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Explore our planet through photography and imagery, including climate change and water all the way back to the 1800s when the USGS was surveying the country by horse and buggy.

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Rainbow on the Taku River
Rainbow on the Taku River
Rainbow on the Taku River
Rainbow on the Taku River

Heading upriver in the USGS boat.

Heading upriver in the USGS boat.

image related to volcanoes. See description
There were small active ooze outs near the coast on the Kapoho Bay and Ahalanui
There were small active ooze outs near the coast on the Kapoho Bay and Ahalanui
There were small active ooze outs near the coast on the Kapoho Bay and Ahalanui

There were small active ooze outs near the coast on the Kapoho Bay and Ahalanui lobes but the laze plume was greatly diminished. Active lava is close to the Pohoiki boat ramp but has not advanced significantly toward it.

There were small active ooze outs near the coast on the Kapoho Bay and Ahalanui lobes but the laze plume was greatly diminished. Active lava is close to the Pohoiki boat ramp but has not advanced significantly toward it.

man and woman near red USGS truck under blue canopy using groundwater sampling equipment
Groundwater Sampling in Nassau County, Long Island, New York
Groundwater Sampling in Nassau County, Long Island, New York
Groundwater Sampling in Nassau County, Long Island, New York

Groundwater Sampling in Nassau County, Long Island, New York

Trends in total fresh and saline water withdrawals, 1950-2015
Trends in total fresh and saline water withdrawals, 1950-2015
Trends in total fresh and saline water withdrawals, 1950-2015
Trends in total fresh and saline water withdrawals, 1950-2015

As the chart shows, the use of saline water, and freshwater, also, has been trending downward since peaking in 1980. Of interest, from 1950 to 1975 the use of saline water increased at a much higher rate than freshwater use.

As the chart shows, the use of saline water, and freshwater, also, has been trending downward since peaking in 1980. Of interest, from 1950 to 1975 the use of saline water increased at a much higher rate than freshwater use.

Western bumble bee
Western Bumble Bee
Western Bumble Bee
Western Bumble Bee

Many bumble bee species have declined in recent decades due to changes in habitat, climate, and pressures from pathogens, pesticides and introduced species. The western bumble bee, once common throughout western North America, is a species of concern and is being considered for listing by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service under the Endangered Species Act.

Many bumble bee species have declined in recent decades due to changes in habitat, climate, and pressures from pathogens, pesticides and introduced species. The western bumble bee, once common throughout western North America, is a species of concern and is being considered for listing by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service under the Endangered Species Act.

image related to volcanoes. See description
A diffuse laze plume this morning afforded a clear view of Isaac Hale Beach Park
A diffuse laze plume this morning afforded a clear view of Isaac Hale Beach Park
A diffuse laze plume this morning afforded a clear view of Isaac Hale Beach Park

A diffuse laze plume this morning afforded a clear view of Isaac Hale Beach Park and the ocean entry, which was being fed across a broad front by viscous pāhoehoe. Lava flows in this area have thus far spared the Pohoiki boat ramp, visible at left.

A diffuse laze plume this morning afforded a clear view of Isaac Hale Beach Park and the ocean entry, which was being fed across a broad front by viscous pāhoehoe. Lava flows in this area have thus far spared the Pohoiki boat ramp, visible at left.

image related to volcanoes. See description
Aerial view of an open channel west of Kapoho Crater. According to geologists fl
Aerial view of an open channel west of Kapoho Crater. According to geologists fl
Aerial view of an open channel west of Kapoho Crater. According to geologists fl

Aerial view of an open channel west of Kapoho Crater. According to geologists flying over the area, the flow appeared be the result of draining from the upslope channel; no discernible movement was observed.

Aerial view of an open channel west of Kapoho Crater. According to geologists flying over the area, the flow appeared be the result of draining from the upslope channel; no discernible movement was observed.

Fresh and saline water withdrawals and saline water withdrawals by category of use, 2015
Fresh and saline water withdrawals, 2015
Fresh and saline water withdrawals, 2015
Fresh and saline water withdrawals, 2015

Two pie charts, showing total water withdrawals (fresh and saline), and saline water withdrawals, for certain categories of water use, for year 2015.

Two pie charts, showing total water withdrawals (fresh and saline), and saline water withdrawals, for certain categories of water use, for year 2015.

U.S. Federal Mapping Coordination website
U.S. Federal Mapping Coordination (Seasketch) website
U.S. Federal Mapping Coordination (Seasketch) website
U.S. Federal Mapping Coordination (Seasketch) website

U.S. Federal Mapping Coordination site, managed by NOAA on the Seasketch platform. The site is used for federal agencies and their partners to collaborate on mapping data acquisition. 

U.S. Federal Mapping Coordination site, managed by NOAA on the Seasketch platform. The site is used for federal agencies and their partners to collaborate on mapping data acquisition. 

Scientists deploy a mid-water trawl to collect forage fish and zooplankton in Cook Inlet, Alaska
Scientists deploy a mid-water trawl
Scientists deploy a mid-water trawl
Scientists deploy a mid-water trawl

USGS scientists Mayumi Arimitsu and John Piatt deploy a mid-water trawl to collect forage fish and zooplankton in Cook Inlet, Alaska.

