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a green and red from with dark spots partially submerged in shallow water with algae and vegetation
Oregon spotted frog in the Klamath Basin
Oregon spotted frog in the Klamath Basin
Oregon spotted frog in the Klamath Basin

An adult Oregon spotted frog basking in the sun in wetland habitat in the Klamath Basin of Oregon. At this site on a private ranch, the owner is collaborating with researchers and wildlife managers to remove invasive American bullfrogs and restore aquatic habitat.

An adult Oregon spotted frog basking in the sun in wetland habitat in the Klamath Basin of Oregon. At this site on a private ranch, the owner is collaborating with researchers and wildlife managers to remove invasive American bullfrogs and restore aquatic habitat.

two people standing on either side of a conference poster, the poster has a picture of an adult eagle and its chick in a nest
Jill Shaffer and Todd Katzner at the Eagles of the Palearctic Conference in Kazakhstan
Jill Shaffer and Todd Katzner at the Eagles of the Palearctic Conference in Kazakhstan
Jill Shaffer and Todd Katzner at the Eagles of the Palearctic Conference in Kazakhstan

Jill Shaffer and Todd Katzner presented three talks at the Eagles of the Palearctic Conference in Almaty, Kazakhstan in September 2023 as part of the Embassy Science Fellowship program. 

Jill Shaffer and Todd Katzner presented three talks at the Eagles of the Palearctic Conference in Almaty, Kazakhstan in September 2023 as part of the Embassy Science Fellowship program. 

a person standing behind a podium on a stage with a projector screen in the background showing golden eagle
Jill Shaffer giving a presentation in Kazakhstan
Jill Shaffer giving a presentation in Kazakhstan
Jill Shaffer giving a presentation in Kazakhstan

Jill Shaffer presenting on the impacts of renewable energy on golden eagles in the U.S. at the Eagles of the Palearctic Conference in Almaty, Kazakhstan, in September 2023. 

Jill Shaffer presenting on the impacts of renewable energy on golden eagles in the U.S. at the Eagles of the Palearctic Conference in Almaty, Kazakhstan, in September 2023. 

person standing on edge of a dusty cliff holding a radio antenna
Tracking northwestern pond turtles
Tracking northwestern pond turtles
Tracking northwestern pond turtles

USGS scientist Jennifer Fredrickson using radio telemetry to track northwestern pond turtles at Fall Creek Reservoir in Oregon.

USGS scientist Jennifer Fredrickson using radio telemetry to track northwestern pond turtles at Fall Creek Reservoir in Oregon.

two people sitting at a desk looking at a notebook, one person stands behind them in a small wooden building
Learning about bird banding and feather sampling techniques at Chokpak Ornithological Station
Learning about bird banding and feather sampling techniques at Chokpak Ornithological Station
Learning about bird banding and feather sampling techniques at Chokpak Ornithological Station

Todd Katzner confers with two graduate student collaborators, Nicole Ibrahim from the University of Maryland and Bekzhan Berdikul from the Institute of Zoology in Kazakhstan, on techniques for banding and sampling feathers for stable-isotope research at Chokpak Ornithological Station in Chokpak, Kazakhstan. 

Todd Katzner confers with two graduate student collaborators, Nicole Ibrahim from the University of Maryland and Bekzhan Berdikul from the Institute of Zoology in Kazakhstan, on techniques for banding and sampling feathers for stable-isotope research at Chokpak Ornithological Station in Chokpak, Kazakhstan. 

A person with binoculars around her neck stands at the bottom of a grassy hill.
Jill Shaffer beneath a Heligoland net in Kazakhstan
Jill Shaffer beneath a Heligoland net in Kazakhstan
Jill Shaffer beneath a Heligoland net in Kazakhstan

Jill Shaffer stands below Heligoland nets used to capture migrating birds for banding efforts at Chokpak Ornithological Station in Chokpak, Kazakhstan. Heligoland nets are installed on top of hills or mountains, where they act as funnels, directing birds into a cage.

