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Data Releases

The data collected and the techniques used by USGS scientists should conform to or reference national and international standards and protocols if they exist and when they are relevant and appropriate. For datasets of a given type, and if national or international metadata standards exist, the data are indexed with metadata that facilitates access and integration.

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Tracking Data for Common Eiders (Somateria mollissima)

This metadata document describes the data contained in the "rawData" folder of this data package. This data package contains all data collected by the Argos System from 167 satellite transmitters attached to Common Eiders on their breeding range in arctic and western Alaska, 2000-2008. Five data files are included in the "rawData" folder of this data package. Two data files (with identical content

Survey of viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus in Pacific herring throughout the North Pacific Ocean

Throughout a 20-year biosurveillance period, viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus was isolated in low titers from only 6 / 7,355 opportunistically sampled adult Pacific herring, reflecting the typical endemic phase of the disease when the virus persists covertly. However, more focused surveillance efforts identified the presence of disease hot spots occurring among juvenile life history stages from

Data release for Evidence of humans in North America during the Last Glacial Maximum

Archaeologists and researchers in allied fields have long sought to understand human colonization of North America. Questions remain about when and how people migrated, where they originated, and how their arrival affected the established fauna and landscape. Here, we present evidence from excavated surfaces in White Sands National Park (New Mexico, United States), where multiple in situ human foo

Topographic, temperature, and sediment grain size data used to evaluate potential habitat for anadromous salmonids on the upper Merced and Tuolumne Rivers in California

This data release includes various data sets used to quantify the capacity of two rivers, the Merced and Tuolumne, in the Sierra Nevada of California for reintroduction of two species of anadromous salmonids, Steelhead and spring-run Chinook Salmon. The child pages linked below provide access to the following data sets: Topo-bathymetric digital elevation models of the river channels and adjacent

Model Archive Summary for Surrogate Regression of Fine-Sediment Particles for Lake Tahoe Tributaries

This USGS data release presents Model Archive Summaries (MAS) and tabular calibration data used to develop surrogate regressions to estimate fine sediment particles flowing into Lake Tahoe. Fine sediment particles in the size range of 0.5 to 16.0 micrometers (μm) represent the primary size range of suspended sediment responsible for clarity reduction in Lake Tahoe. Models will be used to create es

Mercury and Methylmercury Concentrations in Litterfall Samples Collected at Selected National Atmospheric Deposition Program Sites during 2017 to 2019

The movement of mercury (Hg) from the atmosphere to the biosphere occurs by both wet and dry deposition to solid surfaces, water, and vegetation. Most of the annual dry atmospheric Hg deposition in deciduous forests is believed to originate from litterfall which consists mainly of dead leaves that fall to the earth’s surface, primarily during the autumn and winter seasons. Atmospheric Hg reaches a

Data Release for Additional Period and Site Class Data for the 2018 National Seismic Hazard Model for the Conterminous United States (ver. 1.1, February 2020)

The updated 2018 National Seismic Hazard Model includes new ground motion models, aleatory uncertainty, and soil amplification factors for the central and eastern U.S. and incorporates basin depths from local seismic velocity models in four western U.S. (WUS) urban areas. These additions allow us, for the first time, to calculate probabilistic seismic hazard curves for an expanded set of spectral

Colorado River Project: Average growing season evapotranspiration and vegetation index remote-sensing data for the riparian corridor of the Colorado River Delta in Mexico from 2000-2020

These data were compiled for evaluating river-reach level plant water use, or evapotranspiration (ET), and vegetation greenness, or Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), in the riparian corridor of the Colorado River delta as specified under Minute 319 of the 1944 Water Treaty. The seven reach areas from the Northerly International Boundary (NIB) to the end of the delta at the Sea of Cort

Estimated monthly water use for irrigation by 12-digit hydrologic unit in the conterminous United States for 2015

This data release contains the output of the Irrigation Water Use Estimation Disaggregation and Downscaling Model (IWUEDD) along with the scripts and data resources ( required to replicate the output results. The IWUEDD is used to estimate monthly irrigation withdrawals and consumptive use for each 12-digit hydrologic unit code (HUC 12) subwatershed in the conterminous United Stat

Geochemical data including mercury for subsamples of deep cores from the Cache Creek Settling Basin, Yolo County, California

Sediment cores were collected in the Cache Creek Settling Basin (CCSB), Yolo County, California, during October 2011 at 10 locations (borehole sites) and during August 2012 at 5 other locations. Total core depths ranged from approximately 4.6 to 13.7 meters (15 to 45 feet), with penetration to about 9.1 meters (30 feet) at most locations. Detailed subsampling (3-centimeter intervals) was done at t

Mercury and Methylmercury Stable Isotope Measurements in Giant Petrels

Methylmercury (MeHg) and total mercury (HgT) stable isotope measurements were made by the USGS Mercury Research Lab (MRL) in different organs on the Giant Petrels (Macronectes spp.) to examine internal mercury cycling in these seabirds. These data were collected as a compliment to x-ray spectroscopy measurements made by the University of Grenoble, France. The tissues and feathers of the southern g

Precipitation, air temperature, streamflow, and water table depths from selected wells at the Panola Mountain Research Watershed, 2001 - 2003

This dataset contains hourly average groundwater level time-series for 19 monitoring wells at the Panola Mountain Research Watershed (PMRW) from January 2001 to October 2002. The data was used in a hydrologic modeling study to test a model formulation that allowed for bi-direction fluxes between groundwater and surface water in a bucket type hydrologic model. Some wells had missing data so record
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