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Data Releases

The data collected and the techniques used by USGS scientists should conform to or reference national and international standards and protocols if they exist and when they are relevant and appropriate. For datasets of a given type, and if national or international metadata standards exist, the data are indexed with metadata that facilitates access and integration.

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Input data, model output, and R scripts for a machine learning streamflow model on the Wyoming Range, Wyoming, 2012-17

A machine learning streamflow (MLFLOW) model was developed in R (model is in the Rscripts folder) for modeling monthly streamflow from 2012 to 2017 in three watersheds on the Wyoming Range in the upper Green River basin. Geospatial information for 125 site features (vector data are in the Sites.shp file) and discrete streamflow observation data and environmental predictor data were used in fitting

Experimental coral-growth and physiological data and time-series imagery for Porites astreoides in the Florida Keys, U.S.A.

The USGS Coral Reef Ecosystems Studies project provides science that helps resource managers tasked with the stewardship of coral reef resources. This data release contains data on coral-growth rates and time-series photographs taken of colonies of the mustard hill coral, Porites astreoides, grown at four sites on the Florida Keys reef tract from spring 2015 to spring 2017. The data will be used t

Local Radiocarbon Reservoir Age (Delta-R) Variability from the Nearshore and Open-Ocean Environments of the Florida Keys Reef Tract During the Holocene and Associated U-Series and Radiocarbon Data

Holocene-aged corals from reef cores collected throughout the Florida Keys reef tract (FKRT; Fig. 1) were dated using a combination of U-series and radiocarbon techniques to quantify the millennial-scale variability in the local radiocarbon reservoir age (delta-R) of the shallow water environments of south Florida. delta-R provides a measure of the deviation of local radiocarbon concentrations of

Data from Theodolite Measurements of Creep Rates on San Francisco Bay Region Faults, California (ver. 2.2, July 2023)

The data comprise an archive of repeated surveyed measurements to monitor surface fault creep (a form of gradual tectonic movement) occurring along active faults in the San Francisco Bay region for use by the scientific research community. Additional description of these data and the methods used to collect them is provided at: The primary data are angle measur

Mount Baker and Mount Adams Airborne Magnetic and Electromagnetic Survey Data, August 2002, Washington, USA

Hydrothermally altered rocks, particularly if water saturated, can weaken stratovolcanoes, thereby increasing the potential for catastrophic sector collapses that can lead to far-traveled, destructive debris flows, which are the largest volcanic hazards for Mount Adams and Mount Baker. Evaluating the hazards associated with such alteration is difficult because much of the alteration is obscured by

Soil-physical and soil-hydraulic properties as a function of burn severity for 2013, 2015, and 2017 in the area affected by the 2013 Black Forest Fire, Colorado USA

Wildfire can impact soil-physical and soil-hydraulic properties, with major implications for hydrologic and ecologic response. The durations of these soil impacts are poorly characterized for some forested environments. This dataset sheds light on the first four years of recovery of soil-physical properties of bulk density, loss on ignition (measure of soil organic matter), and soil particle size

Aircraft-Borne Thermal Imagery and Derived Terrain Analysis Layers, Pisgah Lava Field, California

This dataset is one of many used in the development of the manuscript 'Advancing Cave Detection using Terrain Analysis Techniques and Thermal Imagery' by Wynne et al. 2021. Manuscript Abstract: Since the initial experiments nearly 50 years ago, techniques for detecting caves using airborne and spacecraft acquired thermal imagery have improved markedly. These advances are largely due to a combinati

Cross-sectionally averaged flow metrics from ADCP measurements of the Missouri River downstream of Wolf Point, MT during 2018-2019

This dataset contains cross-sectionally averaged flow metrics from measurements made with acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCP) on the Missouri River near Wolf Point, MT during 2018 and 2019. Each data point represents a single-pass measurement with a boat-mounted ADCP driven from bank-to-bank along lateral transects spaced ~15 meters apart along a 33 kilometer reach. The measurements were col

Land cover, discharge, terrestrial litterfall, organic matter, and nutrient concentrations of headwater streams in Mato Grosso, Brazil

These data were collected as part of a study headwater streams of the lowland Brazilian Amazon to assess the effects of land use change on organic matter dynamics (OM), ecosystem metabolism, and nutrient concentrations and uptake (nitrate and phosphate) in 11 first order streams draining forested (n=4) or cropland (n=7) water-sheds with intact riparian forests. Data included here are from 10 strea

Orthoimagery, digital elevation, digital terrain, final surface, and vegetation classification models for four stream catchments in western Colorado 2016

Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) flights were conducted over four stream catchments in Rio Blanco County, Colorado, during the summer of 2016. Two sties had active oil and gas operations within the basin whereas the other two sites did not. Structure from motion (SfM) was used to align raw images and create a dense point cloud, georectified orthoimage, and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for each basin.

Eutrophication models to simulate changes in the water quality of Green Lake, Wisconsin in response to changes in phosphorus loading, with supporting water-quality data for the lake, its tributaries, and atmospheric deposition

In this data release, we provide data to describe the water quality in Green Lake, Wisconsin, from 1905 to 2020, primarily the constituents for which it is impaired, including near-surface total phosphorus concentrations and metalimnetic dissolved oxygen concentrations, and quantify the water and phosphorus inputs to the lake. We also provide inputs to and outputs from the General Lake Model coupl

Haleakala National Park bird survey data 1993-2008

Eight-minute point-transect distance bird surveys were collected in and around Haleakala National Park from 1993-2008. This dataset contains the location, species, and distance to detected birds, as well as identifying initials to distinguish among observers.
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