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Book Chapters

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Geochemistry of saline lakes

No abstract available.
B.F. Jones, D.M. Deocampo

Simulated effects of hydroelectric project regulation on mortality of American eels

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Alexander Haro, Theodore R. Castro-Santos, Kevin Whalen, Gail S. Wippelhauser, Lia McLaughlin

Pleistocene tephrostratigraphy and paleogeography of southern Puget Sound near Olympia, Washington

Our detailed mapping in the south Puget Sound basin has identified two tephras that are tentatively correlated to tephras from Mount St. Helens and Mount Rainier dated ca. 100-200 ka and 200 ka, respectively. This, plus the observation that fluvial and lacustrine sediments immediately underlying the Vashon Drift of latest Wisconsin age are nearly everywhere radiocarbon infinite, suggests that glac
Timothy J. Walsh, Michael Polenz, Robert L. (Josh) Logan, Marvin A. Lanphere, Thomas W. Sisson

Arsenic in southeastern Michigan

Arsenic levels exceeding 10 μg/L are present in hundreds of private supply wells distributed over ten counties in eastern and southeastern Michigan. Most of these wells are completed in the Mississippian Marshall Sandstone, the principal bedrock aquifer in the region, or in Pleistocene glacial or Pennsylvanian bedrock aquifers. About 70% of ground water samples taken from more than 100 wells, have
Allan Kolker, Sheridan K. Haack, William F. Cannon, D.B. Westjohn, M.-J. Kim, Laurel G. Woodruff

When models meet managers: Examples from geomorphology

No abstract available.
Peter R. Wilcock, John C. Schmidt, M. Gordon Wolman, William E. Dietrich, DeWitt Dominick, Martin W. Doyle, Gordon E. Grant, Richard M. Iverson, David R. Montgomery, Thomas C. Pierson, Steven P. Schilling, Raymond C. Wilson

Prediction in geomorphology

No abstract available.
Peter R. Wilcock, Richard M. Iverson

Projecting the success of plant restoration with population viability analysis

Conserving viable populations of plant species requires that they have high probabilities of long-term persistence within natural habitats, such as a chance of extinction in 100 years of less than 5% (Menges 1991, 1998; Brown 1994; Pavlik 1994; Chap. 1, this Vol.). For endangered and threatened species that have been severely reduces in range and whose habitats have been fragmented, important spe
T.J. Bell, M.L. Bowles, A. K. McEachern

Gravity-driven mass flows

Gravity-driven mass flows, also known as sediment gravity flows, include a spectrum of phenomena in which more-or-less coherent mixtures of grains and intergranular fluid flow down slopes. At one end of this spectrum are dilute flows in which momentum is transferred mostly by fluid forces and sediment is largely a passive cargo that increases the effective fluid density. These dilute mass flows ar
Richard M. Iverson
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