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Development and testing of a qPCR assay for Lampsilis siliquoidea eDNA

Data describe specificity and sensitivity testing for the L.sil2 assay. This assay is used to amplify eDNA from the freshwater mussel Lampsilis siliquoidea.

Development, testing and use of four species-specific qPCR assays for freshwater mussel eDNA detection in the Niobrara River

This data consists of information on the specificity and sensitivity of 4 species specific qPCR assays for the detection of eDNA from 4 species of freshwater mussels, specifically Lampsilis cardium, Lampsilis siliquoidea, Pyganodon grandis, and Anodontoides ferussacianus. The data also contain the results of eDNA sampling in Niobrara River at Niobrara National Scenic River and Agate Fossil Beds Na

Diet Composition of Southern Beaufort Sea Polar Bears Sampled in Spring from 2004 to 2016 Estimated with Quantitative Fatty Acid Signature Analysis

These data are estimates of the proportional contributions of bearded seal, beluga whale, bowhead whale, and ringed seal to the diets of southern Beaufort Sea polar bears. Fat biopsy samples were collected from polar bears captured or biopsy darted along the north coast of Alaska or on offshore ice during March, April, and May from 2004 to 2016. Fatty acid data of the above four prey species were

Electrical resistivity tomography, electromagnetic induction, and ultraviolet optical scanning tool data collected at Malmstrom Air Force Base, Great Falls, Montana, August 28–August 31, 2023

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the U.S. Air Force Civil Engineer Center (USAF/CEC), conducted a pilot study at Malmstrom Air Force Base (MAFB) to evaluate the utility of two non-invasive geophysical techniques for detecting hydrocarbons in subsurface materials. Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and electromagnetic induction (EMI) surveys were completed August 28–29, 2

Turbidity and Suspended Sediment Concentration Data from a Laboratory Mixing Tank Experiment 2023

Four dams on the Klamath River that created Iron Gate Reservoir and Copco Lake in Siskiyou County, California, and John C. Boyle Reservoir, in Klamath County, Oregon, are scheduled for removal in early 2024. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) will deploy high-range turbidity sensors to compute continuous suspended sediment concentration (SSC) before, during, and following the scheduled dam removals

Datasets of altitude of the top of the Dakota Sandstone, top of the Pennsylvanian-age units, and water-level in western Sarpy County, Nebraska

This Data Release is comprised of datasets used for the development of a hydrogeologic visualization model for western Sarpy County. Additional documentation on model development can be found in the associated Scientific Investigations Report. In 2016, the Papillion-Missouri River Natural Resources District (PMRNRD) contracted airborne electromagnetic surveys (AEM) of the area to be completed to b

Model archive and output files for net infiltration, runoff, and irrigation water use for the Mississippi Embayment Regional Aquifer System, 2000 to 2020, simulated with the Soil-Water-Balance model

This item provides Soil-Water-Balance (SWB) model output and a model archive of water budget simulations for the Mississippi Embayment Regional Aquifer System (MERAS) during the period 2000 to 2020. Gridded daily data (1 kilometer resolution) include net infiltration (groundwater recharge), rejected net infiltration, runoff, irrigation, actual evapotranspiration and gross precipitation The model

Kauaʻi Rapid ʻŌhiʻa Death (ROD) Ambrosia Beetles 2020-2021

This data release includes data and metadata containing documentation of 1) ambrosia beetle (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) species caught in cross-vane panel traps (CVPT) in ʻōhiʻa (Metrosideros polymorpha) dominated forests with geographical locations and elevations and 2) ambrosia beetle species reared directly from cut ʻōhiʻa tree sections (bolts) infected with Rapid ʻŌhiʻa Death (ROD)-causing pat

Analysis of Polyphenols in Water Primrose (Ludwigia hexapetala) Plants from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta of California

Water primrose (Ludwigia hexapetala) is an invasive aquatic plant that has rapidly increased in coverage throughout the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Water primrose has invaded wetlands and may contribute towards mortality of tules (Schoenoplectus spp.) and cattails (Typha spp.). Little research has been completed on the mechanisms responsible for marsh loss, but previous studies have suggested th

Rasters of Observed Aufeis Deposits Within Rivers of the 1002 Area Based on Historical Landsat Imagery, 1985-2022

These data comprise 505 unique geospatial raster datasets which describe persistent river ice (aufeis) occurrence within floodplains of select rivers and creeks in the 1002 Area of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in northern Alaska. Each raster is derived from a historical observation made by one of five Landsat satellites. Surface reflectance in the green and shortwave infrared wavelengths ar

Distribution and Breeding Status of Least Bell's Vireo along the San Diego and Tijuana Rivers in San Diego County, California (2023)

The spatial data results of USGS surveys for Least Bell's Vireo (Vireo bellii pusillus, LBVI) along the Tijuana River and San Diego River in 2023 to determine abundance and distribution of vireos to facilitate population trend analyses and collect information on dispersal and site fidelity of banded vireos as part of long-term demographic studies at multiple sites.

Data from an annual trapping effort of an urban aquatic turtle population in Lafayette, Louisiana from 2009-2021 (ver. 2.0, July 2024)

This dataset includes results from an ongoing annual trapping effort targeting aquatic turtles at two urban ponds in Lafayette, Louisiana. This project began in 2009 and consists of five days of active and passive trapping each May. This project is ongoing with plans to continue in May of 2025.
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