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Geochemical data from selected pre-Middle Jurassic basement rocks beneath the Coastal Plain in Florida and Alabama

This data release contains whole-rock geochemical analyses from drill cores and cuttings of pre-Middle Jurassic basement rocks that are buried beneath Coastal Plain sedimentary deposits in Florida and Alabama. The analyses were acquired to support geologic mapping and characterization of little-known coastal-plain basement rock units for topical studies as in geochronology, and applications rangin

MODFLOW-2005 model used to analyze water-use scenarios in the New Jersey Coastal Plain

Three withdrawal scenarios spanning from 2014 through 2040 were simulated using a previously published three-dimensional groundwater flow model of the New Jersey Coastal Plain (NJCP) (Gordon and Carleton, 2023). This model, run in MODFLOW-2005 (version 1.12.00), was recently updated by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) ensuring the models continued relevance for water-resource management and devel

Chemical and Biological Data from a Study on Evaluation of Survival and Growth of Fatmucket (Lampsilis siliquoidea) in Short-Term Chronic Toxicity Tests with Nickel and Ammonia

Short-term 7-day ammonia and nickel toxicity tests were conducted with juvenile Fatmucket. This data release reports individual biological, chemical, and water quality measurements in each toxicity test.

PIT Tags Encountered by Klamath Falls Field Station Equipment in the Upper Klamath Basin 1993-2024 (ver. 3.0, April 2024)

Data were collected as part of a long-term capture-recapture program to assess the status and dynamics of populations of two long-lived, federally endangered catostomids in Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon and Clear Lake Reservoir, California. Lost River suckers (LRS; Deltistes luxatus) and shortnose suckers (SNS; Chasmistes brevirostris) have been captured and tagged with passive integrated transponder

Data collected in 2009-2012 to assess benthic macroinvertebrate response to dike removal on the Nisqually River delta

Macroinvertebrate and environmental data were collected annually in July-August in the year before dike removal (2009) and the first three years after dike removal (2010-2012) at the Nisqually River Delta, Washington, U.S.A. Data were collected along a gradient extending from the inner marsh edge to the delta front and spanning different types of habitat including marsh restored to tidal inundatio

Global data on the relationship between urban biodiversity and ecosystem functioning between 2006 and 2023

This database contains documented observations of the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in urban areas globally published between 2006 and June 2023. We systematically reviewed publications from Web of Science. To be included, studies needed to explicitly assess how at least one metric of biodiversity related to at least one ecosystem function and must have been conducted

High-Resolution Aeromagnetic Survey Over Packwood, Washington, and Surrounding Areas

This data release provides access to a low-altitude aeromagnetic survey flown over a part of the Cascade Range of the US Pacific Northwest, approximately centered over the town of Packwood, Washington. The Packwood magnetic survey surrounds but does not include the edifice of Mount Rainier, the highest (4392 m; 14,410 ft) volcano of the conterminous United States. Data were acquired between Septem

Bathymetry and acoustic-backscatter data for Ozette Lake, Washington collected during USGS field activity 2019-622-FA

2-m resolution bathymetry and acoustic backscatter data were collected during a July 2019 SWATHPlus survey of Ozette Lake, Washington. Data were collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) with fieldwork activity number 2019-622-FA. The 2-m data are provided as GeoTIFF images.

Trained emulators from the spheroid90gp software package

This data release contains materials related to the spheroid90gp software package, including pre-trained Gaussian Process emulators and model input files. The emulators predict cavity compressibility and surface displacements produced by pressure changes in a vertical spheroidal cavity embedded in an elastic halfspace. The methodology is documented in a journal publication ("Computationally effici

CONUS404 climate forcing variable subset for hydrologic models, 1979-2022: downscaled to 1 km and bias-adjusted for precipitation and temperature

This metadata record serves as documentation for the bias adjusted version of the CONUS404 (CONtiguous United States for 40-years at 4-kilometer grid spacing) atmospheric forcing dataset; however this dataset has been revised to include 43 years of data at 1-kilometer grid spacing. This is a dataset of historical conditions (water years 1980-2022, October 1, 1979-September 30, 2022) and has suffic

Winter 2023 Arcata to Eureka, California, Deployment of Nodal Seismometers

These data are from a 3-month long deployment of nodal seismometers that ran from December 22th, 2022 until March 1st, 2023 as part of a Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) experiment above the Gorda plate. The deployment was done in response to the 2022/12/20 M6.4 Ferndale earthquake. The sensors were deployed at 46 locations along Old Arcata Rd between Arcata and Eureka California (Figure 1); the

Adirondack Inventory & Monitoring (AIM) Network Volume 1 (2021 - 2023)

This volume's release consists of 42105 media files captured by autonomous wildlife monitoring devices under the project, Adirondack Inventory & Monitoring (AIM) Network. The attached files listed below include several CSV files that provide information about the data release. The file, "media.csv" provides the metadata about the media, such as filename and date/time of capture. The actual media f
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