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Water chemistry data for samples collected at groundwater sites in the Santa Maria Valley Oil Field study area, July 2018–March 2019, Santa Barbara County, California

The California State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) initiated the Oil and Gas Regional Monitoring Program (RMP) to assess effects of oil and gas development on groundwater designated for any beneficial use. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is the technical lead in conducting the RMP through the California Oil, Gas, and Groundwater (COGG) Program, working in cooperation with the

Development of fluorescent staining method and effect of fluorescent staining on benthic invertebrate picking efficiency

This is a tabular data set that includes intensity and saturation measurements of benthic invertebrates, sample residue, and preservative from samples stained with three fluorescent dyes for the development of a fluorescent staining method to enhance picking efficiency. This data set also contains data evaluating a selected fluorescent method's effects on picking efficiency and comparison to stand

Sr/Ca and Linear Extension Data for a Modern Orbicella faveolata Colony From Marquesas Keys, Florida, USA

The coral Strontium/Calcium (Sr/Ca) paleothermometer can provide a powerful proxy for centennial-scale sea-surface temperature (SST) variability in the Caribbean/Atlantic Ocean region. This data release presents a new, 150-year proxy reconstruction (1830-1980 C.E.) of monthly-resolved Sr/Ca-based SST estimates from the coral species Orbicella faveolata collected from the Marquesas Keys, Florida (F

Estimate of Georgia water-use data by county for 2020

In cooperation with the Georgia Environmental Protection Division, the U.S. Geological Survey compiled four datasets summarizing 2020 water use for the state of Georgia by county. These datasets include: annual aquifer withdrawals; industrial water use by category; public supply water use; and total water use across multiple variables, including domestic, commercial, industrial, mining, thermoelec

Continuous Water Quality, Suspended Solids, and Enterococci Data from the Harlem River, Bronx, New York, Jan 2021- Sept 2021

This data set contains continuous water-surface elevation and water-quality (temperature, specific conductance, salinity, and turbidity) data recorded at 6- and 15-minute intervals, respectively, from two sites in the Bronx on the Harlem River -- Roberto Clemente State Park and Mill Pond Park. Water elevation was monitored every second to detect changes indicative of boat wakes expected to resuspe

Spatial data of oil and gas pads and access roads on the Colorado Plateau, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico

This data release contains spatial data on the location, number, size and extent of energy-related surface disturbances on the Colorado Plateau of Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico as of 2016. The database includes: 1) polygons of oil and gas pads generated from automated and manual classification of aerial imagery, and 2) polylines of roads derived from the U.S. Census Bureau TIGER/Line Shapefile, s

Metabolic Rate, Body Composition, and Blood Biochemistry Data from Polar Bears (Ursus maritimus) on Land, Western Hudson Bay, Canada, 2019-2022

This dataset is one table with time-linked behavior data derived from video camera collars on polar bears on land near Churchill, Manitoba, Canada. Eighteen polar bears were equipped with video-camera collars (Vertex Plus collar with camera option, Vectronic Aerospace GmbH, Berlin, Germany) for 19 - 23 days in 2019, 2021, and 2022.

Reconnaissance of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Selected Groundwater and Surface Water Sites in McHenry County, Illinois, 2020

Data were collected at 19 groundwater monitoring wells and 3 surface water locations across McHenry County, Illinois, in 2020 by staff from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Central Midwest Water Science Center. Quality control samples (2 blanks and 1 replicate) were also collected to assess data reliability and precision. Samples were submitted to the USGS National Water Quality Laboratory in Den

Field, Geochemical, Geochronological, and Magnetic Data from a Pliocene basalt flow along the Deschutes River in north-central Oregon

This dataset represents a variety of scientific measurements of basalt rock outcrops in central Oregon, United States. It consists of field observations, geochemical measurements, paleomagnetic directional measurements, magnetic susceptibility, and geochronology data (Ar-Ar methodology). This dataset was collected from 2014-2022 by the authors.

Stream hydrology and a pulse subsidy shape patterns of fish foraging

Pulsed subsidy events create ephemeral fluxes of hyper-abundant resources that can shape annual patterns of consumption and growth for recipient consumers. However, environmental conditions strongly affect local resource availability for much of the year, and can heavily impact consumer foraging and growth patterns prior to pulsed subsidy events. Thus, a consumer’s capacity to exploit pulse subsid

Geographic Data for the Estimation of Peak Flow Statistics for Illinois

The U.S. Geological Survey Central Midwest Water Science Center completed a report (Over and others, 2023) documenting methods, results, and applications of an updated flood-frequency study for the State of Illinois. The study developed regional regression equations that relate the peak-flow quantiles and the basin characteristics of selected streamgages in Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin, based

Elevation, Flow Accumulation, Flow Direction, and Stream Definition Data in Support of the Illinois StreamStats Upgrade to the Basin Delineation Database

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Illinois Center for Transportation and the Illinois Department of Transportation, prepared hydro-conditioned geographic information systems (GIS) layers for use in the Illinois StreamStats application. These data were used to delineate drainage basins and compute basin characteristics for updated peak flow and flow duration regression equa
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