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Data Releases

The data collected and the techniques used by USGS scientists should conform to or reference national and international standards and protocols if they exist and when they are relevant and appropriate. For datasets of a given type, and if national or international metadata standards exist, the data are indexed with metadata that facilitates access and integration.

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Tracking Data for Northern Fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis)

This metadata document describes the data contained in the "rawData" folder of this data package. This data package contains all data collected by the Argos System from 19 satellite transmitters attached to Northern Fulmars on their breeding range in the Bering Sea and northern Gulf of Alaska, 2001-2006. Five data files are included in the "rawData" folder of this data package. Two data files (wit

Tracking Data for Tufted Puffins (Fratercula cirrhata)

This metadata document describes the data contained in the "rawData" folder of this data package. This data package contains all data collected by the Argos System from 5 satellite transmitters attached to Tufted puffins on the Barren Islands in the northern Gulf of Alaska, 1995. Five data files are included in the "rawData" folder of this data package. Two data files (with identical content) cont

Invertebrate community data from native trout lakes and streams in the Southern Rocky Mountains

Native trout in the West suffer a high degree of vulnerability, as highlighted by cutthroat trout, a group of 14 subspecies, most of which have been petitioned for listing under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). In the Southern Rocky Mountains, greenback cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii stomias; GBCT) are listed as threatened under the ESA, and few populations remain, in part because of the i

Dataset from 2015-2016 thermal and behavior monitoring of Argentine giant tegus in Everglades, Florida

Thermal data collected from iButton temperature loggers implanted into research animals (Argentine giant tegus) and in their surrounding environment. Tegus undergo winter dormancy (hibernation) to cope with colder temperatures, and we studied the thermal habits of wild tegus within their invaded range in southern Florida, USA. We used radiotelemetry and trail cameras to verify dates of above-groun

Bird Behavior and Mortality in Relation to Power Lines in Prairie Habitats, North Dakota, 1981to1982

A biologist and field crew from Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center observed bird flights at 7study sites, twice weekly during two spring and two fall migration periods between April 3, 1981 and May 20, 1982. Study sites were located in south-central North Dakota in Barnes, Kidder, and Stutsman counties. The database includes flight observation's of bird species in the vicinity of power line

Known Terrestrial Analog Sites for Planetary Science

A point layer of sites known to be useful analogs for planetary science, such as impact craters, dunes, volcanoes, and other processes observed on bodies across the solar system.

Mars Dune Digital Database - Merged

The Mars Global Digital Dune Database provides a comprehensive and quantitative view of the geographic distribution of dune fields from 65° N to 65° S latitude. The database encompasses ~ 550 dune fields, covering ~ 70,000 km2, with an estimated total volume between 3,600 km3 and 13,400 km3. Over 2300 selected Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) infrared (IR), THEMIS visible (VIS) and Mars Or

Potential productivity and change estimates for eight grassland species to evaluate vulnerability to climate change in the southern Great Plains

This data set includes the relative production scenarios for eight (8) grass species based on linear models from Epstein, et al. (1998). We selected two indicator species for each community: shortgrass prairie: blue grama (Bouteloua gracilis; BOGR) and buffalo grass (Bouteloua dactyloides; BODA); mixedgrass prairie: sideoats grama (Bouteloua curtipendula; BOCU) and little bluestem (Schizachyrium s

Compilation and Assessment of Resource Values and Hazards to Inform Transportation and Associated Land-use Planning

Management of transportation networks is affected by, and has effects on, natural and cultural resources through direct and indirect interactions. Until recently, the availability of such spatially explicit information has been limited; however, the data released here to the public will prove valuable for comparing existing networks and planning options with respect to potential impact to, or from

Ground conductivity measurements at selected National Wildlife Refuges, Montana and North Dakota, 2017-2018

Shallow subsurface electrical conductivity was mapped at selected U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service managed lands in northeast Montana and northwest North Dakota using the DUALEM421 electromagnetic sensor (Dualem, Inc., ON, Canada) in the winters of 2017 and 2018. Data were acquired by towing the DUALEM421 sensor on a sled behind an all-terrain vehicle or snow machine, with the sensor at a nominal he

Continuous Records of Shallow Soil Temperature and Moisture in the Noatak River Basin, Alaska

Soil moisture and temperature were measured at four shallow depths in multiple locations within tundra and forested landscapes of the Agashashok River basin. The measurements were made continuously beginning in 2015 until the most recent download in summer, 2019 or until the sensors or loggers failed.

Meteorological Data from Two Locations in the Agashashok River Watershed, Northwestern Alaska, 2015 to 2017

Meteorological data was collected from two locations in the Agashashok River Watershed, one high in the drainage located on tundra (67.5440 N, -161.6828 E) and a second on a rocky knoll near the watershed mouth (67.2821 N, -162.5841 E). The data contain information on air temperatures, rainfall, barometric pressure, relative humidity, incoming and outgoing radiation, and wind speed and direction.
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