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Data Releases

The data collected and the techniques used by USGS scientists should conform to or reference national and international standards and protocols if they exist and when they are relevant and appropriate. For datasets of a given type, and if national or international metadata standards exist, the data are indexed with metadata that facilitates access and integration.

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Pesticide constituent data from the California Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment Program Priority Basin Project (GAMA-PBP), August 2013 - May 2018, schedule 2437 constituents

This Data release presents results for pesticide constituents in 460 samples collected from domestic and public-supply wells in August 2013-May 2018 for the California Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment Program Priority Basin Project (GAMA-PBP). The samples were analyzed for 225 pesticide constituents on USGS National Water Quality Laboratory analytical schedule 2437. Results from quali

Afghanistan Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining (ASM) Areas (ver. 3.0, June 2021)

This data release catalogs currently active ASM operations in Afghanistan in various parts of the country. The dataset was developed through visual interpretation of mining features from the most recently available very high-resolution satellite imagery. The polygon-based shapefiles contains 1 square kilometer gridcells, each of which indicates the presence (and number) of mine sites recorded with

Data associated with the investigation of suitable habitat for the endangered plant Harperella (Ptilimnium nodosum Rose) in the Potomac River near Hancock Maryland

In lieu of a uniform mapping of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park corridor at very high-resolution using UAS, this study developed a multi-scale workflow, where (1) geospatial modeling methods and (2) historic image analysis were used to constrain the areal extent of (3) detailed field and unmanned aerial systems (UAS) observation. Geospatial Modeling Methods: Harperella habi

Microplastics in the Delaware River, 2018

This dataset describes the quantity and morphology of microplastics in water, sediment, fish, and mussel samples from the Delaware River and select tributaries, including portions of the Upper Delaware Scenic & Recreational River, Middle Delaware National Scenic River, Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, and Lower Delaware Scenic & Recreational River. Water and sediment samples were colle

Bottom sediment chemical data at rivermouths and harbors along western Lake Michigan, USA, 2016

Streambed sediment samples were collected in October 2016 from streams tributary to Wisconsin?s western Lake Michigan shoreline. Streams included two Areas of Concern (AOCs), two non-AOC comparisons, and two additional non-AOC study areas. Within the Milwaukee Estuary AOC, samples were collected from the Milwaukee River (three subsites), the Menomonee River (two subsites), the Kinnickinnic River (

Arsenic, manganese, and pH groundwater quality data, selected well construction characteristics, and aquifer assignments for wells in the conterminous U.S.

This data release contains groundwater-quality data for three parameters of interest (arsenic, manganese, and pH) and well information for sample sites for aquifers in the conterminous U.S. Water-quality data and well information were derived from a dataset compiled from three sources: the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Water Information System (NWIS), the U.S. Environmental Protection Age

Mineralogical analyses of drill core samples from the Canyon uranium-copper deposit, a solution-collapse breccia pipe, Grand Canyon area, Coconino County, Arizona, USA

This data release compiles the X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy analyses of drill core samples collected by the U.S. Geological Survey that were selected to typify the uranium-copper ore bodies of the Canyon deposit. The deposit is hosted by a solution-collapse breccia pipe, in which mineralization exists from about 650 to 2,100 ft (200 to 640 m) below the surface (Mathisen and others, 20

Trend Departure Index Results for sites in the RESTORE Trend Analysis and Hydrologic Alteration Studies

This dataset includes results of the Trend Departure Index (TDI) for 139 sites in the RESTORE trend analysis study and approximately 9,200 HUC12 pour points in the streamflow alteration study. Data from the 139 sites in the trend analysis were compared against reference site data from the GAGES II dataset (Falcone and others, 2010) and were used to calculate the departure from reference conditions

Melt inclusion and mineral geochemical analyses supporting the evaluation of petrogenesis, degassing, and metallogenic potential of mid-Cenozoic rhyolite magmas in northern Nevada, USA

This data release presents geochemical analyses of silicate melt inclusions, host quartz phenocrysts, and biotite phenocrysts in samples collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) from mid-Cenozoic rhyolitic rocks from northern Nevada. Igneous intrusions and volcanic rocks in this study encompass nineteen rhyolitic samples from five magmatic centers across northeastern Nevada. Rhyolites were e

Hydroacoustic data from central Lake Erie, 2010-2019

Hydroacoustic estimates of fish density are used for fisheries management in central Lake Erie. Hydroacoustic data were collected along up to four cross-lake transects in central Lake Erie July 2010 through July 2019. Software-generated raw variables used for calculating estimates of hydroacoustic fish densities are presented here.

MODFLOW-2005 models used to simulate effects of pumping in the Death Valley Regional Groundwater Flow System, Nevada and California—Selected management scenarios projected to 2120

A three-dimensional, groundwater-flow model developed by Halford and Jackson ( was used to simulate effects of future (2020—2120) groundwater pumping on water levels and natural discharges in the Alkali Flat–Furnace Creek Ranch (AFFCR), Ash Meadows, Pahute Mesa–Oasis Valley (PMOV), and Pahrump to Death Valley South (PDVS) groundwater basins, southern Nevada and Calif

Suspended-sediment, bed-sediment, and in-channel topographical data at the Green River at Mineral Bottom near Canyonlands National Park, and Colorado River at Potash, UT stream gages

Sediment Data: These data include (1) physical suspended-sediment sample data including suspended silt and clay concentration, suspended-sand concentration, and suspended-sand grain size distribution, (2) bed-sediment sample data with complete grain size analyses, and (3) 15-minute acoustical sediment data measured using a multifrequency array (1MHz and 2MHz) of sidelooking acoustic Doppler profil
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