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Poisoning of Canada geese in Texas by parathion sprayed for control of Russian wheat aphid

Approximately 200 Canada geese (Branta canadensis) died at a playa lake in the Texas Panhandle shortly after a winter wheat field in the basin adjacent to the lake was treated with parathion to control newly invading Russian wheat aphids (Diuraphis noxia). No evidence of infectious disease was diagnosed during necropsies of geese. Brain ChE activities were depressed up to 77% below normal. Parathi
Edward L. Flickinger, Gary Juenger, Thomas J. Roffe, Milton R. Smith, Roy J. Irwin

Book review: The future of Antarctica

A conference on Antarctica: an Exploitable Resource too Valuable to Develop? took place at the Sir Robert Menzies Centre for Australian studies at the University of London in either late 1989 or early 1990. The papers were compiled into this small book (only 104 pages of text exclusive of useful appendices containing maps, texts of the Antarctic treaty and the Convention on the regulation of Antar
John C. Behrendt

Chemometric comparison of polychlorinated biphenyl residues and toxicologically active polychlorinated biphenyl congeners in the eggs of Forster's Terns (Sterna fosteri)

The separation and characterization of complex mixtures of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) is approached from the perspective of a problem in chemometrics. A technique for quantitative determination of PCB congeners is described as well as an enrichment technique designed to isolate only those congener residues which induce mixed aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase enzyme activity. A congener-specific p
Ted R. Schwartz, David L. Stalling

Comment on “Flow and tracer transport in a single fracture: A stochastic model and its relation to some field observations” by L. Moreno et al.

Moreno et al. [1988] (hereinafter referred to as MT) used a particle-tracking scheme to investigate the physics of solute movement in a variable-aperture planar fracture. The spatially heterogeneous fluid velocity was assumed to be the only mechanism of solute movement; local or pore scale dispersion and molecular diffusion were assumed to be negligible. The particle-tracking scheme used by MT con
Daniel J. Goode, Allen M. Shapiro

Comment on “Macrodispersion in sand-shale sequences” by A. J. Desbarats

Desbarats [1990] used a particle-tracking scheme to investigate the physics of three-dimensional solute transport in aquifers composed of two porous media of different hydraulic conductivities. The spatially heterogeneous fluid velocity was assumed to be the only mechanism of solute movement; local or pore scale dispersion and molecular diffusion were assumed to be negligible. The particle-trackin
Daniel J. Goode, Allen M. Shapiro

Is the extent of glaciation limited by marine gas-hydrates?

Methane may have been released to the atmosphere during the Quaternary from Arctic shelf gas-hydrates as a result of thermal decomposition caused by climatic warming and rising sea-level; this release of methane (a greenhouse gas) may represent a positive feedback on global warming [Revelle, 1983; Kvenvolden, 1988a; Nisbet, 1990]. We consider the response to sea-level changes by the immense amount
Charles K. Paull, William Ussler, William P. Dillon

High-energy carbonate-sand accumulation, the Quicksands, southwest Florida Keys

High-resolution seismic-reflection profiles of the Quicksands, located along a broad ridge on the platform shelf west of Key West, Florida, indicate a significant deposit of non-oolitic carbonate sand occurs in a belt 47 km long by 28 km wide. The surface of the belt is ornamented by large (5 m), migrating tidal bars, oriented in a north-south direction, on which sand waves, oriented in an east-we
Eugene A. Shinn, Barbara H. Lidz, Charles W. Holmes

Imaging the midcontinent rift beneath Lake Superior using large aperture seismic data

We present a detailed velocity model across the 1.1 billion year old Midcontinent Rift System (MRS) in central Lake Superior. The model was derived primarily from onshore-offshore large-aperture seismic and gravity data. High velocities obtained within a highly reflective half-graben that was imaged on coincident seismic reflection data demonstrate the dominantly mafic composition of the graben fi
Anne M. Tréhu, Patrick Morel-a-l'Huissier, R. Meyer, Z. Hajnal, J. Karl, R.F. Mereu, John L. Sexton, J. Shay, W. K. Chan, D. Epili, T. Jefferson, X. R. Shih, S. Wendling, B. Milkereit, A. Green, Deborah R. Hutchinson

Paleoshorelines, reefs, and a rising sea: South Florida, USA

The porous limestone bedrock, thin sediment cover, and tectonic stability of the Florida Platform during the past 15 ka BP provide an exceptionally suitable setting for reconstruction of paleoshorelines and onshore projection of future shorelines in a rising-sea scenario. Paleoshorelines for 8, 6, 4 and 2 ka BP show that 1) a series of limestone islands formed, then drowned, along the outer platfo
B. H. Lidz, E.A. Shinn
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