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Data Releases

The data collected and the techniques used by USGS scientists should conform to or reference national and international standards and protocols if they exist and when they are relevant and appropriate. For datasets of a given type, and if national or international metadata standards exist, the data are indexed with metadata that facilitates access and integration.

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Predictions of floodplain and streambank geomorphic change and flux of sediment and nutrients, and streambed characteristics, for stream reaches in the Chesapeake Bay and Delaware River watersheds

Input predictor variables and output predictions from statistical modeling of floodplains, streambanks, and streambeds for each NHDPlusV2 stream reach in the Chesapeake Bay and Delaware River watersheds of the U.S. Mid-Atlantic. Random Forest statistical models using either 1) characteristics of upstream drainage area, or 2) characteristics of upstream drainage area (Wieczorek et al. 2018, https:/

Data from Decadal Change in Groundwater Quality Web Site, 1988-2018

Evaluating Decadal Changes in Groundwater Quality: Groundwater-quality data were collected from 5,000 wells between 1988-2001 (first decadal sampling event) by the National Water-Quality Assessment Project. Samples are collected in groups of 20-30 wells with similar characteristics called networks. About 1,500 of these wells in 67 networks were sampled again approximately 10 years later between 20

Soil-Water Balance model for alluvial deposits in Summerset, South Dakota

A Soil-Water Balance (SWB) model of the alluvial aquifer in north Summerset, South Dakota, was constructed to estimate recharge and potential evapotranspiration volumes and rates for 2017-19. The model area included the northern part of the city of Summerset in west South Dakota along the east range of the Black Hills. The model area was defined as a rectangular area that included the watershed bo

Environmental DNA robotic and manual sampling data, Yellowstone and Snake Rivers, 2017-2019

Environmental DNA detection results from samples collected using autonomous water sampling robots and manual approaches. Samples were collected in the Upper Yellowstone River (Montana) and Upper Snake River (Idaho/Wyoming) in 2018 and 2019. Samples were tested for the DNA of the following species: the waterborne protozoa Naegleria spp., the fish pathogen Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae, Scomber japo

PCR results from dreissenid mussel round robin assay analyses, 2018-2019

Real-time PCR results of a round robin evaluation of 5 assays that target dreissenid mussel DNA. Water samples collected from waters with and without dreissenid mussels were analyzed using these five assays in four USGS laboratories. Samples from waters without dreissenid mussels were spiked with known amounts of dreissend DNA.

Rock and Calcite Chemistry Within and Surrounding Fort Stanton-Snowy River Cave

The Fort Stanton-Snowy River cave system (FSC) is located in Lincoln County, New Mexico in the upper Rio Hondo Basin. The entrance of the cave is on Bureau of Land Management (BLM) land near the site of historic Fort Stanton. In 2001, the Snowy River Formation was discovered. This formation, a white calcite deposit that lines a streambed within the cave, is now considered to be the largest cave fo

Georeferenced Maps of the Thickness of the Sparta Aquifer in MS, AR, and LA, 1961 to 1996

The Sparta aquifer is a primary source of groundwater in north-central Louisiana. In 2015, more than 60 million gallons per day were withdrawn from the Sparta aquifer, of which over 90 percent was used for public supply and industrial purposes (Collier, 2018). Concentrated withdrawals from the Sparta aquifer have caused regional water-level declines within the Sparta aquifer (McGee and Brantly, 20

Physiological and behavioral responses of bighead and silver carp to chemicals associated with common carp sex pheromones

This dataset contains a combination of physiological and behavioral approaches for characterizing the response of bighead and silver carp to potentially attractive chemicals associated with sex pheromones identified in common carp. The dataset contains eight tables: 1) EOG responses from untreated and masculinized silver carp to prostaglandins, 2) mixture discrimination indices of the prostaglandi

Database to model three-dimensional flow over coral reef spur-and-groove morphology

This data set consists of physics-based Delft3D-FLOW and SWAN hydrodynamic models input files used to study the wave-induced 3D flow over spur-and-groove (SAG) formations. SAG are a common and impressive characteristic of coral reefs. They are composed of a series of submerged shore-normal coral ridges (spurs) separated by shore-normal patches of sediment (grooves) on the fore reef of coral reef e

Geospatial Data, Tabular Data, and Surface-Water Model Archive for Delineation of Flood-Inundation Areas in Grapevine Canyon Near Scotty's Castle, Death Valley National Park, California

This U.S. Geological Survey data release consists of a polygon geospatial dataset representing estimated flood-inundation areas in Grapevine Canyon near Scotty's Castle, Death Valley National Park, and the data acquired and processed to support the delineation of those areas. Supporting datasets include topographic survey data collected by global navigation satellite system (GNSS) and terrestrial

Simulated groundwater residence times in two principal aquifers of the Mississippi embayment physiographic region

Groundwater residence times and flow path lengths were simulated for two major aquifers of the Mississippi embayment region using particle tracking (Pollock, 2012; Starn and Belitz, 2018) in a regional groundwater-flow model (Haugh and others, 2020). The Mississippi embayment physiographic region includes two principal aquifer systems: the surficial aquifer system, which is dominated by the Quater

Geochemical analyses of surface water, groundwater and springs surrounding Mount Emmons near Crested Butte, Colorado (ver. 2.0, September 2020)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Colorado Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety (DRMS), and Coal Creek Watershed Coalition (CCWC) working independently, have intermittently collected samples of surface- and groundwater and springs around Mount Emmons, near Crested Butte, Colorado. This data release is a compilation of the comprehensive inorganic chemical analyses conducted as a result of th
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