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Data Releases

The data collected and the techniques used by USGS scientists should conform to or reference national and international standards and protocols if they exist and when they are relevant and appropriate. For datasets of a given type, and if national or international metadata standards exist, the data are indexed with metadata that facilitates access and integration.

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Failed Brown Treesnake bait cartridges from an aerially application in Guam, 2018

The dataset contains 6 columns of data collected during line transect surveys (Line) that evaluated bait cartridge efficacy for Brown Treesnake control on Guam. Two-person teams recorded all bait cartridges observed while walking the center line of transects in the Habitat Management Unit (HMU). Perpendicular distance (DIST (m)) to cartridges from center line was measured to the nearest 0.005 mete

Tops file for the Niobrara interval of the Upper Cretaceous Cody Shale and associated strata in the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming

The Bighorn Basin is a large Laramide structural and sedimentary basin that encompasses about 10,400 square miles in north-central Wyoming and south-central Montana (fig. 1). The basin is bounded on the northeast by the Pryor uplift, on the east by the Bighorn uplift and on the south by the Owl Creek uplift. The northern margin is formed by a zone of faulting and folding referred to as the Nye-Bow

Data on interannual seed set variation, weather, and reproductive traits for global plants

Data were collected on seed production dynamics of long-lived plants, reproductive plant traits of those plant species, and weather variability for sites where those species live. Data include the coefficient of variation in seed production over time, the variation (coefficient of variation or standard deviation) in weather over years, and reproductive traits such as pollination mode and seed disp

FLOwPER Database: StreamFLOw PERmanence field observations, August 2019 - October 2019

IMPORTANT NOTE: More recent versions of these data release are available at this link. This dataset includes spatial locations where streamflow permanence observations (continuous flow, discontinuous flow, and dry) were recorded using the FLOwPER (FLOw PERmanence) field survey available in the Survey 123 and S1 mobile application. Additional information to describe the field conditions are includ

Tables of electron probe microanalyses from the Copperwood sediment-hosted stratiform copper deposit, Michigan, USA

This data release provides electron microprobe analyses of ore minerals from the Copperwood sediment-hosted stratiform copper deposit in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The minerals include bornite, chalcocite, native copper, native silver, and pyrite. Minerals were analyzed for Ag, As, Co, Cu, Fe, Hg, Ni, Pb, S, Sb, and Zn. Results with acceptable totals that lie between 98.5 and 101.5% show tha

Plague causes fragmentation of prairie dog colonies in Conata Basin, South Dakota from 1993 - 2015

This data was used to investigate the invasion of a non-native disease, plague, to a keystone species, prairie dogs, in Conata Basin, South Dakota, United States. We documented the resulting extent of fragmentation and habitat loss in western grasslands using colony boundaries mapped by the USFS every one to three years from 1993 - 2015. Specifically, we assessed how the arrival of plague in 2008,

Bed sediment properties in Little Holland Tract and Liberty Island, Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, 2014 to 2019 (ver. 3.0, April 2023)

Bed sediments were collected by the USGS Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) in two submerged agricultural tracts, Liberty Island and Little Holland Tract, in the northern Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California. Samples were analyzed for grain size distribution, bulk density, or both. Analyses were conducted using PCMSC sediment lab standard techniques (see Process Step in metadata

Argon data for Klamath Mountains

This dataset accompanies planned publication '40Ar/39Ar geochronology of hydrothermal activity related to orogenic gold mineralization in the Klamath Mountains, California, U.S.A.'. The Ar/Ar data are for samples that record the mineralization of the area. The geochronology provides time constraints for the mineralization studied in the manuscript. Samples were collected from the Klamath Mountains

Laboratory quality-control data associated with samples analyzed for microbiological constituents at the USGS Ohio Water Microbiology Laboratory

This dataset contains data tables of laboratory quality-control data associated with environmental samples analyzed for microbiological constituents at the Ohio Water Microbiology Laboratory of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). The environmental samples were collected across the United States by USGS National Projects and projects in Water Science Centers. These quality-control data can be used t

Multichannel minisparker seismic-reflection and chip sub bottom data collected in the Santa Barbara Channel in July of 2018

High-resolution multichannel minisparker seismic-reflection and chirp sub-bottom data were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in July of 2018 between Point Conception and Coal Oil Point in the Santa Barbara Channel, California. Data were collected aboard the USGS R/V Parke Snavely during field activity 2018-645-FA. Data were acquired to support the USGS geologic hazards projects to aide hazar

Assessing Nest Attentiveness of Common Terns (Sterna hirundo) via Video Cameras and Temperature Loggers

While nest attentiveness plays a critical role in the reproductive success of avian species, little is known regarding the nest attentiveness patterns of many species during incubation. However, improvements in both video monitoring and temperature logging devices present an opportunity to improve our understanding of this aspect of avian behavior. To evaluate the ability of these technologies to

Geomorphic data for the Green River in Canyonlands, Utah, USA (ver. 1.0, June 2020)

These data consist of rectified aerial photographs, measurements of active channel width, measurements of river and floodplain bathymetry and topography, and ancillary data. These data are specific to the corridor of the Green River in Canyonlands National Park between Horseshoe Canyon and Deadhorse Canyon, Utah. The time period for these data are 1940 to 2018. The 'Channel Width' shapefile data a
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