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The Environmental Health Program (Contaminant Biology and Toxic Substances Hydrology) generates environmental contaminant and pathogen, toxicity, and effects data. All of which are provided to the public in our publications and data sets. 

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Cyanobacterial toxin effects on inflammatory response of human toll-like receptors (TLRs)

Various stressors including temperature, environmental chemicals and toxins can have profound impacts on immunity to pathogens. It is believed that increased eutrophication near rivers and lakes coupled with climate change are predicted to lead to increased algal blooms. Currently, the effects of cyanobacterial toxins on disease resistance in mammals is a largely unexplored area of...

Metabarcoding data from freshwater mussel eDNA collected in Clinch River, Virginia 2017

Data from metabarcoding assays to detect a suite of mussel species using mitochondrial DNA regions of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit (ND1) genes sequences.

Water Quality Data from Select Spring and Stream Sites and Water and Sediment Quality Data from the Colorado River and Major Tributaries in Grand Canyon, Northern Arizona (ver. 2.0, April 2024)

This USGS Data Release represents water and sediment quality data collected in the Grand Canyon region of northern Arizona. There are 4 separate datasets associated with this Data Release: Water quality data from major Colorado River tributary monitoring sites in and near Grand Canyon from 2015 through 2022. Sediment quality data from the Colorado River and major tributary monitoring...

Mucket eDNA detection in Wallen's Bend, Clinch river, Tennessee, September 2019

The data describe the technical performance of a designed qPCR assay for the detection of mucket (Actinonaias ligamentina) eDNA from field collected water samples. Parameters described include the sequences of the primers and probes used; the limit of detection and limit of quantification for the assay; a list of freshwater mussels species that were used to test specificity of the assay...

Hydrologic reconnaissance to identify areas of emergent groundwater, Mineral Creek, near Silverton, Colorado, June 2020

Hydrologic reconnaissance of Mineral Creek near Silverton, Colo., was conducted from June 25-27, 2020. Both banks of Mineral Creek and the adjacent hillsides were walked, starting near the ghost town of Chattanooga and proceeding downstream to the confluence of Mineral Creek with the Middle Fork of Mineral Creek. The purpose of this reconnaissance was to identify areas of emergent...

Mineralogical analyses of drill core samples from the Canyon uranium-copper deposit, a solution-collapse breccia pipe, Grand Canyon area, Coconino County, Arizona, USA

This data release compiles the X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy analyses of drill core samples collected by the U.S. Geological Survey that were selected to typify the uranium-copper ore bodies of the Canyon deposit. The deposit is hosted by a solution-collapse breccia pipe, in which mineralization exists from about 650 to 2,100 ft (200 to 640 m) below the surface (Mathisen and...

Chemical and biological exposure bioassay data from sediment collected within the Grand Calumet River, Indiana, USA

The Grand Calumet River (GCR), located in northern Indiana, is contaminated due to a wide range of historical industrial activities. Short-term and long-term sediment exposure bioassays with the amphipod Hyalella azteca, the midge Chironomus dilutus, and the mussel Lampsilis siliquoidea were conducted with samples collected in 2013, 2015, and 2017, from up to 26 sites, including both...

Burrowing behavior of freshwater mussels

Data include burrowing behavior of juvenile freshwater mussels (Lampsilis siliquoidea); Villosa constricta; Megalonaias nervosa; Villosa iris; Lampsilis powellii; and Anodonta oregonensis) in three types of sediment [a sand/silt/clay mixture (49 percent sand) with a total organic carbon (TOC) content of about 3 percent obtained from northeastern Minnesota, a predominantly fine sand (82...

Geochemical and mineralogical analyses of uranium ores from the Hack II and Pigeon deposits, solution-collapse breccia pipes, Grand Canyon region, Mohave and Coconino Counties, Arizona, USA

This data release compiles the whole-rock geochemistry, X-ray diffraction, and electron microscopy analyses of samples collected from the uranium ore bodies of two mined-out deposits in the Grand Canyon region of northwestern Arizona - the Hack II and Pigeon deposits. The samples are grab samples of ore collected underground at each mine by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) during the...

Temporal Viral Viability Data from Avian Influenza A Viruses Maintained in North American Wetlands Under Experimental and Environmental Conditions

Data sets containing: (1) sample collection and influenza A virus (IAV) screening information for wild ducks, (2) water temperature data for six North American wetlands, (3) water quality measurement from those wetlands, (4) laboratory-based study of viral viability using Minnesota wetland water, (5) naive mallards challenged experimentally with IAVs identified from the field experiment...

Microbial and chemical contaminant occurrence and concentration in groundwater and surface water proximal to large-scale poultry facilities and poultry litter, 2016

Chemical and biological results, quality assurance and quality control, and method information from groundwater, surface water, and litter samples, collected from nine locations in Iowa and one in Wisconsin in 2016. Thirteen groundwater, nine surface water, four poultry litter, and four QA/QC samples were collected. Samples were analyzed at U.S. Geological Survey laboratories; bacteria...

Vegetation cover and composition data in environments surrounding uranium mines in the Grand Canyon ecosystem, USA

This data package contains the final combined field sampling data collected by the USGS July 2013 and July-August 2015 at three active uranium mines (Canyon Rim Mine, Pinenut Mine, and Arizona 1 Mine) as well as two reference sites (Little Robinson Tank and EZ2 Pipe) in northwestern Arizona. Vegetation and soils were assessed by using line-point intersect (LPI) methods and estimates of...
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