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United States Large-Scale Solar Photovoltaic Database (ver. 2.0, August 2024)

Over 4,400 large scale commercial solar facilities are in operation in the United States as of December, 2021, representing over 60 gigawatts of electric power capacity; of these, over 3,900 are ground-mounted with capacities of 1MW or more, specified as large scale solar photovoltaic (LSPV) facilities. LSPV ground-mounted installations continue to grow, with over 400 projects coming online in 202

Geochemical Data from Selected Triassic Rock Samples in Northeastern Alaska

This set of data files contains analyses of samples representing Triassic units (Shublik and Ivishak Formations and Karen Creek Sandstone) in Alaska. The samples were collected from 20 outcrop localities in northeastern Alaska. The data set includes total organic carbon (TOC) and geochemical data from inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy-mass spectroscopy (ICP-OES-MS) and porta

Southeast Texas Pilot National Topography Model (NTM), 1933 to 2021

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 3D Elevation Program (3DEP) has initiated the development of a second pilot 3D National Topography Model (3DNTM) to generate 3-dimensional surface elevation models that integrate topographic bare-earth elevation surfaces with river channel bed and coastal bathymetry and topobathymetry. Detailed knowledge of integrated river system topography, bathymetry, and topob

Data and analytical code assessing eleven songbird species' responses to environmental change during summertime (2008 - 2020) in the InterMountain West, USA

This data release provides avian data for 11 songbird species (Bewick’s wren [Thryomanes bewickii], black-throated gray warbler [Setophaga nigrescens], Brewer’s sparrow [Spizella breweri], gray flycatcher [Empidonax wrightii], gray vireo [Vireo vicinior], green-tailed towhee [Pipilo chlorurus], juniper titmouse [Baeolophus ridgwayi], loggerhead shrike [Lanius ludovicianus], sagebrush sparrow [Arte

Water Quality Data from Ponds on Bouldin Island in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California

This data release includes water quality data collected from ponds on Boudin Island in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Data were collected in the Bouldin East and Bouldin West ponds concurrently with a Delta Smelt Enclosure Study which involved three cages in each pond with approximately 60 Delta Smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus) in each cage. There were two fish deployments, the first deployment

2021 Organic Matter Research Lab Vectorized Fluorescence Data

The USGS CAWSC Organic Matter Research Laboratory (OMRL) provides laboratory services and support to regional and national projects in the analysis of organic matter using the latest methods in absorbance and fluorescence spectroscopy. Optical measurements such as absorbance and fluorescence are used to gain insight into dissolved organic matter (DOM) composition, and can also serve as proxies for

Public supply water use reanalysis for the 2000-2020 period by HUC12, month, and year for the conterminous United States (ver. 2.0, August 2024)

The U.S. Geological Survey is developing national water-use models to support water resources management in the United States. Model benefits include a nationally consistent estimation approach, greater temporal and spatial resolution of estimates, efficient and automated updates of results, and capabilities to forecast water use into the future and assess model uncertainty. The term “reanalysis”

Reprocessed single channel sparker seismic reflection data offshore central California from USGS field activities S-6-08-SC and S-6-09-SC

The U.S. Geological Survey collected high-resolution single channel minisparker data between Point Sal and Piedras Blancas in 2008 and 2009 with support from the Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) CRADA and the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology program. Reprocessing of this data in 2018 improved vertical resolution of the stratigraphy and structural deformation of the original data and was funded by an

Preliminary streamflow percentile predictions for ungaged areas of the Colorado River Basin, 1981-2020

This dataset consists of daily streamflow percentiles for 1981-10-01 to 2020-03-31 relevant to streamflow drought defined using two approaches: Percentiles accounting for flow seasonality (variable threshold percentiles) and those based on the full record of data for each site regardless of season (fixed threshold percentiles). Because of the size of this dataset (99,530,836 rows), it could not be

LCMAP CONUS Reference Data Product 1984-2021 land cover, land use and change process attributes

This product contains LCMAP CONUS Reference plot location data in a .shp format as well as annual land cover, land use, and change process variables for each reference data plot in a separate .csv table. The same information available in the.csv file is also provided in a .xlsx format. The LCMAP Reference Data Product was utilized for evaluation and validation of the Land Change Monitoring, Assess

Cocos Island, Guam Brown Treesnake Rapid Response Visual Survey and Capture Data, 10/2020 - 05/2023

These data were generated during a USGS Rapid Response for brown treesnakes (Boiga irregularis) on Cocos Island Guam (Islan Dåno’, Guåhan in CHamoru). They represent data collected during nocturnal visual surveys for brown treesnakes and data associated with captured snakes, effort during visual surveys as time and distance, as well as lizards, birds, and bats encountered during transect surveys.

Coastwide Reference Monitoring System (CRMS) 2005, 2008, 2012, 2015/2016, 2018, and 2021 land-water matrices, Central Louisiana

Wetland restoration efforts conducted by the Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act (CWPPRA) in Louisiana rely on monitoring to determine the efficacy of these projects. The Coastwide Reference Monitoring System (CRMS) was developed to assist in a multiple-reference approach that uses aspects of hydrogeomorphic functional assessments and probabilistic sampling for monitoring. Th
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