This list of Water Resources Mission Area publications includes both official USGS publications and journal articles authored by our scientists. A searchable database of all USGS publications can be accessed at the USGS Publications Warehouse.
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Ground-water resources of Dutchess County, New York
No abstract available.
E.T. Simmons, I.G. Grossman, R.C. Heath
Municipal water supplies on the Mesabi and Vermillion Iron Ranges, northeastern Minnesota
No abstract available.
R. D. Cotter, L.H. Young
An automatic-tracking device for visual-accumulation-tube analysis
No abstract available.
J. V. Skinner
Ground water in alluvial channel deposits, Nobles County, Minnesota
No abstract available.
R.F. Norvitch
Basic geology and ground-water data for Clay County, Minnesota
No abstract available.
J.W. Bingham
Geology and ground-water resources of the island of Kauai, Hawaii
Kauai is one of the oldest, and is structurally the most complicated, of the Hawaiian Islands. Like the others, it consists principally of a huge shield volcano, built up from the sea floor by many thousands of thin flows of basaltic lava. The volume of the Kauai shield was on the order of 1,000 cubic miles. Through much of its growth it must have resembled rather closely the presently active shie
Gordon A. Macdonald, Dan A. Davis, Doak C. Cox
Memorandum on the water-supply wells at Biggs Air Force Base, El Paso, Texas
During March and April 1957, a brief investigation was made at the request of the U. S. Army, Corps of Engineers, Albuquerque District, to determine the cause for the decline in the performances of the wells used at Biggs Air Force Base, El Paso, Texas. The investigation included a general survey or the existing wells, pumping schedules, and records of pumpage and water levels. Appreciation is exp
Edward R. Leggat
Memorandum on ground-water conditions and suggestions for test drilling in the Logan Heights area, El Paso, Texas
In response to a request from the U. S. Army, Corps of Engineers, Albuquerque District, a brief investigation was made in March 1957 of the ground-water resources of the Logan Heights area, El Paso, Texas. The purpose of the investigation was to collect and evaluate pertinent available data on existing wells in the vicinity of Logan Heights and to determine the most promising locations for the ins
Edward R. Leggat
Occurrence of strontium in natural water
The regions where the stable strontium content of surface waters is relatively low (less than 0.50 ppm) include the Pacific Northwest, Northeastern United States, and the Central Lowlands, Particularly the Lower Mississippi basin and the Western Gulf Coast area. Moderate concentrations of strontium (0.50 to 1.5 ppm) are found in streams of Southeastern United States, most of the Great Plains Regio
M. W. Skougstad, C. Albert Horr
Occurrence of ground waters of low hardness and of high chloride content in Lyon County, Minnesota
The ground water in Lyon County and elsewhere in southwestern Minnesota is generally hard and low in chloride. It is the purpose of this report to describe briefly the occurrence in Lyon County of waters of low hardness and of high chloride content. The waters are found largely in Cretaceous sandstone.
The data were collected in conjunction with a countywide study of the geology and groundwater re
Harry G. Rodis, Robert Schneider
Ground-water areas and well logs, Central Sevier Valley, Utah
No abstract available.
R.A. Young