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Mars Exploration Program 2007 Phoenix landing site selection and characteristics

To ensure a successful touchdown and subsequent surface operations, the Mars Exploration Program 2007 Phoenix Lander must land within 65° to 72° north latitude, at an elevation less than −3.5 km. The landing site must have relatively low wind velocities and rock and slope distributions similar to or more benign than those found at the Viking Lander 2 site. Also, the site must have a soil cover of
R. Arvidson, D. Adams, G. Bonfiglio, P. Christensen, S. Cull, Matthew P. Golombek, J. Guinn, E. Guinness, T. Heet, Randolph L. Kirk, A. Knudson, M. Malin, M. Mellon, Alfred S. McEwen, A. Mushkin, T. Parker, F. Seelos, K. Seelos, P. Smith, D. Spencer, T. Stein, L. Tamppari

Hydrometeor-enhanced tephra sedimentation: Constraints from the 18 May 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens

Uncertainty remains on the origin of distal mass deposition maxima observed in many recent tephra fall deposits. In this study the link between ash aggregation and the formation of distal mass deposition maxima is investigated through reanalysis of tephra fallout from the Mount St. Helens 18 May 1980 (MSH80) eruption. In addition, we collate all the data needed to model distal ash sedimentation fr
A.J. Durant, William I. Rose, A.M. Sarna-Wojcicki, Steven Carey, A.C.M. Volentik

The source of infrasound associated with long-period events at mount St. Helens

During the early stages of the 2004-2008 Mount St. Helens eruption, the source process that produced a sustained sequence of repetitive long-period (LP) seismic events also produced impulsive broadband infrasonic signals in the atmosphere. To assess whether the signals could be generated simply by seismic-acoustic coupling from the shallow LP events, we perform finite difference simulation of the
R.S. Matoza, M.A. Garces, B. A. Chouet, L. D'Auria, M.A.H. Hedlin, C. De Groot-Hedlin, G.P. Waite

Evaluation of CAMEL - comprehensive areal model of earthquake-induced landslides

A new comprehensive areal model of earthquake-induced landslides (CAMEL) has been developed to assist in planning decisions related to disaster risk reduction. CAMEL provides an integrated framework for modeling all types of earthquake-induced landslides using fuzzy logic systems and geographic information systems. CAMEL is designed to facilitate quantitative and qualitative representation of terr
S.B. Miles, D. K. Keefer

Discriminating assimilants and decoupling deep- vs. shallow-level crystal records at Mount Adams using 238U-230Th disequilibria and Os isotopes

A suite of 23 basaltic to dacitic lavas erupted over the last 350 kyr from the Mount Adams volcanic field has been analyzed for U–Th isotope compositions to evaluate the roles of mantle versus crustal components during magma genesis. All of the lavas have (230Th/238U) > 1 and span a large range in (230Th/232Th) ratios, and most basalts have higher (230Th/232Th) ratios than andesites and dacites. S
Brian R. Jicha, Clark M. Johnson, Wes Hildreth, Brian L. Beard, Garret L. Hart, Steven B. Shirey, Brad S. Singer

In situ measurements of contributions to the global electrical circuit by a thunderstorm in southeastern Brazil

The global electrical circuit, which maintains a potential of about 280??kV between the earth and the ionosphere, is thought to be driven mainly by thunderstorms and lightning. However, very few in situ measurements of electrical current above thunderstorms have been successfully obtained. In this paper, we present dc to very low frequency electric fields and atmospheric conductivity measured in t
J.N. Thomas, R.H. Holzworth, M.P. McCarthy

Data from theodolite measurements of creep rates on San Francisco Bay region faults, California

IntroductionOur purpose is to annually update our creep-data archive on San Francisco Bay region active faults for use by the scientific research community. Earlier data (1979-2001) were reported in Galehouse (2002) and were analyzed and described in detail in a summary report (Galehouse and Lienkaemper, 2003). A complete analysis of our earlier results obtained on the Hayward Fault was presented
Forrest S. McFarland, James J. Lienkaemper, S. John Caskey

Diffusion-equation representations of landform evolution in the simplest circumstances: Appendix C

The diffusion equation is one of the three great partial differential equations of classical physics. It describes the flow or diffusion of heat in the presence of temperature gradients, fluid flow in porous media in the presence of pressure gradients, and the diffusion of molecules in the presence of chemical gradients. [The other two equations are the wave equation, which describes the propagati
Thomas C. Hanks

The discovery of columnar jointing on Mars

We report on the discovery of columnar jointing in Marte Valles, Mars. These columnar lavas were discovered in the wall of a pristine, 16-km-diameter impact crater and exhibit the features of terrestrial columnar basalts. There are discontinuous outcrops along the entire crater wall, suggesting that the columnar rocks covered a surface area of at least 200 km2, assuming that the rocks obliterated
Moses P. Milazzo, Laszlo P. Keszthelyi, Windy L. Jaeger, Mark R. Rosiek, Sarah Mattson, C. Verba, Ross A. Beyer, Paul E. Geissler, Alfred S. McEwen

The United States national volcanic ash operations plan for aviation

Volcanic-ash clouds are a known hazard to aviation, requiring that aircraft be warned away from ash-contaminated airspace. The exposure of aviation to potential hazards from volcanoes in the United States is significant. In support of existing interagency operations to detect and track volcanic-ash clouds, the United States has prepared a National Volcanic Ash Operations Plan for Aviation to stren
Steven Albersheim, Marianne Guffanti

Eruption of Alaska volcano breaks historic pattern

In the late morning of 12 July 2008, the Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO) received an unexpected call from the U.S. Coast Guard, reporting an explosive volcanic eruption in the central Aleutians in the vicinity of Okmok volcano, a relatively young (~2000-year-old) caldera. The Coast Guard had received an emergency call requesting assistance from a family living at a cattle ranch on the flanks of t
Jessica Larsen, Christina A. Neal, Peter Webley, Jeff Freymueller, Matthew Haney, Stephen McNutt, David Schneider, Stephanie Prejean, Janet Schaefer, Rick L. Wessels

Software for inference of dynamic ground strains and rotations and their errors from short baseline array observations of ground motions

In two previous articles we presented a formulation for inferring the strains and rotations of the ground beneath a seismic array having a finite footprint. In this article we derive expressions for the error covariance matrices of the inferred strains and rotations, and we present software for the calculation of ground strains, rotations, and their variances from short baseline array ground-motio
Paul Spudich, Jon B. Fletcher
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