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See caption. Conservation Efforts Database — Registration
Conservation Efforts Database — Registration
Conservation Efforts Database — Registration

This video shows you how to register for access to the Conservation Efforts Database, update your user profile, and navigate the site’s resources.


This video shows you how to register for access to the Conservation Efforts Database, update your user profile, and navigate the site’s resources.


See caption. Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 1
Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 1
Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 1

This video is step 1 in a series of videos that show you how to enter data into the Conservation Efforts Database using the single record data entry method. Step 1 is the creation of a new conservation effort.

This video is step 1 in a series of videos that show you how to enter data into the Conservation Efforts Database using the single record data entry method. Step 1 is the creation of a new conservation effort.

See caption. Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 2 (Public Lands)
Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 2 (Public Lands)
Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 2 (Public Lands)

This video is step 2 in a series of videos that show you how to enter data into the Conservation Efforts Database using the single record data entry method. Step 2 is data entry of location information. This video is for data entry of location information for conservation efforts on public lands.

This video is step 2 in a series of videos that show you how to enter data into the Conservation Efforts Database using the single record data entry method. Step 2 is data entry of location information. This video is for data entry of location information for conservation efforts on public lands.

See caption. Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 2 (Private Lands)
Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 2 (Private Lands)
Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 2 (Private Lands)

This video is step 2 in a series of five videos that show you how to enter data into the Conservation Efforts Database using the single record data entry method. Step 2 is data entry of location information. This video is for data entry of location information for conservation efforts on private lands. 

This video is step 2 in a series of five videos that show you how to enter data into the Conservation Efforts Database using the single record data entry method. Step 2 is data entry of location information. This video is for data entry of location information for conservation efforts on private lands. 

See caption. Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 3: Activity Information – Cutthroat Trout Recovery Module
Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 3: Activity Information – Cutthroat Trout Recovery Module
Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 3: Activity Information – Cutthroat Trout Recovery Module

This video is step 3 in a series of videos that show you how to enter data into the Conservation Efforts Database using the single record data entry method. Step 2 is data entry activity information. This video is for data entry of activity information related to Lahontan Cutthroat Trout conservation efforts. 

This video is step 3 in a series of videos that show you how to enter data into the Conservation Efforts Database using the single record data entry method. Step 2 is data entry activity information. This video is for data entry of activity information related to Lahontan Cutthroat Trout conservation efforts. 

See caption. Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 4
Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 4
Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 4

This video is step 4 in a series of videos that show you how to enter data into the Conservation Efforts Database using the single record data entry method. Step 4 is data entry of implementation information.

This video is step 4 in a series of videos that show you how to enter data into the Conservation Efforts Database using the single record data entry method. Step 4 is data entry of implementation information.

See caption. Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 5
Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 5
Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 5

This video is step 5 in a series of videos that show you how to enter data into the Conservation Efforts Database using the single record data entry method. Step 5 is data review and error check prior to submission.

This video is step 5 in a series of videos that show you how to enter data into the Conservation Efforts Database using the single record data entry method. Step 5 is data review and error check prior to submission.

main title: land treatment exploration tool, subtitle: new features in 2022, to the left of text are the BLM and USGS logos Land Treatment Exploration Tool: New Features for 2022
Land Treatment Exploration Tool: New Features for 2022
Land Treatment Exploration Tool: A Quick Introduction
Land Treatment Exploration Tool: A Quick Introduction
Land Treatment Exploration Tool: A Quick Introduction

This is a quick introduction video to the Land Treatment Exploration Tool. This short video includes a summary of the tool with screen clips of the fact sheet, web tool, and an example Site Characterization Report.

This is a quick introduction video to the Land Treatment Exploration Tool. This short video includes a summary of the tool with screen clips of the fact sheet, web tool, and an example Site Characterization Report.

Land Treatment Exploration Tool—Step 1: Describe Proposed Treatment
Land Treatment Exploration Tool—Step 1: Describe Proposed Treatment
Land Treatment Exploration Tool—Step 1: Describe Proposed Treatment

This video describes Step 1 of the Land Treatment Exploration Tool. In Step 1 the user defines a name, the planned treatment/s, and a file name for exported items.

This video describes Step 1 of the Land Treatment Exploration Tool. In Step 1 the user defines a name, the planned treatment/s, and a file name for exported items.

Land Treatment Exploration Tool — Step 2: Select Treatment Boundary
Land Treatment Exploration Tool — Step 2: Select Treatment Boundary
Land Treatment Exploration Tool — Step 2: Select Treatment Boundary

This video describes Step 2 of the Land Treatment Exploration Tool. In Step 2 the user defines their planned treatment boundary. The user can load a zipped shapefile or on-screen digitize their boundary.  

This video describes Step 2 of the Land Treatment Exploration Tool. In Step 2 the user defines their planned treatment boundary. The user can load a zipped shapefile or on-screen digitize their boundary.  

