebooks were used to calculate latitude and longitude of the samples and the results were combined wit

Orthophotograph of the Columbia River between Portland and The Dalles, Oregon, acquired in 1935

This data release consists of high quality georeferenced orthophoto mosaics of a 160 kilometer long portion of the Columbia River between Portland and The Dalles, Oregon created from aerial photographs collected in 1935 by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The dataset comprises three GeoTIFF files, each covering about 40-60 kilometers. This metadata document summarizes the entire data release. See

San Bernard National Wildlife Refuge Texas: Using drone acquired 2019 imagery to classify sudden dieback vegetation in Coastal TX wetlands

Climatic extremes are becoming more frequent with climate change and have the potential to cause major ecological shifts and ecosystem collapse. With the ecosystem collapse these normally healthy marshes fragment and convert to open water. Along the northern Gulf of Mexico, a coastal wetland in the San Bernard National Wildlife Refuge in Texas suffered significant and acute vegetation dieback foll
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