USGS scientists Mayumi Arimitsu and John Piatt deploy a mid-water trawl to collect forage fish and zooplankton in Cook Inlet, Alaska.

scientists process the catch from a mid-water trawl to collect forage fish and zooplankton in Cook Inlet, Alaska
Scientists process catch from a mid-water trawl
Scientists process catch from a mid-water trawl
Scientists process catch from a mid-water trawl

USGS scientists John Piatt and Mayumi Arimitsu process the catch from a mid-water trawl to collect forage fish and zooplankton in Cook Inlet, Alaska.

USGS scientists John Piatt and Mayumi Arimitsu process the catch from a mid-water trawl to collect forage fish and zooplankton in Cook Inlet, Alaska.

Color photograph of volcanic crater
The growing Halema‘uma‘u
The growing Halema‘uma‘u
The growing Halema‘uma‘u

View of growing Halema‘uma‘u from the southeast side of Kīlauea Crater.

View of growing Halema‘uma‘u from the southeast side of Kīlauea Crater.

image related to volcanoes. See description
Thermal map of fissure system and lava flows
Thermal map of fissure system and lava flows
Thermal map of fissure system and lava flows

This thermal map shows the fissure system and lava flows as of 12:30 pm on Friday, August 3. The fountain at Fissure 8 remains active, with the lava flow entering the ocean. The dominant ocean entry points were on the section of coastline near Ahalanui. The black and white area is the extent of the thermal map.

This thermal map shows the fissure system and lava flows as of 12:30 pm on Friday, August 3. The fountain at Fissure 8 remains active, with the lava flow entering the ocean. The dominant ocean entry points were on the section of coastline near Ahalanui. The black and white area is the extent of the thermal map.

image related to volcanoes. See description
Activity in Kīlauea Volcano's lower East Rift Zone
Activity in Kīlauea Volcano's lower East Rift Zone
Activity in Kīlauea Volcano's lower East Rift Zone

Hawaiian Volcano Observatory field crews take measurements and observations of the fissure 8 cone, in the Leilani Estates subdivision. Today, occasional bursts of spatter splashed over south rim of the cone, sending spatter down south flank of the cone almost to its base.

Hawaiian Volcano Observatory field crews take measurements and observations of the fissure 8 cone, in the Leilani Estates subdivision. Today, occasional bursts of spatter splashed over south rim of the cone, sending spatter down south flank of the cone almost to its base.

image related to volcanoes. See description
Ash is remobilized by wind at Kīlauea's summit
Ash is remobilized by wind at Kīlauea's summit
Ash is remobilized by wind at Kīlauea's summit

Early morning photo of Halema‘uma‘u, taken from the eastern rim. Inward slumping of the rim and walls of the crater continues. Ash from previous collapse events is remobilized by the wind, as pictured in the center left of the photo in the distance.

Early morning photo of Halema‘uma‘u, taken from the eastern rim. Inward slumping of the rim and walls of the crater continues. Ash from previous collapse events is remobilized by the wind, as pictured in the center left of the photo in the distance.

Female northern harrier
Adult Female Northern Harrier (Circus cyaneus)
Adult Female Northern Harrier (Circus cyaneus)
Adult Female Northern Harrier (Circus cyaneus)

An adult, female northern harrier (Circus cyaneus) flies overhead in Suisun Marsh, CA. Before habitat loss drove declines in the bird's populations, Suisun Marsh hosted the state's largest population of northern harriers.

An adult, female northern harrier (Circus cyaneus) flies overhead in Suisun Marsh, CA. Before habitat loss drove declines in the bird's populations, Suisun Marsh hosted the state's largest population of northern harriers.

adult male harrier
Adult Male Northern Harrier (Circus cyaneus)
Adult Male Northern Harrier (Circus cyaneus)
Adult Male Northern Harrier (Circus cyaneus)

An adult male Northern Harrier (Circus cyaneus) surveys Suisun Marsh, CA. Males are known for their beautiful, steel-gray plumage.

An adult male Northern Harrier (Circus cyaneus) surveys Suisun Marsh, CA. Males are known for their beautiful, steel-gray plumage.

image related to volcanoes. See description
Aerial view of Isaac Hale Beach Park. The westernmost ocean entry is overriding
Aerial view of Isaac Hale Beach Park. The westernmost ocean entry is overriding
Aerial view of Isaac Hale Beach Park. The westernmost ocean entry is overriding

Aerial view of Isaac Hale Beach Park. The westernmost ocean entry is overriding lava flows that entered the area last week.

Aerial view of Isaac Hale Beach Park. The westernmost ocean entry is overriding lava flows that entered the area last week.

Salt marsh harvest mouse
Endangered Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse (Reithrodontomys raviventris)
Endangered Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse (Reithrodontomys raviventris)
Endangered Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse (Reithrodontomys raviventris)

A Federally endangered salt marsh harvest mouse (Reithrodontomys raviventris) climbs a branch.

image related to volcanoes. See description
How long will Kīlauea Volcano's lower East Rift Zone eruption continue?
How long will Kīlauea Volcano's lower East Rift Zone eruption continue?
How long will Kīlauea Volcano's lower East Rift Zone eruption continue?

The fissure 8 vent (far distance, upper right) continues to feed an active lava channel on Kīlauea Volcano's lower East Rift Zone, shown here on July 26, 2018.

The fissure 8 vent (far distance, upper right) continues to feed an active lava channel on Kīlauea Volcano's lower East Rift Zone, shown here on July 26, 2018.

image related to volcanoes. See description
Kīlauea SUMMIT
Kīlauea SUMMIT
Kīlauea SUMMIT

An aerial view of Kīlauea Volcano's summit taken on August 1.

An aerial view of Kīlauea Volcano's summit taken on August 1.

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