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U.S. Coastal Wetland Synthesis Applications Geonarrative

June 26, 2024

Screenshot shows 5 linked topics on the Coastal Wetland Synthesis Applications geonarrative webpage.
The USGS is assessing the physical condition of coastal wetlands and their response to external forces, using field observations and remote-sensing data. The U.S. Coastal Wetland Synthesis Applications represent use-cases of the data to address diverse stakeholder needs in the coastal zone.  

The U.S. Coastal Wetland Synthesis Applications represent use-cases of the data to address diverse stakeholder needs in the coastal zone. Currently the applications include:

Marsh Lifespan Calculation

Sediment-based lifespan calculation for salt marshes subjected to sea-level rise and sediment deficits. Gateway to two other applications: the Lifespan mapper and the Lifespan calculator

Geospatial Synthesis

 A comprehensive geospatial synthesis of an extensive list of datasets including remote sensing and hydrodynamic modeling data applied to Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge, New Jersey.

Synthesis Study Sites

An interactive map displaying the footprint for each marsh-unit based wetland synthesis project. Gateway to online interactive maps and data releases for the most essential datasets for geospatial synthesis. 

Southeast Refuges 

An application where USGS and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services (FWS) have been collaborating to assess vulnerability and change in vegetative cover in FWS Southeast Region National Wildlife Refuges using field measurements and remote sensing.

The USGS serves several geonarratives about coastal wetlands:

To learn more about the national collection of datasets visit our accompanying geonarrative,  U.S. Coastal Wetland Geospatial Collection.