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Community Exposure in U.S. Northern Mariana Islands to Future Coastal Flooding Hazards, reference year 2020

Socioeconomic impact estimates of community exposure to coastal flooding hazards are presented for communities along the coast of the U.S. Northern Mariana Islands. The provided data were generated using the Hazard Exposure Reporting and Analytics (HERA) web application ( HERA uses geospatial analysis of socioeconomic indicators (population, economic, land cover, and infr

Input and output data for the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) used to predict seasonal water availability during 2000-2015 in the Upper Klamath River Basin, Oregon and California

This data release contains the model input and output data, and supporting files, from hydrologic simulations of streamflow conditions in the upper Klamath River Basin using the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS). The model was calibrated for the portion of the basin draining into Upper Klamath Lake. It simulates daily streamflow, snow, solar radiation, evapotranspiration, surface-water,

Hydrochemistry and Age Date Tracers from Springs, Streams, and Rivers in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, 2019-2022

These data include water chemistry from springs, streams, rivers, and shallow groundwater collected in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in northern Alaska. Chemical analyses were performed for hydrochemical parameters including field parameters, major ions, nutrients, metals, stable isotopes of water, and tritium, as well as for dissolved gases useful for determining the timescale over which th

Hydrodynamic model of the Colorado River, Glen Canyon Dam to Lees Ferry in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Arizona: tables of model results and accuracy assessment

These data were compiled to provide a resource for other researchers interested in water-surface elevations and flow velocity across a wide range of discharge in the study reach for the project. Objective(s) of our study were to construct a two-dimensional hydrodynamic model for the 15.8 mile tailwater reach of the Colorado River in Glen Canyon between Glen Canyon Dam and Lees Ferry, Arizona. Thes

Geochemical and spectroscopic data on core samples from Lake Tanganyika in Tanzania

This data release contains geochemical and spectroscopic laboratory results associated with the journal article "Middle-Late Holocene paleolimnological changes in central Lake Tanganyika: Integrated evidence from the Kavala Island Ridge (Tanzania)". Data include bulk organic geochemistry, organic stable carbon isotope, and infrared spectroscopic analyses. Location for LT-TANG17-9B-1U-1: latitude:

Paleomagnetic inclination data collected from Coreholes EREF-GW-1, STF-PIE-AQ-02, TAN 2336, USGS 138, USGS 139, USGS 142, USGS 143, USGS 144, USGS 145, USGS 147, and USGS 148A, located at and near the Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho

The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Energy, conducted a study on the magnetic record contained in subsurface basalts within coreholes at the Idaho National Laboratory. Standard 1 inch paleomagnetism core samples were collected from 11 coreholes. The samples were characterized for polarity and average paleomagnetic inclinations over the entire length of the drill

Lake Erie Fish Community Data, 2013-2022

Assessing the distribution and abundance of both predator and prey (forage) fish species is a cornerstone of ecosystem-based fishery management, and supports decision making that considers food-web interactions. In support of binational Great Lakes fishery management the objectives of this survey were to: provide estimates of densities of key forage and predator species in the western basin of Lak

Discharge measurements, air temperature, water temperature, and gage height data for select stream monitoring locations across Delmarva Peninsula (2022)

As part of a larger study examining stream conditions and the effect of Best Management Practices in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, thirty small streams on the Delmarva Peninsula were instrumented and monitored for gage height (water level), water temperature, and air temperature using Onset HOBO sensors from March to September 2022. In addition, two discrete discharge measurements were made at bas

Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Water-Quality Measurements in the Cape Fear River, multiple locations, North Carolina, 2020-2021

The Cape Fear River Basin was added to a nationwide program called The Sustainable Rivers Program (SRP) in 2016. SRP is a joint program between The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and the Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) to improve the health of rivers by analyzing how the Corps operates their infrastructure, such as the release of water out of dams. The SRP attempts to analyze the effects from dams and u

MODFLOW 6 Model Scenario used to Simulate Transient Stresses, Heads, and Flows in the Regional Aquifer System of Long Island, New York, 2005-2019

This data release contains the input, output, and model code used to run a transient simulation of a previously published (Walter and others, 2020) steady-state regional model of Long Island, N.Y. The original model code was updated to MODFLOW 6 (version 6.3.0) and incorporates monthly transient stress periods to simulate conditions from 2005-2019 following methods described in Walter and others (

CMIP6 LOCA2 Monthly Water Balance Model Projections 1950-2100 for the Contiguous United States

A monthly water-balance model (MWBM) is applied to simulate components of the water balance for the period 1950-2100 under ssp245, ssp370, and ssp585 scenarios for the Contiguous United States. The statistically downscaled LOCA2 temperature and precipitation projections from 27 GCMs from the Climate Model Intercomparison Program Phase 6 (CMIP6) are use as input to the water balance model. This dat

Vegetation and water classifications for a segment of the Paria River upstream of the Colorado River Confluence, Arizona, USA

These data represent total vegetation and surface water along approximately 12 kilometers of the Paria River upstream from the confluence of the Colorado River at Lees Ferry, Arizona. They are derived from airborne, multispectral imagery obtained in late May 2009, 2013, and 2021, collected with a push-broom sensor with 4 spectral bands depicting Blue, Green, Red and Near-Infrared wavelengths at a
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