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Data Releases

The data collected and the techniques used by USGS scientists should conform to or reference national and international standards and protocols if they exist and when they are relevant and appropriate. For datasets of a given type, and if national or international metadata standards exist, the data are indexed with metadata that facilitates access and integration.

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Location data for whooping cranes of the Aransas-Wood Buffalo Population, 2009-2018

Location and associated data came from whooping cranes from the Aransas-Wood Buffalo Population, 2009-2018. We marked a sample of 68 whooping cranes with leg-mounted transmitters that acquired locations via the global positioning system (GPS) network and transmitted those data through the Argos satellite system. Cranes were captured either at their natal areas in and adjacent to Wood Buffalo Natio

Data for generating statistical maps of soil lithium concentrations in the conterminous United States

The product data are six statistics that were estimated for the chemical concentration of lithium in the soil C horizon of the conterminous United States. The estimates are made at 9998 locations that are uniformly distributed across the conterminous United States. The six statistics are the mean for the isometric log-ratio transform of the concentrations, the equivalent mean for the concentration

Input forms for 2019 water and proppant assessment of the Eagle Ford Group, Gulf Coast, Texas

The input form provides a record of the complete input values required for the quantitative assessment of water and proppant associated with oil and gas production for the continuous oil and gas resource in a geologically defined Assessment Unit. The same input form template is used for all such assessments. Each USGS water and proppant assessment builds from a USGS petroleum assessment that provi

Metabarcoding of Feces of Pacific Walruses and Autosomal DNA Sequence Data of Marine Invertebrates, 2012-2015, Alaska

This data set describes nucleotide sequence data derived from 18S ribosomal DNA amplified in two fragments. A total of 87 feces from Pacific walrus and 57 marine invertebrates were examined for this study. Samples were collected from the Bering Sea and Chukchi Sea, Alaska. Samples used in the study originated from feces or muscle samples collected in the field from ice floes or benthic van Veen gr

Principal facts of gravity data collected in and around the eastern Adirondack highlands, northern New York

Gravity data were collected in 2016 and 2017 to assist in mapping subsurface geology in and around the eastern Adirondack highlands, northern New York, which host numerous iron-oxide apatite deposits. Many of these deposits contain rare-earth elements, which are considered a critical mineral resource. This data release provides principal facts for 189 new gravity stations that were acquired to fil

Airborne Magnetic Surveys over Oklahoma, 2017

Airborne magnetic surveys were conducted in Oklahoma from August 11th, 2017-October 28th, 2017, by Goldak Airborne Surveys. Here we present downloadable flight line data from those surveys in comma-separated values (csv format). Three areas were flown along a draped surface with a nominal survey height above ground of 120 meters. The flight line spacing for these areas was 200 to 400 m for Area 12

Scientific observations of fishes in tidal wetlands of the upper Sacramento San Joaquin Delta using imaging sonar devices, derived from 2018 field data

Major tidal wetland habitat restoration efforts are planned to benefit Delta Smelt and other imperiled species in the Sacramento-San-Joaquin Delta. However, successful implementation of habitat restoration is constrained by a paucity of information on the services and functions tidal wetlands provide for fishes. This knowledge gap is largely due to the difficulties of collecting ecological data in

Twelve-digit hydrologic unit actual evapotranspiration and snowpack water equivalent storage from the National Hydrologic Model Infrastructure with the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System 1980-2016

This dataset is part of the National Water Census Water Budget Estimation and Evaluation Project's ongoing development of best estimates of daily historical water budgets for over 100,000 hydrologic units across the United States. In this release, estimates of actual evapotranspiration and snowpack water equivalent storage are added to the already released estimates of soil moisture, recharge, str

Data release for: Does the quality and quantity of honey bee-collected pollen vary across an agricultural land-use gradient?

This dataset includes pollen sample weight in grams and percent crude protein collected by honey bees (Apis mellifera) across 38 apiaries in Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota approximately weekly from June through September in 2015 and 2016. Additionally it includes the hectares of different land covers (corn, Zea mays, & soybeans, Glycine max, grasslands, bee forage crops, and wetlands) l

U-Pb Isotopic Data and Ages of Zircon and Titanite from Rocks from the Western Alaska Range, Northern Aleutian Range, Taylor Mountains, and Tikchik Mountains Regions, Alaska

This data set contains U-Pb isotopic data and ages of zircon and titanite from igneous and metamorphic rocks collected from the western Alaska and northern Aleutian Range of south-central Alaska. The data sets also contain U-Pb isotopic data and ages of detrital zircon from sedimentary and metasedimentary rocks collected in the same region but also from the Taylor and Wood River Mountains of south

Airborne electromagnetic and magnetic survey data, Iliamna Volcano, Alaska, June 2012

Airborne electromagnetic (AEM) and magnetic survey data were collected during June 2012 along 556 line-kilometers over Iliamna Volcano, Alaska. These data were collected in support of alteration and volcano flank instability mapping as part of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Volcano Hazards Program. Data were acquired by SkyTEM Survey ApS SkyTEM304 system with the Soloy Helicopters Eurocopter As

Coral reef profiles for wave-runup prediction

This data release includes representative cluster profiles (RCPs) from a large (>24,000) selection of coral reef topobathymetric cross-shore profiles (Scott and others, 2020). We used statistics, machine learning, and numerical modelling to develop the set of RCPs, which can be used to accurately represent the shoreline hydrodynamics of a large variety of coral reef-lined coasts around the globe.
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