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New Source Rock Data for the Niobrara and Sage Breaks intervals of the lower Cody Shale in the Wyoming part of the Bighorn Basin

In 2019 the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) quantitively assessed the potential for undiscovered, technically recoverable continuous (unconventional) oil and gas resources in the Niobrara interval of the Cody Shale in the Bighorn Basin Province (Finn and others, 2019). Leading up to the assessment, in 2017, the USGS collected samples from the Niobrara and underlying Sage Breaks intervals (Finn, 2019

Eastern oyster Dynamic Energy Budget model outputs under current (2014-2020) and projected (2041-2050) temperature and salinity conditions in Texas and Louisiana estuaries and along northern Gulf of Mexico coast

Compilation of all outputs from the modeling study presented in Lavaud et al. (2023; IP-156006). In this study a Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) model for the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, was run under different scenarios of current (2014–2020) and future (2041–2050) temperature and salinity conditions across six key Texas and Louisiana estuaries to derive an aquaculture index, based on surv

Microbial community analyses of groundwater collected during an enhanced bioremediation experiment of trichlorethylene in a fractured rock aquifer, West Trenton, NJ (2008-2015)

These datasets contain microbial community data from groundwater samples collected at an in situ bioremediation site located at the former Naval Air Warfare Center (NAWC), West Trenton, NJ. DNA was extracted from groundwater samples collected from monitoring wells at the NAWC study site from July 2008 through July 2015 and analyzed for microbial community structure. Sample collection coincided wit

Inverse Model Data for: Salinity trends in a groundwater system supplemented by 50 years of imported Colorado River water

Data provided here describe the contribution of up to 7 different water sources to the major ion geochemistry of U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and California State Water Resources Control Board Division of Drinking Water (CA-DDW) groundwater samples within the Indio Subbasin of the Coachella Valley, California. The Inverse Geochemical Modeling was performed in the USGS's PHREEQC ver. 3 program and

Questions and responses to USGS-wide poll on quality assurance practices for timeseries data, 2021

This data record contains questions and responses to a USGS-wide survey conducted to identify issues and needs associated with quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) of USGS timeseries data streams. This research was funded by the USGS Community for Data Integration as part of a project titled “From reactive- to condition-based maintenance: Artificial intelligence for anomaly predictions an

Microbial Populations in PFHxSAm (perfluorohexane sulfonamido propyl amine) Biodegradation Microcosms

Water resources around the world are contaminated with per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) due to releases from point sources on military installations, fire training centers, and chemical manufacturing sites. Non-point sources have also been identified including wastewater effluent, landfills, and biosolids application. PFAS are a major concern to myriad stakeholders as some are known to b

Vegetation survey of southwest Florida for use in assessment of the Picayune Strand Restoration Project effects

This release consists of vegetation data collected across an environmental gradient at Ten Thousand Islands National Wildlife Refuge (TTI NWR) near Naples, Florida, USA. The refuge is within the impact area of the Picayune Strand Restoration Project (PSRP), a large-scale hydrologic restoration project in southwest Florida that was authorized by the U.S. Congress in 2007. Vegetation transects were

Molecular and distributional data used to investigate misidentifications, population genetic diversity, and spatiotemporal trends in distribution for Pleurobema riddellii to help guide ESA listing decisions

We provide genetic and distribution data for the Louisiana Pigtoe, Pleorubema riddellii, to guide decisions related to federal protection for the species under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. Our final dataset includes 125 COI sequences generated as part of our study representing P. riddellii from eight North American river basins. This includes the COI sequence we generated from a museum specime

Capture Data and SNP Genotypes to Evaluate Subspecies Range Boundaries of the Bell’s vireo (Vireo bellii pusillus and V. b. arizonae) (2010-2022)

Genetic samples in the form of a small blood sample were collected from 263 Bell's vireos (Vireo bellii) in drainages throughout southern and central California, Arizona, southern Nevada, and southwestern Utah. We used population genomic techniques to delineate the range limit between the Least Bell's Vireo (V. b. pusillus) and its conspecific geographical neighbor, the Arizona Bell's Vireo (V. b

Evaluating if abundance and behavior of shorebird species are related to restoration and habitat at Whiskey Island and Caminada Headland, Louisiana from 2012 to 2020

Barrier islands provide resources and ecological services that are integral to economic and environmental interests, such as protection of coastal infrastructure and providing habitat for wildlife. Over time, barrier islands may become eroded and experience land loss, which require management actions to restore island integrity. The process of restoring barrier islands can create new habitats but

North American duck populations and the Central U.S. hunters who hunt them

This data file is in long format, comprising time series of hunter abundance and behavior and duck abundance. Hunter information varies by administrative flyway (Mississippi and Central), whereas duck population abundance is summarized for both the Prairie Pothole Region and the continent. Duck information for the Prairie Pothole Region is for the U.S. portion only (Strata 41-49 of the May waterfo

Inventory of Large Slope Instabilities, Prince William Sound, Alaska

Steep glacial and paraglacial landscapes often exhibit evidence of gravitationally-driven slope deformation. In recently deglaciated coastal environments, catastrophic failures of these bedrock instabilities as rapid landslides have the potential to generate tsunamis that may pose hazards for communities, infrastructure, mariners, and important natural and cultural resources. We present a first in
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