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Data Releases

The data collected and the techniques used by USGS scientists should conform to or reference national and international standards and protocols if they exist and when they are relevant and appropriate. For datasets of a given type, and if national or international metadata standards exist, the data are indexed with metadata that facilitates access and integration.

Filter Total Items: 13086

09471580 - San Pedro River at St David, AZ - 2020/10/14 Terrestrial Lidar Data

This is a terrestrial LiDAR laser scanner dataset collected on October 14, 2020, in response to a flow event that occurred on September 8, 2020, at the USGS streamgage 09471580 - San Pedro River at St David, AZ. The reach scanned for this study is located at the bridge where State Route 80 crosses the waterway. A Leica MS-60 Multistation was used for the laser scanner data collection. Multiple sca

Population genetic data for wild Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) from the Midwestern United States and selected domestic strains

This dataset includes microsatellite genotypes for 8,454 brook trout from 188 wild Midwestern populations and 26 hatchery strains of both Midwest and eastern (Atlantic seaboard) origin. Each individual was genotyped at either 5 or 7 loci.

2019 Illinois Waterway Aerial Image Mosaics

The Corps of Engineers' Rock Island District is planning an unprecedented closure of the Illinois Waterway in 2020 in order to perform required maintenance on locks. Aerial imagery will document river conditions prior to the closure (2019) and after the locks are reopened (2021). Under a separate but related effort, aerial imagery of the entire Illinois Waterway will be collected in 2020 as part o

Digital surfaces and site data of well-screen top and bottom altitudes defining the irrigation production zone of the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer within the Mississippi Alluvial Plain project region

Site data contained in the ScrIntrvls_AllSrcRefs_AllWellsRev.csv dataset define the top and bottom altitudes of well screens in 64,763 irrigation wells completed in the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer (MRVA) that constitute a production zone in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain (MAP) extending across the midwestern and southern United States from Illinois to Louisiana. Each well entry conta

Hawaii Volcanoes National Park plant community and fire severity data, 2018-2020

This data release includes metadata and tabular data that document Acacia koa density, basal area, and grass cover before and after the 2018 Keauhou Ranch Fire in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Specifically, we asked three questions: 1) At what level of precision can pre-fire grass cover be accurately estimated from oblique aerial photos? 2) How are post-fire Acacia koa regeneration densities aff

Nakula, Maui environmental controls on plant growth and seedling recruitment in a cloud-affected restoration site, 2016-2019

Fog has been demonstrated to support plant growth, survival and ecosystem maintenance spanning rainfall and elevation gradients across the world. Persistent fog and strong winds on high mountain slopes in Hawai'i create a unique ecological environment. We collected stem diameter measurements of three native plant species at Nakula Natural Area Reserve, Maui, during 2016-2019 and numerous environme

Tracking data for Spectacled Eiders (Somateria fischeri)

This metadata document describes the data contained in the "processedData" folder of this data package. This data package contains all data collected by the Argos System from 217 satellite transmitters attached to Spectacled Eiders on their breeding range in arctic and western Alaska and northeastern Russia, 1993-2011. The raw data were processed to accomplish two goals: flag implausible location

Landsat 8 Collection 2 cloud truth mask validation set

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center in Sioux Falls, SD developed a cloud validation dataset from 48 unique Landsat 8 Collection 2 images. These images were selected at random from the Landsat 8 archive from various locations around the world. While these validation images were subjectively designed by a single analyst, they provide useful informa

Data acquired in laboratory experiments conducted with the crustacean Daphnia magna to characterize Ag bioaccumulation kinetics after exposures to AgNO3 or Ag nanoparticles, 2019-2020

Silver nanoparticles (AgNP) are one type of contaminant that can enter treatment wetlands (Wiesner 2006) and impact the overall treatment efficacy. Grazing by filter feeding zooplankton, such as Daphnia magna, is critical to treatment wetland functioning (Ismail 2019), but the effects of AgNP on zooplankton are not fully understood, especially at environmentally relevant concentrations. In this st

Flooding extent polygons for modelled wave-driven water levels in Florida with and without projected coral reef degradation

This data release presents projected flooding extent polygon (flood masks) shapefiles based on wave-driven total water levels for the State Florida (the Florida Peninsula and the Florida Keys). There are 12 associated flood mask shapefiles: one for each of four nearshore wave energy return periods (rp; 10-, 50-, 100-, and 500-years), the current scenario (base) and each of the degradation scenario

Projected flooding extents and depths based on 10-, 50-, 100-, and 500-year wave-energy return periods for the State of Florida and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico before and after Hurricanes Irma and Maria due to the storms' damage to the coral reefs

This data release provides flooding extent polygons based on wave-driven total water levels for the coral lined coast of Florida and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. The wave and sea-level conditions were then propagated using the XBeach over 100-m spaced shore-normal transects modified to account for base and post-storm scenarios. In situ observations following hurricanes Irma and Maria were used

Projected flooding extents and depths based on 10-, 50-, 100-, and 500-year wave-energy return periods for the State of Florida, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the Territory of the U.S. Virgin Islands for current and potentially restored coral reefs

This data release provides flooding extent polygons based on wave-driven total water levels for the coral lined coasts of Florida, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The locations of the restoration lines along and across shore were defined by the presence of continuous coral/hardbottom habitat of greater than 100 m alongshore length and proximity to the 3-m depth contour. The wave and sea
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