Jill Shaffer stands below Heligoland nets used to capture migrating birds for banding efforts at Chokpak Ornithological Station in Chokpak, Kazakhstan. Heligoland nets are installed on top of hills or mountains, where they act as funnels, directing birds into a cage.

three people posing for a selfie while standing in a field of grass and shrubs with hills in the background
Visiting Chokpak Ornithological Station in Kazakhstan
Visiting Chokpak Ornithological Station in Kazakhstan
Visiting Chokpak Ornithological Station in Kazakhstan

USGS scientists Jill Shaffer (left), Todd Katzner (right), and University of Maryland graduate student Nicole Ibrahim (center) take a break from netting and banding birds at Chokpak Ornithological Research Station in Kazakhstan. The Tian Shan Mountains are visible in the background.

USGS scientists Jill Shaffer (left), Todd Katzner (right), and University of Maryland graduate student Nicole Ibrahim (center) take a break from netting and banding birds at Chokpak Ornithological Research Station in Kazakhstan. The Tian Shan Mountains are visible in the background.

A platform with antennae overlooking a river with a mountain in the background
Motus tower in Olympic National Park
Motus tower in Olympic National Park
Motus tower in Olympic National Park

A Motus tower installed on the spillway of the former Glines Canyon Dam in Olympic National Park. The solar-powered array of radio antennae will detect the signals send by tiny transmitters known as “nanotags” that have been attached to small flying animals. This tower was installed to study bat movement behavior.

A Motus tower installed on the spillway of the former Glines Canyon Dam in Olympic National Park. The solar-powered array of radio antennae will detect the signals send by tiny transmitters known as “nanotags” that have been attached to small flying animals. This tower was installed to study bat movement behavior.

A masked and gloved researcher holds up a bat wing to the light while another looks on
Researchers examine a bat wing
Researchers examine a bat wing
Researchers examine a bat wing

Researchers examine a bat wing while in the process of capturing bats to attach tiny Motus radio tags to track their movements.

Researchers examine a bat wing while in the process of capturing bats to attach tiny Motus radio tags to track their movements.

A researcher holds a small myotis bat in gloved hands
Researcher holds myotis bat during the process of tagging
Researcher holds myotis bat during the process of tagging
Researcher holds myotis bat during the process of tagging

A researcher holds a myotis bat during the process of capturing bats to fit them with Motus transmitters.

A group of scientists sit on the ground, working by headlamp light to get ready to measure a bat
Field crew prepares to measure and tag a bat
Field crew prepares to measure and tag a bat
Field crew prepares to measure and tag a bat

A team of biologists prepares to measure, weigh, and tag a captured bats. On the left, USGS biologist Gabe Reyes has a bat in a bag, used to separate and calm the bats. USGS biologist Julia Ersan is holding some alcohol used to ensure clean instruments and work surfaces, and USGS biologist Austin Waag is getting something out of a backpack.

A team of biologists prepares to measure, weigh, and tag a captured bats. On the left, USGS biologist Gabe Reyes has a bat in a bag, used to separate and calm the bats. USGS biologist Julia Ersan is holding some alcohol used to ensure clean instruments and work surfaces, and USGS biologist Austin Waag is getting something out of a backpack.

a vast field of sagebrush with low hills in the distance, it is approaching sunset and there are pink and orange clouds
Sagebrush steppe at dusk
Sagebrush steppe at dusk
Sagebrush steppe at dusk

A sagebrush steppe landscape in northern Nevada, photographed during field work near Owyhee.

A sagebrush steppe landscape in northern Nevada, photographed during field work near Owyhee.

two people sitting in a boat on a lake, one is holding binoculars and one is holding a radio antenna
Surveying for northwestern pond turtles
Surveying for northwestern pond turtles
Surveying for northwestern pond turtles

Scientists using binoculars and radio telemetry to survey for northwestern pond turtles at Hills Creek Reservoir in Oregon. USGS is collaborating with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to study turtle movements in reservoirs in response to fluctuating water levels.

