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Urban and developed areas indicated by classification of Landsat 2018 multispectral imagery

Polygons indicate the extent of urban (gridcode 5) and developed (gridcode 6) land cover in the greater Kabul area. Polygons were created from classification of Landsat 8 Operational Land Imagery (OLI) 30m resolution multispectral satellite imagery acquired on June 13, 2018.

Radiocarbon measurements, census counts of benthic foraminifera, diatoms, and palynomorphs, and geochemistry from core 721-1 obtained in 2002 off San Francisquito Creek in South San Francisco Bay

The urbanized area of downtown Menlo Park is subject to persistent flooding and sediment deposition by San Francisquito Creek in South San Francisco Bay. To mitigate these events, a suite of cores was collected in 2002 at the mouth of the creek to determine sediment depositional rates on the delta. One of those cores (721-1) was selected for microbiological (pollen, diatoms, and foraminifera) and

Geospatial datasets associated with Topographic Change Analysis in Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore

These datasets were created as part of a project to map landslides and other mass movements throughout Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore. The project aims to address the potential hazards and geomorphic consequences of historic high water levels in Lake Michigan, due to active wave erosion affecting beaches, slopes, and dunes; and coastal inundation. The scale and accuracy of these datasets e

Cordilleran Flycatcher banding, nestling, and fledgling data from southwestern Colorado, 2009-2018

These tabular data were compiled to assess full annual cycle breeding of the Empidonax occidentalis (Cordilleran Flycatcher). Objectives of our study was to assess facets of the full annual cycle of the Cordilleran Flycatcher. These data represent over nine field seasons of work on the Dolores River in southwestern Colorado with field work conducted from 2009-2018. These data were collected from 2

Geologic maps of the Descartes region of the Moon Apollo 16 pre-mission maps

The evolution of the Moon’s surface shows three successive stages (Hartmann, 1970). The earliest, from the beginning of the decipherable record to the Imbrian Period, was dominated by frequent large-scale impacts which produced overlapping and interfering craters and giant multi-ringed basin with ejecta blankets. The second stage, extending through most of the Imbrian to early Eratosthenian Period

Geologic maps of the Apennine-Hadley region of the Moon Apollo 15 pre-mission maps

This map shows the regional setting of the landing site for the Apollo 15 mission. The area lies approximately 650 km southeast of the center of the Imbrium basin, a large basalt-filled multi-ringed structure in the northwest quadrant of the Moon’s near side. Several arcuate structures surround the Imbrium basin (Hartmann and Kuiper, 1962). The most prominent of these forms the northwest-facing sc

Geologic maps of the Taurus-Littrow region of the Moon Apollo 17 pre-mission maps

The Taurus-Littrow region is mainly a highland area at the juncture of Mare Serenitatis and Mare Tranquillitatis (Scott and Pohn, 1972). Highland materials cover most of the area, forming a group or rugged massifs close to the center of the map and more subdued terrain to the east. The highland units (pItm, IpIh) are probably mostly breccias formed by the Serenitatis impact and pre-existing brecci

Nutrient and pesticide data collected from the USGS National Water Quality Network and previous networks, 1963-2018

The National Water Quality Network (NWQN) for Rivers and Streams includes 110 surface-water river and stream sites monitored by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Water Quality Program, National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Project. The NWQN includes 20 large river coastal sites, 41 large river inland sites, 30 wadeable stream reference sites, 10 wadeable stream urban sites, and 9 wade

Spatial characteristics of Piping Plover nest sites in the U.S. Prairie Pothole Region data, 2000-2019

This data is a companion to the manuscript titled "Data integration reveals dynamic and systematic patterns of breeding habitat use by a threatened shorebird". Advances in both remote sensing and analytical tools for spatial data have allowed for the integration of dynamic processes into species distribution models. We developed a spatiotemporal model of breeding habitat use and density for a fede

Mercury stable isotopes in biota, sediment, groundwater, and waste piles, Clear Lake area, Lake County, California, 2019-2022

Samples were collected from Clear Lake, California from 2019-2022 by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) California Water Science Center, the USGS Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center (FRESC), the US Environmental Protection Agency, and EA Engineering Science and Technology Inc. to assess the extent and cycling of legacy mercury (Hg) contamination from Sulphur Bank Mine. Samples of waste ro

Nitrogen Concentrations and Loads and Seasonal Nitrogen Loads in Selected Long Island Sound Tributaries, Water Years 1995-2021 (ver. 1.1, February 2024)

This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release presents tabular data on nitrogen concentrations and loads for multiple nitrogen species, and river discharge data used in the analysis of data collected from October 1994 to September 2021. Data on flow and nitrogen concentrations were analyzed using the USGS Exploration and Graphics for RivEr Trends (EGRET) R package, and the method of Weighted Reg

Harmonized continuous water quality data in support of modeling harmful algal blooms in the United States, 2005 - 2022

Harmful algal blooms (HABs) are overgrowths of algae or cyanobacteria in water and can be harmful to humans and animals directly via toxin exposure or indirectly via changes in water quality and related impacts to ecosystems services, drinking water characteristics, and recreation. While HABs occur frequently throughout the United States, the driving conditions behind them are not well understood,
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