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Chemical and physical data for sediment source tracking of streambed sediment in Black Creek, Indiana, tributary to the Maumee River and western Lake Erie, July 2019

Data include total nitrogen and carbon, carbon species, total metal, and particle-size analyses of soft streambed from the Black Creek basin, Allen County, Indiana that was collected in July 2019. These data will be used in a sediment-source mixing model in order to attribute the proportional contribution of individual sources to suspended sediment in the basin. Source samples were identified as o

U.S. Geological Survey Mineral Commodity Summaries 2024 Data Release (ver. 2.0, March 2024)

This database contains the United States salient statistics and world production statistics for over 88 nonfuel mineral commodities.  Salient statistics for the United States includes items such as production, imports, exports, price, stocks, apparent consumption, and/or net import reliance for nonfuel mineral commodities.  The database contains separate table files (entities) in CSV format.  Ther

Geospatial characterization of salt marshes in Maine

This data release contains coastal wetland synthesis products for the state of Maine. Metrics for resiliency, including the unvegetated to vegetated ratio (UVVR), marsh elevation, tidal range, and lifespan, are calculated for smaller units delineated from a digital elevation model, providing the spatial variability of physical factors that influence wetland health. The U.S. Geological Survey has b

Enhanced Terrain Imagery of the Pittsburgh East 30 x 60 Minute Quadrangle from Lidar-Derived Elevation Models at 3-Meter Resolution

This imagery dataset consists of 3-meter resolution, lidar-derived imagery of the Pittsburgh East 30 x 60 minute quadrangle in Pennsylvania. The source data used to construct this imagery consists of 1-meter resolution Lidar-derived digital elevation models (DEMs). The lidar source data were compiled from different acquisitions published between 2020 and 2021 and downloaded from the USGS National

Predictions for the presence of submersed aquatic vegetation in the upper Mississippi River, USA, from years 2010-2019

The datasets are to accompany a manuscript describing the prediction of submersed aquatic vegetation presence and its potential vulnerability and recovery potential. The data and accompanying analysis scripts allow users to run the final random forests predictive model and reproduce the figures reported in the manuscript. Files from several data sources (aqa_2010_lvl3_pct_oute_joined_VEG_BARCODE.c

Digital elevation model of the lava dome in the crater of Mount St. Helens on October 20, 1988

The catastrophic, explosive eruption of Mount St. Helens, Washington, on May 18, 1980, is the most well-known eruption of the volcano. Less well known is the May 18th eruption marked the beginning of a period of eruptive activity that lasted through 1986. From October 1980 through October 1986, a series of 17 dome-building episodes added millions of cubic meters of lava to the crater floor. Most o

Airborne electromagnetic and magnetic survey of Delaware Bay and surrounding regions of New Jersey and Delaware, 2022

Airborne electromagnetic (AEM) and magnetic survey data were collected during July and August 2022 over a distance of 3,588.5 line kilometers covering Delaware Bay and surrounding regipons in New Jersey and Delaware. Data were collected as part of the USGS Delaware River Basin Next Generation Water Observing Systems (NGWOS) project to improve understanding of groundwater salinity distributions nea

Physical and Chemical Data to Characterize Water-Quality Conditions in the Sakonnet River, Rhode Island, 2018-2019

Physical and chemical data were collected to characterize water-quality conditions in the Sakonnet River, a tidal strait located on the east side of Narragansett Bay in Rhode Island, from April 28 to November 11, 2018 and from June 19 to November 26, 2019. Specifically, the 2018 information in this data release includes: vertical profiles of water quality from 16 to 18 locations and data collected

Whooping crane stopover habitat use and migration movement data in relation to drought severity, 2010-2022

Wildlife species face threats from climate and land use change, which may exacerbate how extreme climatic events influence population persistence and biodiversity. Migratory waterbirds are especially vulnerable to hydrological drought via reduced availability of surface water habitats. We assessed how whooping cranes, an endangered species in the U.S. and Canada, modified habitat use and migration

Pesticides in small volume plasma samples

Pesticides are widely applied and can enter the environment, potentially effecting non-target organisms. To better evaluate pesticide exposure using non-lethal techniques, a method was developed for the extraction of pesticides and their degradates from small (100 µL) volume plasma samples. Solid phase extraction was used for lipid removal after plasma samples were protein precipitated. Samples we

Prospective regions for marine minerals on the Alaska Outer Continental Shelf

This shapefile is of prospective regional outlines of where marine minerals may occur on the Alaska Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). Polygons were hand digitized based on a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data review that considers the state of knowledge regarding marine mineral occurrences within the Alaska OCS. This data release is a companion to the USGS Professional Paper, Gartman and others, 2022

USGS National and Global Oil and Gas Assessment Project—West-Central Coastal Province (Africa) Presalt: Assessment Unit Boundaries, Assessment Input data, and Fact Sheet Data Tables

This data release contains the boundaries of assessment units, assessment input data, and resulting fact sheet data tables for the assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources in the presalt reservoirs of the West-Central Coastal Province of Africa. The Assessment Unit is the fundamental unit used in the National and Global Oil and Gas Assessment Project for the assessment of undiscovered oil
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