Scientists using binoculars and radio telemetry to survey for northwestern pond turtles at Hills Creek Reservoir in Oregon. USGS is collaborating with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to study turtle movements in reservoirs in response to fluctuating water levels.

a white line through a field of tufts of green grass and exposed dirt
Herbicide treated plot in northern Nevada
Herbicide treated plot in northern Nevada
Herbicide treated plot in northern Nevada

A plot that was sprayed with herbicides to control invasion of exotic annual grasses after the Martin Fire in northern Nevada. The white line defines the boundaries of the plot.

A plot that was sprayed with herbicides to control invasion of exotic annual grasses after the Martin Fire in northern Nevada. The white line defines the boundaries of the plot.

a person sitting at a desk facing away from the camera looking at 3 computer monitors
Analyzing post-fire restoration field data
Analyzing post-fire restoration field data
Analyzing post-fire restoration field data

A FIREss team scientist analyzing field data at the Snake River Field Station in Boise, Idaho.

A FIREss team scientist analyzing field data at the Snake River Field Station in Boise, Idaho.

cloudy sky at sunset over a field of sagebrush and distant mountains in shadow
Nevada sagebrush steppe landscape at sunset
Nevada sagebrush steppe landscape at sunset
Nevada sagebrush steppe landscape at sunset

A field of sagebrush in northern Nevada, photographed at sunset after a day of field work.

A field of sagebrush in northern Nevada, photographed at sunset after a day of field work.

three people standing on a slope in a grassy field, one is rolling up a tape measure, two are holding clippers, sky is cloudy
Vegetation monitoring in Idaho
Vegetation monitoring in Idaho
Vegetation monitoring in Idaho

Scientists in the field monitoring the effects of experimental herbicide treatments for controlling exotic annual grasses in the Boise River Wildlife Management Area.

Scientists in the field monitoring the effects of experimental herbicide treatments for controlling exotic annual grasses in the Boise River Wildlife Management Area.

outline of fire perimeter, purple strips show where 2 herbicides were applied, brown stripes show where indaziflam only
Map of herbicide treatment experiment in Idaho
Map of herbicide treatment experiment in Idaho
Map of herbicide treatment experiment in Idaho

A map of an area of the Minidoka National Wildlife Refuge that was burned by wildfire. Researchers conducted experiments testing the longevity of herbicides for controlling exotic annual grasses. The fire perimeter is displayed with a red outline. Stripes of tan were sprayed with indaziflam. Stripes of purple were treated with indaziflam and imazapic.

A map of an area of the Minidoka National Wildlife Refuge that was burned by wildfire. Researchers conducted experiments testing the longevity of herbicides for controlling exotic annual grasses. The fire perimeter is displayed with a red outline. Stripes of tan were sprayed with indaziflam. Stripes of purple were treated with indaziflam and imazapic.

a green shrub with small leaves growing from bare dirt surrounded by brown grass
Sagebrush seedling planted at the site of the Martin Fire
Sagebrush seedling planted at the site of the Martin Fire
Sagebrush seedling planted at the site of the Martin Fire

A sagebrush seedling that was grown in a nursery and then planted at the site of the Martin Fire in northern Nevada

shadow of a person wearing a hat and holding a camera pointed towards a slope covered in sagebrush and grass
Monitoring vegetation recovery at the site of the Martin Fire
Monitoring vegetation recovery at the site of the Martin Fire
Monitoring vegetation recovery at the site of the Martin Fire

A field technician photographing a vegetation monitoring plot at the site of the Martin Fire in northern Nevada.

a shrub with dark vertical branches and tiny green leaves
Sagebrush plant in Boise, Idaho
Sagebrush plant in Boise, Idaho
Sagebrush plant in Boise, Idaho

A sagebrush plant photographed at a park in Boise, Idaho. Sagebrush landscapes cover a vast part of the western U.S. but are threatened by invasive grasses and a cycle of more frequent and more intense wildfires.

A sagebrush plant photographed at a park in Boise, Idaho. Sagebrush landscapes cover a vast part of the western U.S. but are threatened by invasive grasses and a cycle of more frequent and more intense wildfires.