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Lake and Tributary chloride data for Seneca and Cayuga Lakes, New York (1897-2014)

This data is comprised of representative chloride values Seneca and Cayuga Lakes and their tributaries from many sources.

Supporting Datasets for Hydrogeological Characterization of Area B, Fort Detrick, Maryland

This dataset includes raw hydrologic data (streamflow data, groundwater level data, precipitation data) and geochemical data (geochemical results, fluorometric monitoring results) collected from January 1st, 2000 to December 31st, 2020 This dataset also includes interpreted results described in a U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigation Report (Goodling and others, 2023). This report descri

National Hydrologic Model v1.0 water budget components aggregated to 10 and 12-digit Hydrologic Unit Code boundaries

This data release contains the output of the National Hydrologic Hydrologic Model (NHM) version 1.0 aggregated to twelve-digit and ten-digit Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) boundaries contained in the NHDPlus v2.1 dataset. The data are intended to provide "local" water budgets for each HUC boundary as total aggregated streamflow across HUC boundaries is not included. The HUC boundaries are periodically

MODFLOW-NWT and MT3D-USGS models for appraising parameter sensitivity and other controlling factors in a synthetic watershed accounting for variably-saturated flow processes

A 3-dimensional (3D) synthetic model, using MODFLOW-NWT and MT3D-USGS, explores the new unsaturated zone heat transport capabilities in MT3D-USGS. Model simulations were used to explore various parameter sensitivities and unsaturated zone thicknesses and their impact on heat transport as water enters the subsurface as infiltration, flows through the unsaturated zone to the water table, and eventua

MODFLOW-NWT and MT3D-USGS models for evaluating heat flows, lags and dampening under high emission climate forcing for unsaturated/saturated transport in a synthetic watershed

A 3-dimensional (3D) synthetic model, built for running with MODFLOW-NWT and MT3D-USGS, explores the new unsaturated zone heat transport capabilities in MT3D-USGS. Model simulations explore potential responses to within a watershed to climate warming along system pathways. The response analysis uses output from a 30-year warming period on a synthetic watershed patterned after a humid temperate cli

MODFLOW-NWT, MT3D-USGS, and VS2DH models of 6 hypothetical 1-dimensional variably saturated systems to demonstrate the accuracy of new heat transport capabilities in MT3D-USGS

Six hypothetical 1-dimensional models are used to verify and demonstrate new unsaturated-zone heat transport functionality added to MT3D-USGS (version 1.1.0). Because the governing equations describing groundwater solute transport and heat transport have a similar form, MT3D-USGS may be applied to heat transport problems. Published examples of MT3DMS, from which MT3D-USGS is derived, as a heat tra

Stem and Needle Growth for Whitebark Pine in the Sierra Nevada

These data represent stem growth, needle length growth, and carbon stable isotope ratios from whitebark pine at 27 sites in the Sierra Nevada of California. Values for stem growth were derived from increment cores, processed following standard methods. Needle characteristics were captured for individual trees across all years needles were present on the internodes. Needle length was measured in th

Drilling, construction, geophysical, water quality, and aquifer test data for well SEP 16, Butte County, Idaho

In 2021 and 2022, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Idaho Department of Water Resources (IDWR), drilled and constructed well SEP 16 (431900112593601) approximately 6 miles south-southeast of Big Southern Butte in Butte County, Idaho. The purpose of the well installation was to collect geologic, geophysical, and hydrologic data. On July 13, 2022, the USGS Idaho National Lab

TRAD: Thermal traits of anurans database for the Southeastern United States

We present ATraiU-TaDS: Anuran Traits of the United States - Thermal Data for Southeastern Species, a database of thermoregulation trait values related to physiological (critical thermal minima and maxima, preferred temperature, mass) and behavioral thermoregulation (activity period, retreat emergence temperature, basking temperature, foraging temperature minimum and maximum) for 40 anuran species

Terrestrial LiDAR Point Clouds and Channel Morphology Assessments along Midway Branch in Fort Meade, Maryland, for 2020-2022

This metadata record documents six LiDAR point clouds, six point cloud generation reports, and three comma-delimited tables that contain information on local channel morphology and topography for a select number of reaches along Midway Branch and its associated tributaries within the confines of Fort George G. Meade, Fort Meade, Maryland. Point cloud generation reports include diagnostic informati

Synthetic storm-driven flood-inundation grids for coastal communities in 10 New Jersey counties

Digital flood-inundation maps for an approximately 295-mile length of the New Jersey coastline and tidewaters through 10-coastal counties stretching from Cumberland County through Bergen County; including Cumberland, Cape May, Atlantic, Ocean, Monmouth, Middlesex, Union, Essex, Hudson, and Bergen counties were created by the U.S Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the New Jersey Departmen

Predictive Maps of Fuel Break Effectiveness by Treatment Type and Underlying Resilience to Disturbance and Resistance to Invasion Across the Western U.S.

Escalated wildfire activity within the western U.S. has widespread societal impacts and long-term consequences for the imperiled sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) biome. Shifts from historical fire regimes and the interplay between frequent disturbance and invasive annual grasses may initiate permanent state transitions as wildfire frequency outpaces sagebrush communities' innate capacity to recover. The
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