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Water Temperature Mapping of the Skykomish, Snoqualmie, and Middle Fork Snoqualmie Rivers, Washington—Longitudinal Stream Temperature Profiles, Significant Thermal Features, and Airborne Thermal Infrared and RGB Imagery Mosaics

The Skykomish, Snoqualmie, and Middle Fork Snoqualmie River Basins have historically provided critical spawning, rearing, and core habitat for several salmonid species. These salmonid species include natural populations of Chinook salmon (O. tshawytscha), steelhead trout (O. mykiss), and bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus)—listed as “Threatened” under the Endangered Species Act—as well as coho sal

Aqueous and solid phase geochemistry of water and mineral precipitates from draining adits in California and Colorado

This dataset is a compilation of samples collected from draining mine adits, including water and mineral precipitates, from several mines in California and Colorado. The Golinsky, Copper Bluff, and Afterthought Mines (located in northern California) and the Gold King mine (located in southern Colorado) have historically operated to recover metals including copper, lead, zinc, gold, silver and othe

Discharge, topographic, suspended-sediment, and GIS data from Moenkopi Wash, AZ

These data were compiled to perform analyses of hydrologic change, changes in sediment transport, and channel change within Moenkopi Wash, Arizona. Objective(s) of our study were to quantify the magnitude and timing of changes in hydrology, sediment transport, and channel form within Moenkopi Wash and to determine the downstream effects of those changes on sediment delivery downstream to the Littl

Temperature data collected from the Lower Yakima River from October 2018 to October 2020

A total of 27 temperature sensors were deployed along the lower 90 miles of the Yakima River at 7 locations where cold water had been previously observed. These 7 cold-water areas had 3 to 6 temperature sensors installed to document the extent and duration of these cold-water areas and their impacts on mainstem temperatures of the Lower Yakima River. Cold-water areas included the mouths of tributa

Imagery training dataset for the River Imagery Sensing (RISE) application

This data release contains time-lapse imagery taken at U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) stream gaging stations with associated hydrologic and meteorological data related to each image. These data are to help improve the development of models in detecting water elevation at a given stream gaging station. Images of the water surface and surroundings at USGS stream gaging stations were taken at varying

Experimental inundation and drought response data for twelve riparian plants occurring along a local hydrologic gradient in the Colorado River ecosystem

These data were compiled to identify potential contributions of drought and inundation tolerance to vegetation composition along the Colorado River. Objective(s) of our study were to quantify physiological and growth responses of different plant species to drought and inundation. These data represent measurements taken on container plants in a greenhouse, and hydrological niche values based on fie

Total PCB concentrations in sediment, water, macroinvertebrates and spiders and the lower Ottawa River (Toledo, OH) between 2009-2015

Polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) concentrations were measured in the lower Ottawa River in 2009 before dredging and after dredging in 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2015. Media collected for analysis included sediment, water, macroinvertebrates, and tetragnathid spiders at 18 stations. At each station 16 surface sediment core samples (top 15 cm) were collected and composited together with a mechanical mixer

Enhanced Terrain Imagery of the State College 30 x 60 Minute Quadrangle from Lidar-Derived Elevation Models at 3-Meter Resolution

This imagery dataset consists of 3-meter resolution, lidar-derived imagery of the State College 30 x 60 minute quadrangle in Pennsylvania. The source data used to construct this imagery consists of 1-meter resolution lidar-derived digital elevation models (DEMs). The lidar source data were compiled from different acquisitions published between 2016 and 2019 and downloaded from the USGS National Ma

Low-Flow Period Seasonality, Trends, and Climate Linkages Across the United States Data Release

This metadata record describes data that characterize low-flow period duration and seasonality, as well as trends and climate linkages at streamgages across the conterminous United States. These data are associated with a publication which looks to answer three questions about low-flow periods in the conterminous United States: (1) how long are these periods and when do they typically start and en

Age estimates of captured Black Carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus) using four calcified structures, 2017-2019

A total of 236 Black Carp were collected throughout the year from 2017-2019 by incidental captures of commercial fishers and biologists. Capture date, river basin of capture location, and coordinates were recorded for each Black Carp captured. A subsample of 119 Black Carp varying from 429-1268 millimeters total length were compared for the precision of annuli counts by two experienced readers for

Detrital Zircon U-Pb and Hf isotope data from selected Appalachian rivers

This data release contains zircon U-Pb (n=1467) and Hf (n=332) data for five modern rivers (Connecticut, Susquehanna, Roanoke, Peedee, and Chattahoochee) draining the Appalachian mountain belt. The data show that zircon crystallization ages are characterized by several discrete populations that often correspond with orogenic episodes in the Mesoproterozoic and Paleozoic, with distinct differences

Size, attachment material and efficacy of piscicide delivery vials and baits for control of black carp, Mylopharyngodon piceus

A piscicide delivery method was designed to selectively target black carp Mylopharyngodon piceus, an invasive species in North America which possesses specially adapted pharyngeal teeth for crushing mollusk prey. Bait was prepared by attaching a glass vial containing toxicant (antimycin A) to the exterior of Corbicula fluminea clam valve. The vial was designed to break by the force exerted from th
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