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Recovery of benthic-invertebrate communities in the White River near Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, following implementation of advanced treatment of municipal wastewater

The City of Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, completed construction of advanced-wastewater-treatment systems to enlarge and upgrade existing secondary-treatment processes at the City’s two municipal wastewater-treatment plants in 1983. These plants discharge their effluent to the White River. A study was begun in 1981 to evaluate the effects of municipal wastewater on the quality of the White River nea
Charles G. Crawford, David J. Wangsness

Hydrothermal ore-forming processes in the light of studies in rock- buffered systems: I. Iron-copper-zinc-lead sulfide solubility relations

Experimental studies, using cold-seal and extraction vessel techniques, were conducted on Fe, Pb, Zn, and Cu sulfide solubilities in chloride solutions at temperatures from 300 degrees to 700 degrees C and pressures from 0.5 to 2 kbars. The solutions were buffered in pH by a quartz monzonite and the pure potassium feldspar-muscovite-quartz assemblage and in f (sub S 2 ) - f (sub O 2 ) largely by t
J.J. Hemley, G.L. Cygan, J.B. Fein, Gilpin R. Robinson,, W. M. d'Angelo

Anomalous abundances of deep-sea fauna on a rocky bottom exposed to strong currents

Unusually high abundances of sponges and gorgonian corals, covering as much as 25% of the bottom, occur at depths greater than 3.5 km on the Blake Spur, a rocky cliff-dominated feature on the western Atlantic continental margin. This is the first report of such high abundances of megafauna from a non-hydrothermal or otherwise chemosynthetically enriched site in abyssal depths. Animal densities at
A. Genin, C. K. Paull, William P. Dillon

Depositional and tectonic framework of the rift basins of Lake Baikal from multichannel seismic data

Recent multichannel seismic reflection data from Lake Baikal, located in a large, active, continental rift in central Asia, image three major stratigraphic units totalling 3.5 to 7.5 km thick in four subbasins. A major change in rift deposition and faulting between the oldest and middle-rift units probably corresponds to the change from slow to fast rifting. A brief comparison of the basins of Lak
D. R. Hutchinson, A.J. Golmshtok, L.P. Zonenshain, T.C. Moore, C.A. Scholz, Kim D. Klitgord

Redistribution of soil nitrogen, carbon and organic matter by mechanical disturbance during whole-tree harvesting in northern hardwoods

To investigate whether mechanical mixing during harvesting could account for losses observed from forest floor, we measured surface disturbance on a 22 ha watershed that was whole-tree harvested. Surface soil on each 10 cm interval along 81, randomly placed transects was classified immediately after harvesting as mineral or organic, and as undisturbed, depressed, rutted, mounded, scarified, or sca
D.F. Ryan, Thomas G. Huntington, Martin C. Wayne

Energy metabolism and hematology of white-tailed deer fawns

Resting metabolic rates, weight gains and hematologic profiles of six newborn, captive white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) fawns (four females, two males) were determined during the first 3 mo of life. Estimated mean daily weight gain of fawns was 0.2 kg. The regression equation for metabolic rate was: Metabolic rate (kcal/kg0.75/day) = 56.1 + 1.3 (age in days), r = 0.65, P < 0.001). Regres
R.E. Rawson, G. D. DelGiudice, H.E. Dziuk, L. D. Mech

Seroprevalence of Lyme disease in gray wolves from Minnesota and Wisconsin

To determine the seroprevalence of Lyme disease in gray wolves (Canis lupus) from various counties of Minnesota and Wisconsin (USA), 589 serum samples were collected from 528 wolves from 1972 to 1989. An indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) test was used to detect the presence of antibodies against Borrelia burgdorferi. Titers of greater than or equal to 1:100 were considered positive. Results were
A. Thieking, S.M. Goyal, R.F. Bey, K.I. Loken, L. D. Mech, R.P. Thiel, T.P. O'Connor

Prevalence of antibody titers to leptospira spp. in Minnesota white-tailed deer

Serum samples (n = 204) from 124 white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in northeastern Minnesota (USA) were collected from 1984 through 1989 and tested for antibodies to six serovars of Leptospira interrogans (bratislava, canicola, grippotyphosa, hardjo, icterohemorrhagiae, and pomona) using a microtiter agglutination test. Eighty-eight (43%) sera were positive at greater than or equal to 1:1
S.M. Goyal, L. D. Mech, M.E. Nelson

Molecular and genetic characterization of cytochrome oxidase negative Aeromonas salmonicida isolated from coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch)

Cytochrome oxidase variants of the bacterial fish pathogen, Aeromonas salmonicida, were characterized for genetic and molecular homology with cytochrome oxidase-positive isolates that typically induce furunculosis in salmonids. Protein and lipopolysaccharide moieties of the cytochrome oxidase-negative variants were similar to their typical counterparts, based on sodium-dodecyl-sulfate polyacrylami
J.D. Teska, R.C. Cipriano, W. B. Schill

Dispersal in female white-tailed deer

Seven of 35 yearling female white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in a migratory herd in northeastern Minnesota dispersed 18–168 km from natal ranges during late May through June. Dispersal as a proximate event appears voluntary and independent of deer density.
M.E. Nelson, L. D. Mech

Daytime activity of wolves during winter in northeastern Minnesota

Intermittent aerial observations of 405 radiocollared wolves from November 1968 through March 1989 showed the following percentages of activity: sleeping, 34%; resting, 31%; traveling, 28%, feeding, 6%; other, 2%.
L. D. Mech
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