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Map Releases

Our programs produce accurate geologic maps and 3-D geologic frameworks that provide critical data for sustaining and improving the quality of life and economic vitality of the Nation. 

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Seismicity of the Earth 1900–2018

This map illustrates 119 years of global seismicity in the context of global plate tectonics and the Earth’s physiography. Primarily designed for use by earth scientists, engineers, and educators, this map provides a comprehensive overview of strong (magnitude [M] 5.5 and larger) earthquakes since 1900. The map clearly identifies the locations of the “great” earthquakes (M 8.0 and larger) and the

High-resolution airborne geophysical survey of the Shellmound, Mississippi area

In late February to early March 2018, the U.S. Geological Survey acquired 2,364 line-kilometers (km) of airborne electromagnetic, magnetic, and radiometric data in the Shellmound, Mississippi study area. The purpose of this survey is to contribute high-resolution information about subsurface geologic structure to inform groundwater models, water resource infrastructure studies, and local decision

Geologic map of the Patrick quadrangle, Chesterfield County, South Carolina

The Patrick 7.5 minute quadrangle, located in Chesterfield County, South Carolina, lies entirely within the upper Atlantic Coastal Plain province. Directly to the southeast in the Dovesville quadrangle, the Pliocene Orangeburg Scarp marks the western edge of marine terraces that characterize the upper limit of the middle Atlantic Coastal Plain. The geologic mapping for this quadrangle was done fro

Bathymetric map and surface area and capacity table for Beaver Lake near Rogers, Arkansas, 2018

Beaver Lake was constructed in 1966 on the White River in the northwest corner of Arkansas for flood control, hydroelectric power, public water supply, and recreation. The surface area of Beaver Lake is about 27,900 acres and approximately 449 miles of shoreline are at the conservation pool level (1,120 feet above the North American Vertical Datum of 1988). Sedimentation in reservoirs can result i

Sedimentation survey of Lago Guayabal, Villalba, Puerto Rico, December 2017

The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority, conducted a sedimentation survey of Lago Guayabal in 2017 to determine reservoir infill sedimentation rates, generate a bathymetric map of the bottom elevations of the reservoir, and create a stage-volume relation. The original (1913) capacity of Lago Guayabal was 11.82 million cubic meters, and efforts to in

Geologic map of the Blythe 7.5' quadrangle, La Paz County, Arizona and Riverside County, California

The geologic map of the Blythe 7.5' quadrangle spans about 60 percent of the width of the Holocene floodplain and valley floor of the lower Colorado River and the adjacent lower piedmont on the east side of the Colorado River Valley. This map depicts a composite geologic record of the river’s response to the transition from a natural flow regime to a strictly regulated one created by a series of u

Potentiometric surface of groundwater-level altitudes near the planned Highway 270 bypass, east of Hot Springs, Arkansas, July–August 2017

The Ouachita Mountains aquifer system potentiometric-surface map is one component of the Hot Springs Bypass Groundwater Monitoring Project. The potentiometric-surface map provides a baseline assessment of shallow groundwater levels and flow directions before the construction of the Arkansas Department of Transportation planned extension of the Highway 270 bypass, east of Hot Springs, Arkansas. The

Geologic map of the Ferncliff and Louisa quadrangles, Louisa, Fluvanna, and Goochland Counties, Virginia

The area encompassed by the geologic map of the Ferncliff and Louisa, Va., 7.5-minute quadrangles includes the hypothetical surface projection of the Quail fault, which is the subsurface fault that was responsible for the 2011 magnitude 5.8 (M5.8) Mineral, Va., earthquake. The mapping shows that the Quail fault appears to have reactivated the Harris Creek fault, a Paleozoic fault that has been map

Three-dimensional geologic map of the southern Carson Sink, Nevada, including the Fallon FORGE area

The three-dimensional (3–D) geologic map characterizes the subsurface in the southern Carson Sink region. We created the 3–D map by integrating the results from seismic-reflection, potential-field-geophysical, and lithologic well-logging inves­tigations completed in and around the Fallon FORGE site as part of the U.S. Department of Energy Frontier Observatory for Research in Geothermal Energy (FOR

Historical land use and land cover for assessing the northern Colorado Front Range urban landscape

We describe historical land-use and land-cover (LULC) maps for the northern Colorado urban Front Range. The Front Range urban landscape is diverse and interspersed with highly productive agriculture as well as natural land cover types including evergreen forest in the Rocky Mountain foothills and Great Plains grassland. To understand the dynamics of urban growth, raster maps were created at a 1 me

Map of the approximate inland extent of saltwater at the base of the Biscayne aquifer in Miami-Dade County, Florida, 2018

The inland extent of saltwater at the base of the Biscayne aquifer in eastern Miami-Dade County, Florida, was mapped in 2011, and it was mapped in the Model Land Area in 2016. The saltwater interface has continued to move inland in some areas and is now near several active well fields. An updated approximation of the inland extent of saltwater has been created by using data collected during March

Geologic cross section A–A′ through the Appalachian basin from the southern margin of the Ontario Lowlands province, Genesee County, western New York, to the Valley and Ridge province, Lycoming County, north-central Pennsylvania

IntroductionGeologic cross section A–A′  is the fifth in a series of cross sections constructed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to document and improve understand­ing of the geologic framework and petroleum systems of the Appalachian basin. Cross section A–A′ provides a regional view of the structural and stratigraphic frame­work of the Appalachian basin from the southern mar­gin of the Ontar
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