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Bathymetric and Supporting Data for 12 Water Supply Lakes in Northeastern Missouri, 2021

Water supply lakes are the primary source of water for many communities in northern and western Missouri. Therefore, accurate and up-to-date estimates of lake capacity are important for managing and predicting adequate water supply. Many of the water supply lakes in Missouri were previously surveyed by the U.S. Geological Survey in the early 2000s (Richards, 2013) and in 2013 (Huizinga, 2014); how

Molecular, morphological, and distributional data supporting the recognition of an undescribed freshwater mussel endemic to the Edwards Plateau in the Colorado River basin

The widespread distribution of Strophitus undulatus, as well as high intraspecific morphological variation, has led previous authors to doubt the taxon is representative of a single species. Here we provide detailed information for all the freshwater mussels and associated DNA sequence data utilized to test species boundaries in S. undulatus. These molecular data, in combination with morphological

Data for Laboratory simulation of earthquake-induced damage in lava dome rocks

We performed laboratory time-dependent creep and stress-oscillation earthquake simulations in uniaxial loading in compression and tension on four blocks of porphyritic dacite collected from pyroclastic deposits of Mt. Fugen, of the Unzen-dake volcanic complex in Japan (referred to as ‘Unzen volcano’). Experiments were carried out in the Experimental Volcanology and Geothermal Research Laboratory a

Water-quality profiles within the Caloosahatchee River and twelve fiberglass tanks, during experimental nutrient addition treatments, 2020

The dataset includes water-quality sensor readings collected by the U.S Geological Survey (USGS) from the Caloosahatchee River at the Franklin Lock and Dam and 12 open-air fiberglass tanks filled with Caloosahatchee River water used for mesocosm experiments testing the effects of elevated nutrients on harmful algal bloom (HAB) dynamics. This dataset contains water quality sensor readings from two

Whole rock geochemistry and uranium-lead isotopic data from Mesoproterozoic rocks in the Eagle Lake quadrangle, Essex County, New York

This data release includes whole rock (WR) geochemical data, and uranium-lead isotopic data collected using a sensitive high resolution ion microprobe-reverse geometry (SHRIMP-RG) instrument; the SHRIMP-RG is a type of secondary ion mass spectrometer (SIMS). Whole rock geochemistry data were analyzed at Bureau Veritas Commodities Canada Ltd. Laboratories in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. SHR

Community Exposure to Future Coastal Hazards for Georgia, USA

The data set contains information on potential population, economic, land cover, and infrastructure exposure to coastal hazards for coastal communities of the state of Georgia, USA. The type of information includes U.S. Census data on the number and types of residents, InfoGroup data on numbers and types of employees, county parcel values, NLCD land cover estimates, and infrastructure data on roa

Community Exposure to Future Coastal Hazards for Virginia, USA

The data set contains information on potential population, economic, land cover, and infrastructure exposure to coastal hazards for coastal communities of the state of Virginia, USA. The type of information includes U.S. Census data on the number and types of residents, InfoGroup data on numbers and types of employees, county parcel values, NLCD land cover estimates, and infrastructure data on ro

Community Exposure to Future Coastal Hazards for Florida, USA

Socioeconomic impact estimates of community exposure to future coastal hazards are presented for communities along the coast of U.S. Florida. The provided data were generated using the Hazard Exposure Reporting and Analytics (HERA) web application ( HERA uses geospatial analysis of socioeconomic indicators (population, economic, land cover, and infrastructure) in combinat

Input Files and WRTDS Model Output for the two major tributaries of Lake Koocanusa

Canadian discrete water quality data and daily streamflow records were evaluated using the Weighted Regression on Time, Discharge, and Seasons (WRTDS) model implemented with the EGRET R package (Hirsch et al. 2010, Hirsch and De Cicco 2015). Models were used to estimate loads of solutes and evaluate trends for three constituents of interest (selenium, nitrogen, and sulfate). Six models were genera

August, 2022, airborne lidar survey of Mount St. Helens crater, upper North Fork Toutle River, and South Fork Toutle River

The lateral blast, debris avalanche, and lahars of the May 18th, 1980, eruption of Mount St. Helens, Washington, dramatically altered the surrounding landscape. Lava domes were extruded during the subsequent eruptive periods of 1980-1986 and 2004-2008. During 2022, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers contracted the acquisitions of airborne lidar surveys of Mount St. Helens crater and two primary drainage

Data-Driven Drought Prediction Project Model Outputs for Select Spatial Units within the Conterminous United States

This metadata record describes model outputs and supporting model code for the Data-Driven Drought Prediction project of the Water Resources Mission Area Drought Program. The data listed here include outputs of multiple machine learning model types for predicting hydrological drought at select locations within the conterminous United States. The child items referenced below correspond to different

Brook Stickleback occurrence and environmental data 2020-2021

Brook Stickleback Culaea inconstans is an aquatic invasive species in Wyoming that may pose a risk to native biodiversity. Our aim was to evaluate the current risk Brook Stickleback poses to native fish species in the North Platte River drainage. We updated the current distribution of Brook Stickleback, evaluated for possible range expansion, and determined landscape-level habitat drivers and occu
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