Land Treatment Exploration Tool — Step 3: Explore Site Characteristics
Land Treatment Exploration Tool — Step 3: Explore Site Characteristics
Land Treatment Exploration Tool — Step 3: Explore Site Characteristics

This video describes Step 3 of the Land Treatment Exploration Tool. In Step 3 the user is guided to the Site History tab to explore land treatment and wildfire history of their planned treatment area.

This video describes Step 3 of the Land Treatment Exploration Tool. In Step 3 the user is guided to the Site History tab to explore land treatment and wildfire history of their planned treatment area.

Land Treatment Exploration Tool— Step 4: Prop. Treatment Area & Report
Land Treatment Exploration Tool— Step 4: Prop. Treatment Area & Report
Land Treatment Exploration Tool— Step 4: Prop. Treatment Area & Report

This video describes Step 4 and the developing report of the Land Treatment Exploration Tool. In Step 4 the used selects layers to generate spatial overlap statistics with their planned treatment boundary. Summary tables are generated and displayed in the Report tab, where a user can create a PDF Site Characterization Report for their planned treatment boundary.

This video describes Step 4 and the developing report of the Land Treatment Exploration Tool. In Step 4 the used selects layers to generate spatial overlap statistics with their planned treatment boundary. Summary tables are generated and displayed in the Report tab, where a user can create a PDF Site Characterization Report for their planned treatment boundary.

Land Treatment Exploration Tool — Step 5: Select Search Parameters
Land Treatment Exploration Tool — Step 5: Select Search Parameters
Land Treatment Exploration Tool — Step 5: Select Search Parameters

This video describes Step 5 of the Land Treatment Exploration Tool. In Step 5 the user determines a distance or boundary to search for legacy Land Treatment Digital Library records. The user also indicates if the returned LTDL treatments are statistically evaluated against the planned treatment boundary using a Bray-Curtis Dissimilarity calculation.

This video describes Step 5 of the Land Treatment Exploration Tool. In Step 5 the user determines a distance or boundary to search for legacy Land Treatment Digital Library records. The user also indicates if the returned LTDL treatments are statistically evaluated against the planned treatment boundary using a Bray-Curtis Dissimilarity calculation.

Land Treatment Exploration Tool — Step 6: Compare the LTDL Treatments
Land Treatment Exploration Tool — Step 6: Compare the LTDL Treatments
Land Treatment Exploration Tool — Step 6: Compare the LTDL Treatments

This video describes Step 6 of the Land Treatment Exploration Tool. In Step 6 the user filters through the returned list of legacy LTDL treatments to identify records that contain useful information or context for the current planned treatment boundary. Selected treatments are added to the developing report and subsequent exported Site Characterization PDFs.

This video describes Step 6 of the Land Treatment Exploration Tool. In Step 6 the user filters through the returned list of legacy LTDL treatments to identify records that contain useful information or context for the current planned treatment boundary. Selected treatments are added to the developing report and subsequent exported Site Characterization PDFs.

Barred owl hooting
Barred owl hooting
Barred owl hooting

A video of a barred owl calling.

Golden Eagle Flight
Golden Eagle Flight
Golden Eagle Flight

Golden eagles can be killed by colliding with a number of human-made objects, including wind turbines. USGS research wildlife biologist Todd Katzner describes his studies of golden eagle flight. This research is being done to model flight behavior which might help managers understand how placement of wind turbines might pose significant risks to golden eagles.

Golden eagles can be killed by colliding with a number of human-made objects, including wind turbines. USGS research wildlife biologist Todd Katzner describes his studies of golden eagle flight. This research is being done to model flight behavior which might help managers understand how placement of wind turbines might pose significant risks to golden eagles.

Evidence of Absence
Evidence of Absence
Evidence of Absence

This is a recorded presentation describing a statistical software package called "Evidence of Absence" that can be used to provide evidence of compliance with incidental take permits.

This is a recorded presentation describing a statistical software package called "Evidence of Absence" that can be used to provide evidence of compliance with incidental take permits.

thumbnail invasive species of the pacific northwest Invasive Species of the Pacific Northwest
Invasive Species of the Pacific Northwest
Invasive Species of the Pacific Northwest

Pacific Northwest forests are being impacted by an influx of non-native species of plants and animals. However, with mindful research, conservation, and restoration we can help stop the spread of invasive species.

Pacific Northwest forests are being impacted by an influx of non-native species of plants and animals. However, with mindful research, conservation, and restoration we can help stop the spread of invasive species.

Imagen en miniatura de especies invasoras del noroeste del Pacífico Especies invasoras del noroeste del Pacífico
Especies invasoras del noroeste del Pacífico
Especies invasoras del noroeste del Pacífico

Los bosques del noroeste del Pacífico están siendo afectados por la afluencia de especies no nativas de plantas y animales. Sin embargo, con investigación, conservación y restauración conscientes podemos ayudar a detener la propagación de especies invasoras.

Los bosques del noroeste del Pacífico están siendo afectados por la afluencia de especies no nativas de plantas y animales. Sin embargo, con investigación, conservación y restauración conscientes podemos ayudar a detener la propagación de especies invasoras.