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Data Releases

The data collected and the techniques used by USGS scientists should conform to or reference national and international standards and protocols if they exist and when they are relevant and appropriate. For datasets of a given type, and if national or international metadata standards exist, the data are indexed with metadata that facilitates access and integration.

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Shasta Salamanders Surveys for the Shasta-Trinity National Forest (ver. 2.0, July 2020)

The Shasta salamander (Hydromantes shastae) has been petitioned for listing under the Endangered Species Act. The greatest threat to the species is likely habitat loss that will be caused by the increase in elevation of Shasta Lake that will occur with proposed increases in the height of Shasta Dam to increase water storage capacity and maintain cold water for Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawyts

Short Term Vegetation Response Study at Watershed Restoration Structures in Southeastern Arizona, 2015 - 2019

This dataset contains vegetation data collected at a variety of watershed restoration sites across southeastern Arizona over 5 years. The semiarid habitats in the Madrean Archipelago Ecoregion, which extends from southern Arizona into northern Mexico, are facing many challenges from climate change to land use change which threaten the ecological and cultural values of the region. Watershed restora

Mercury Concentrations in Western Gulls along the West Coast, USA, 2015-2017

We investigated whether foraging habitat, sex, or fidelity to a foraging area effected blood mercury concentrations in western gulls (Larus occidentalis) from three colonies on the west coast of the United States. Dataset includes total mercury concentrations in western gulls from three colony locations and associated foraging habitat of individual gulls. These data support the following public

Tracking Data for Whimbrels (Numenius phaeopus)

This metadata document describes the data contained in the "processedData" folder of this data package. This data package contains all data collected by the Argos System from 32 satellite transmitters attached to Whimbrels on their breeding range in arctic and western Alaska, 2006-2010. The raw data were processed to accomplish two goals: flag implausible location estimates and decode raw sensor d

Data from pathology of Lagovirus europaeus GI.2/RHDV2/b (rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus 2) in native North American lagomorphs

Rabbit hemorrhagic disease, a notifiable foreign animal disease in the USA, was reported for the first time in wild native North American rabbits and hares in April 2020 in the southwestern USA. Affected species included the Desert Cottontail (Sylvilagus audubonii), Mountain Cottontail (S. nutallii), Black-tailed Jackrabbit (Lepus californicus), and Antelope Jackrabbit (L. alleni). Desert Cottonta

Early Estimates of Exotic Annual Grass (EAG) in the Sagebrush Biome, USA, May 2021, v1

This dataset provides early estimates of 2021 exotic annual grasses (EAG) fractional cover predicted on May 3rd. We develop and release EAG fractional cover map with an emphasis on cheatgrass (Bromus tectrorum) but it also includes number of other species, i.e., Bromus arvensis L., Bromus briziformis, Bromus catharticus Vahl, Bromus commutatus, Bromus diandrus, Bromus hordeaceus L., Bromus japonic

Water budget components for hydrologic regions and tribal lands: annual averages 1971-2000

Water budget components for 17 hydrologic regions of the United States which contain tribal lands and for the tribal lands within each of these regions. All values represent an average year based upon the years 1971-2000, and are the result of a combined analysis of national datasets.

Acoustic Parameters Collected in an Anechoic Chamber

Synthetic bat call parameters recorded in an anecolic chamber using full spectrum receivers. Data were then converted to zero-crossing format to measure parameters such as minimum, average and maximum frequency, number of echoes and number of correctly identified files

Salinity-temperature Interactions on Freshwater Fish Physiology (2015-2018)

This data release supports the manuscript entitled "Warmer temperatures interact with salinity to weaken physiological facilitation to stress in freshwater fishes", and includes one data set with values representing the physiological responses of freshwater fishes to salinity and temperature gradients in field surveys from the Wyoming Range (2015 to 2017) and laboratory experiments (2017-2018).

Insect Emergence from Arctic Coastal Plain Thaw Ponds, 2012-2013

This dataset provides information on the identity and number of insects that emerged from thaw pond basins on the central Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska, during the summer growing season in 2012 and 2013. Collections were made using passive floating emergence traps in pond centers and margins from four types of ponds: low centered polygons, troughs, small coalescent, and large coalescent. A single t

Geologic Inputs for the 2023 Alaska Update to the U.S. National Seismic Hazard Model (NSHM)

This data release is composed of three crustal (as opposed to subduction zone) geologic input datasets for the 2023 Alaska update to the U.S. National Seismic Hazard Model (NSHM): 1) fault section vector line data, 2) fault zone vector polygon data, and 3) accompanying earthquake geology attributes.

Alaska Fault Trace Mapping, 2021

This dataset provides a detailed (1:10,000) digital map of fault and fold traces in Alaska, USA based on features identified in the freely available ArcticDEM 3.0. The fault traces represented in this dataset either revise the location and accuracy of known active faults or folds archived in the USGS Quaternary Fault and Fold Database, or represent the surface traces of active structures not previ
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