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Water Resources Data, New Jersey, Water Year 2003 - Volume 2. Ground-Water Data

Water-resources data for the 2003 water year for New Jersey are presented in three volumes, and consists of records of stage, discharge, and water quality of streams: stage, contents, and water quality of lakes and reservoirs; and water levels and water quality of ground water. Volume 2 contains a summary of the hydrologic conditions for 2003 water year; a listing of current water resource project
Walter D. Jones

Chester County ground-water atlas, Chester County, Pennsylvania

Chester County encompasses 760 square miles in southeastern Pennsylvania. Groundwater-quality studies have been conducted in the county over several decades to address specific hydrologic issues. This report compiles and describes water-quality data collected during studies conducted mostly after 1990 and summarizes the data in a county-wide perspective.In this report, water-quality constituents a
Russell A. Ludlow, Connie A. Loper

Geohydrology of the French Creek Basin and simulated effects of drought and ground-water withdrawals, Chester County, Pennsylvania

This report describes the results of a study by the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Delaware River Basin Commission, to develop a regional ground-water-flow model of the French Creek Basin in Chester County, Pa. The model was used to assist water-resource managers by illustrating the interconnection between ground-water and surface-water systems. The 70.7-square mile French Creek B
Ronald A. Sloto

Zinc and lead poisoning in wild birds in the Tri-State Mining District (Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri)

contaminated with Pb, Cd, and Zn from mining, milling and smelting. Metals have been dispersed heterogeneously throughout the District in the form of milled mine waste ('chat'), as flotation tailings and from smelters as aerial deposition or slag. This study was conducted to determine if the habitat has been contaminated to the extent that the assessment populations of wild birds are exposed to to
W. N. Beyer, J. Dalgam, S. Dudding, J.B. French, R. Mateo, J. Miesner, L. Sileo, J. Spann

A hierarchical spatial model of avian abundance with application to Cerulean Warblers

Surveys collecting count data are the primary means by which abundance is indexed for birds. These counts are confounded, however, by nuisance effects including observer effects and spatial correlation between counts. Current methods poorly accommodate both observer and spatial effects because modeling these spatially autocorrelated counts within a hierarchical framework is not practical using sta
Wayne E. Thogmartin, John R. Sauer, Melinda G. Knutson

Bedrock geologic map of the Port Wing, Solon Springs, and parts of the Duluth and Sandstone 30' X 60' quadrangles, Wisconsin

This Open-File Report provides digital data (shapefiles and .e00 files) for the bedrock geology in the Port Wing, Solon Springs, and parts of the Duluth and Sandstone quadrangles in Wisconsin.  A Miscellaneous Investigations Series map (I map) is currently in review with analogous data in paper format.This map portrays the geology of part of the Midcontinent rift system (MRS) along the southern ex
S. W. Nicholson, W. F. Cannon, L. G. Woodruff, Connie Dicken

Water-quality and amphibian population data for Maryland, Washington, D.C., and Virginia, 2001-2004

Data on the chemical composition of water and on amphibian populations were collected at least annually from vernal pool and stream sites in Maryland, Washington, D.C., and Virginia, from 2001 through 2004. The data were collected as part of long-term monitoring projects of the Northeast Region of the Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative (ARMI) of the U.S. Geological Survey. Water samples
Karen C. Rice, Robin E. Jung

Stress interaction between subduction earthquakes and forearc strike-slip faults: Modeling and application to the northern Caribbean plate boundary

Strike-slip faults in the forearc region of a subduction zone often present significant seismic hazard because of their proximity to population centers. We explore the interaction between thrust events on the subduction interface and strike-slip faults within the forearc region using three-dimensional models of static Coulomb stress change. Model results reveal that subduction earthquakes with sli

Uri S. ten Brink, J. Lin

Water resources data, Ohio, water year 2003: Volume 2. St. Lawrence River basin and statewide project data

Water-resources data for the 2003 water year for Ohio consist of records of stage, discharge, and water quality of streams; stage and contents of lakes and reservoirs; and water levels and water quality of ground-water wells. This report, in two volumes, contains records for water discharge at 138 gaging stations and various partial-record sites; water levels at 217 observation wells and 35 crest-
H.L. Shindel, J.P. Mangus, S.R. Frum

Time-series photographs of the sea floor in western Massachusetts Bay: June 1997 to June 1998

This report presents time-series photographs of the sea floor obtained from an instrumented tripod deployed at Site A in western Massachusetts Bay (42° 22.6' N., 70? 47.0' W., 30 m water depth, from June 1997 through June 1998. Site A is approximately 1 km south of an ocean outfall that began discharging treated sewage effluent from the Boston metropolitan area into Massachusetts Bay in September
Bradford Butman, P. Soupy Alexander, Michael H. Bothner

Coastal vulnerability assessment of Olympic National Park to sea-level rise

A coastal vulnerability index (CVI) was used to map the relative vulnerability of the coast to future sea-level rise within Olympic National Park (OLYM), Washington. The CVI scores the following in terms of their physical contribution to sea-level rise-related coastal change: geomorphology, regional coastal slope, rate of relative sea-level rise, shoreline change rates, mean tidal range and mean w
Elizabeth A. Pendleton, Erika S. Hammar-Klose, E. Robert Thieler, S. Jeffress Williams

Coastal vulnerability assessment of Fire Island National Seashore to sea-level rise

A coastal vulnerability index (CVI) was used to map the relative vulnerability of the coast to future sea-level rise within Fire Island National Seashore (FIIS), New York. The CVI ranks the following in terms of their physical contribution to sea-level rise-related coastal change: geomorphology, regional coastal slope, rate of relative sea-level rise, shoreline change rates, mean tidal range and m
Elizabeth A. Pendleton, S. Jeffress Williams, E. Robert Thieler
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