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Cyanotoxin concentrations in extracts from cyanobacteria colonies, plankton net tows, and Solid Phase Adsorption Toxin Tracking (SPATT) samplers in western rivers, lakes, and reservoirs, including drinking water sources in the Oregon Cascades: 2016-2020

This data release contains cyanotoxin concentrations for microcystins, cylindrospermopsins, anatoxins, and saxitoxins assessed using Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays (ELISA) on 363 samples collected from 82 surface-water sites located in the Cascade Range in Oregon, and eight sites located outside of the Oregon Cascade Range in Washington and California, during 2016-2020. Three sample types were

Ecological, Geomorphological, Sedimentological, and Geochemical Records of Pre- and Post-Colonial Riparian Ecosystems in Anne Arundel County, Maryland

This data release includes data collected in the pursuit of identifying pre- and post-colonial riparian ecosystems found throughout Anne Arundel County, Maryland, USA. A single raster file is included, and represents a topological classification of the entire county according to a hydrologically conditioned Digital Elevation Model (DEM). Ten shapefiles are also included, nine of which represent th

Model archive summaries for turbidity derived suspended-sediment concentration at USGS stations 01349527 Mohawk River above State Highway 30A at Fonda, 01351500 Schoharie Creek at Burtonsville, and 01357500 Mohawk River at Cohoes, New York, 2015-20

These model archive summaries document surrogate regression models developed to estimate suspended-sediment concentration (SSC) at three USGS streamgages in New York:  Mohawk River above State Highway 30A at Fonda, USGS site number 01349527; Schoharie Creek at Burtonsville, USGS site number 01351500; and Mohawk River at Cohoes, USGS site number 01357500.  Ordinary least squares regression equation

MODFLOW-NWT model used to simulate Potential Effects of Changes in Water Use in the Middle Carson River Basin for Eagle, Dayton, and Churchill Valleys, West-Central, Nevada

A three-dimensional MODFLOW-NWT groundwater flow model was developed to evaluate the impacts of alternative water management scenarios on the groundwater resources of Eagle, Dayton, and Churchill Valleys, Nevada. In addition, the resulting impact on flows in the Carson River and Lahontan Reservoir are also evaluated. During the economic boom that occurred from 2004-2006 in northwestern Nevada, mun

Memphis Urban Seismic Hazard Maps, v2008

Memphis has a dense urban population near faults capable of producing major earthquakes. A high probability of a moderate earthquake in the near future (e.g., a 25-40% probability of a magnitude 6.0 or greater in the next 50 years) from the New Madrid seismic zone, and relatively low regional attenuation (in other words, seismic waves do damage over a greater area in this region than for the same

Database for the isopach map of the Brightseat Formation and Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary in Maryland and Virginia

The goal of the Atlantic Subsurface Stratigraphic Initiative (ASSI) is to create isopach and structural contour maps for all Coastal Plain formations within the Salisbury Embayment of Maryland and Virginia. Detailed information regarding thicknesses and extent of formations across state boundaries can then be utilized for more accurate documentation of the subaerial extent of aquifers across state

Water quality data from a multiparameter sonde collected in the Herring River during November 2018 to November 2019 in Wellfleet, MA

Management efforts of the tidally-restricted Herring River in Wellfleet, MA include research to understand pre-restoration sediment conditions. Submerged multiparameter sondes that measure optical turbidity were deployed at four sites landward and seaward of the Herring River restriction. Periodically, the sites were visited and additional turbidity measurements were collected with a handheld mult

U.S. Geological Survey Soil Sample Archive

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Soil Sample Archive is a database of information describing soil and sediment samples collected in support of USGS science. Samples in the archive have been registered with International Generic Sample Numbers, relabeled with bar-coded sample labels, and repacked in containers for long-term preservation. Details of sample collection location, collection date, asso

Data-Driven Drought Prediction Project Model Inputs for Upper and Lower Colorado Portions of the National Hydrologic Geo-Spatial Fabric version 1.1 and Select U.S. Geological Survey Streamgage Basins

This metadata record describes a series of data sets of natural, climatic, and anthropogenic landscape features processed as model inputs for the Data-Driven Drought Prediction Project of the Water Resources Mission Area Drought Program. These data are linked to two different spatial units: the National Hydrologic Geospatial Fabric version 1.1 (nhgfv1.1) including their associated individual catch

MODFLOW One-Water Hydrologic Flow Model (MF-OWHM) used to simulate conjunctive use in the Hatch Valley and Mesilla Basin, New Mexico and Texas, United States, and northern Chihuahua, Mexico

The Rio Grande Transboundary Integrated Hydrologic Model (RGTIHM), which was originally developed by Hanson and others (2020) (, was updated and recalibrated to minimize the biases in RGTIHM?s simulation of streamflow and to incorporate new estimates of historical agricultural consumptive use in the study area. The RGTIHM was developed through an interagency eff

GSFLOW, used to run PRMS and MODFLOW-NWT models, to simulate the effects of natural and anthropogenic impacts on water resources in the Rio San Jose Basin and surrounding areas, New Mexico

The Rio San Jose Integrated Hydrologic Model (RSJIHM) is a sequentially linked, integrated hydrologic model utilizing the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) (version 5.2.0) and MODFLOW-NWT (version 1.2.0) that was developed to provide a tool for analyzing the hydrologic system response to historical water use and potential changes in water supplies and demands in the Rio San Jose Basin. P

MODFLOW-NWT model used to assess historical and future trends in groundwater availability in the Trinity River alluvium aquifer, Texas

The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Trinity River Authority, the Tarrant Regional Water District, the City of Dallas, and the North Texas Municipal Water District, constructed a finite-difference numerical groundwater-flow model of the Trinity River alluvium aquifer using MODFLOW with the Newton formulation solver (MODFLOW-NWT). This model, along with a surface water model and an a
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