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Strong tremor near Parkfield, CA, excited by the 2002 Denali Fault earthquake

We show clear evidence of non-volcanic tremor triggered by 2002 Mw7.8 Denali Fault earthquake near Parkfield. Triggered tremor is identified as bursts of high-frequency (∼2–8 Hz), non-impulsive seismic energy whose envelope is coherent among many stations and has the same periodicity as the passing surface waves. The tremor originates from at least three hypocenters near the San Andreas fault with
Zhigang Peng, John E. Vidale, Kenneth C. Creager, Justin L. Rubenstein, Joan S. Gomberg, Paul Bodin

Relative age of interior layered deposits in southwest Candor Chasma based on high-resolution structural mapping

High‐resolution topography generated from stereo HiRISE (High‐Resolution Imaging Science Experiment) imagery reveals the meter‐scale structure of interior layered deposits (ILD) in southwest Candor Chasma. This study seeks to determine the age of the local ILD relative to any normal faults that can be attributed to chasma formation. The study area is located near the contact of these ILD and the w
Chris H. Okubo, Kevin W. Lewis, Alfred S. McEwen, Randolph L. Kirk

Surface processes recorded by rocks and soils on Meridiani Planum, Mars: Microscopic Imager observations during Opportunity's first three extended missions

The Microscopic Imager (MI) on the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity has returned images of Mars with higher resolution than any previous camera system, allowing detailed petrographic and sedimentological studies of the rocks and soils at the Meridiani Planum landing site. Designed to simulate a geologist's hand lens, the MI is mounted on Opportunity's instrument arm and can resolve objects 0.1 m
Kenneth E. Herkenhoff, John P. Grotzinger, Andrew H. Knoll, Scott M. McLennan, Catherine M. Weitz, Aileen Yingst, Robert Anderson, Brent A. Archinal, Raymond E. Arvidson, Janet M. Barrett, Kris J. Becker, James F. Bell, Charles Budney, Mary G. Chapman, Debbie Cook, Bethany L. Ehlmann, Brenda Franklin, Lisa R. Gaddis, Donna M. Galuszka, Patricia A. Garcia, Paul E. Geissler, Trent M. Hare, Elpitha Howington-Kraus, Jeffrey R. Johnson, Laszlo P. Keszthelyi, Randolph L. Kirk, Peter Lanagan, Ella M. Lee, Craig Leff, Justin N. Maki, Kevin F. Mullins, Timothy J. Parker, Bonnie L. Redding, Mark R. Rosiek, Michael H. Sims, Laurence A. Soderblom, Nicole Spanovich, Richard Springer, Steven W. Squyres, Daniel A. Stolper, Robert M. Sucharski, Tracie L. Sucharski, Robert Sullivan, James M. Torson

In-situ observations of the physical properties of the Martian surface

The physical properties of rocks and soils on the surface of Mars have been investigated by several landed spacecraft. Studies of these physical properties constrain interpretation of Martian geologic processes and provide engineering data for future mission planning. As on Earth, these properties vary considerably from place to place, and provide constraints on the origin and evolution of the sur
Kenneth E. Herkenhoff, M. P. Golombek, E.A. Guinness, J.B. Johnson, A. Kusack, L. Richter, R.J. Sullivan, S. Gorevan

First in situ investigation of a dark wind streak on Mars

Prominent low‐albedo wind streaks issue from embayments at the north end of Victoria crater in Meridiani Planum, the site of surface investigations by the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity. Opportunity was sent to examine the darkest of these wind streaks and compare it to the adjacent soil in the brighter corridor between the streaks. Two nearby sites inside and outside of the streak were select
Paul E. Geissler, J. R. Johnson, R. Sullivan, Kenneth E. Herkenhoff, D. W. Mittlefehldt, Robin L. Fergason, D. Ming, R. Morris, S. Squyres, Laurence A. Soderblom, M. Golombek

High-resolution seismic images and seismic velocities of the San Andreas fault zone at Burro Flats, Southern California

To better understand the structure of the San Andreas fault (SAF) at Burro Flats in southern California, we acquired a three-dimensional combined set of seismic reflection and refraction profiles centered on the main active trace at Burro Flats. In this article, we discuss the variation in shallow-depth velocities along each seismic profile, with special emphasis on the 1500 m/sec P-wave velocity
C. C. Tsai, Rufus D. Catchings, Mark R. Goldman, Michael J. Rymer, P. Schnurle, H. W. Chen

Spirit Mars Rover Mission to the Columbia Hills, Gusev Crater: Mission overview and selected results from the Cumberland Ridge to Home Plate

This paper summarizes the Spirit rover operations in the Columbia Hills of Gusev Crater from sols 513 to 1476 and provides an overview of selected findings that focus on synergistic use of the Athena Payload and comparisons to orbital data. Results include discovery of outcrops (Voltaire) on Husband Hill that are interpreted to be altered impact melt deposits that incorporated local materials duri
R. E. Arvidson, S. W. Ruff, R.V. Morris, D. W. Ming, L.S. Crumpler, A. S. Yen, S. W. Squyres, R.J. Sullivan, J.F. Bell, N.A. Cabrol, B. C. Clark, W. H. Farrand, R. Gellert, R. Greenberger, J. A. Grant, E.A. Guinness, Kenneth E. Herkenhoff, J.A. Hurowitz, J. R. Johnson, G. Klingelhoefer, K. W. Lewis, R. Li, T.J. McCoy, J. Moersch, H.Y. McSween, S.L. Murchie, M. Schmidt, C. Schroeder, A. Wang, S. Wiseman, M.B. Madsen, W. Goetz, S. M. McLennan

A landslide in Tertiary marine shale with superheated fumaroles, Coast Ranges, California

In August 2004, a National Forest fire crew extinguished a 1.2 ha fire in a wilderness area ~40 km northeast of Santa Barbara, California. Examination revealed that the fire originated on a landslide dotted with superheated fumaroles. A 4 m borehole punched near the hottest (262 °C) fumarole had a maximum temperature of 307 °C. Temperatures in this borehole have been decreasing by ~0.1 °C/d, altho
Robert H. Mariner, Scott A. Minor, A. King, J.R. Boles, Karl S. Kellogg, William C. Evans, Gary Landis, A.G. Hunt, Christy B. Till

Rapid response of a hydrologic system to volcanic activity: Masaya volcano, Nicaragua

Hydrologic systems change in response to volcanic activity, and in turn may be sensitive indicators of volcanic activity. Here we investigate the coupled nature of magmatic and hydrologic systems using continuous multichannel time series of soil temperature collected on the flanks of Masaya volcano, Nicaragua, one of the most active volcanoes in Central America. The soil temperatures were measured
S.C.P. Pearson, C.B. Connor, W. E. Sanford

Towards continuous 4D microgravity monitoring of volcanoes

Four-dimensional or time-lapse microgravity monitoring has been used effectively on volcanoes for decades to characterize the changes in subsurface volcanic systems. With measurements typically lasting from a few days to weeks and then repeated a year later, the spatial resolution of theses studies is often at the expense of temporal resolution and vice versa. Continuous gravity studies with one t
Glyn Williams-Jones, Hazel Rymer, Guillaume Mauri, Joachim Gottsmann, Michael P. Poland, Daniele Carbone

Deciphering landslide behavior using large-scale flume experiments

Landslides can be triggered by a variety of hydrologic events and they can exhibit a wide range of movement dynamics. Effective prediction requires understanding these diverse behaviors. Precise evaluation in the field is difficult; as an alternative we performed a series of landslide initiation experiments in the large-scale, USGS debris-flow flume. We systematically investigated the effects of t
Mark E. Reid, Richard M. Iverson, Neal R. Iverson, Richard G. LaHusen, Dianne L. Brien, Matthew Logan

The Landslide Handbook - A Guide to Understanding Landslides

This handbook is intended to be a resource for people affected by landslides to acquire further knowledge, especially about the conditions that are unique to their neighborhoods and communities. Considerable literature and research are available concerning landslides, but unfortunately little of it is synthesized and integrated to address the geographically unique geologic and climatic conditions
Lynn M. Highland, Peter Bobrowsky
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