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Data Releases

The data collected and the techniques used by USGS scientists should conform to or reference national and international standards and protocols if they exist and when they are relevant and appropriate. For datasets of a given type, and if national or international metadata standards exist, the data are indexed with metadata that facilitates access and integration.

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Underwater Videographic Observations of Cultured Delta Smelt in Field Enclosures: Video Clips and Summary Data

All data is part of a pilot study aimed to observe Delta Smelt behavior within enclosures deployed in the wild. The enclosures used were designed by The California Department of Water Resources and UC Davis as part of their ongoing Delta Smelt enclosure deployment studies. Study 1: This data includes 16 17:43 minute videos of observations of Delta Smelt behavior in a floating field enclosure and a

Gila River at I-10 Bridge near Sacaton, AZ - 2020/08/12 GPS Survey

The dataset contains GPS survey data of ground control points deployed for aerial LiDAR data collection. The targets were deployed and surveyed on 8/12/2020 and the LiDAR flight was conducted on the morning of 8/13/2020. The control points were surveyed using Leica GS14 RTK GPS equipment, S/N rover-2806883, using the Real Time Network, Leica Smartnet, to determine absolute position.

Water Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen, and pH Point Measurements from a Beaver Pond along Fanno Creek, Oregon, on four hot days in summers 2016-17

Water-quality point measurements were collected at various depths throughout a beaver pond along Fanno Creek in the Tualatin River Basin, Oregon. Parameters collected include water temperature, dissolved oxygen, and sometimes pH. All data were collected over a short period of time (< 4 hours) during 4 hot days in order to characterize the spatial (both horizontal and vertical) variability of these

Combined wildfire datasets for the United States and certain territories, 1878-2019

This dataset is comprised of four different zip files. Zip File 1: A combined wildfire polygon dataset ranging in years from 1878-2019 (142 years) that was created by merging and dissolving fire information from 12 different original wildfire datasets to create one of the most comprehensive wildfire datasets available. Attributes describing fires that were reported in the various source data, incl

Chemical and biological data from acute and chronic nickel and zinc exposure bioassays to two sensitive freshwater benthic invertebrates

The responses (survival, growth, and/or reproduction) of test organisms in six concentrations of toxicants in acute and chronic tests. Chemical and water quality parameters were measured for quality assurance and quality control purposes.

Data used to describe hydrogeologic units and create contour maps and cross sections of the Boone and Roubidoux Aquifers, northeastern Oklahoma

The Ozark Plateau aquifer system stretches across approximately 70,000 square miles (mi2) of Arkansas, Missouri, Kansas and Oklahoma, and is composed of many hydrogeologic units, such as the Boone aquifer and the Roubidoux aquifer. However, this data release is focused on only 11,000 mi2 in northern Arkansas, southeastern Kansas, southwestern Missouri, and northeastern Oklahoma. The Boone aquifer

Machine-learning model predictions and groundwater-quality rasters of specific conductance, total dissolved solids, and chloride in aquifers of the Mississippi embayment

Groundwater is a vital resource in the Mississippi embayment of the central United States. An innovative approach using machine learning (ML) was employed to predict groundwater salinity - including specific conductance (SC), total dissolved solids (TDS), and chloride (Cl) concentrations - across three drinking-water aquifers of the Mississippi embayment. A ML approach was used because it accommod

Lamprey Larvae Carcasses following Exposure to 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) or TFM plus 1% Niclosamide Data

To evaluate how bigheaded carps use a restored backwater habitat, their passages into and out of and residency within a backwater was monitored using acoustic telemetry. This dataset describes the results of this study and was used to compare activity of bigheaded carps between species, at a diel scale, among seasons, and how activity related of environmental conditions. Calculation of passages

Measurements of bed grain size on the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona - 2000 to 2014

These data were compiled to better understand sedimentation patterns on the bed of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park, and the way these patterns relate to suspended sediment grain size and concentration. These data were collected by the US Geological Survey Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center from 2000 to 2014, primarily using the "Flying Eyeball" underwater imaging system.

Modeled effects of depth and semidiurnal temperature fluctuations on predictions of year that coral reef locations reach annual severe bleaching for various global climate model projections

Using global climate model projections of sea-surface temperature at coral reef sites, we modeled the effects of depth and exposure to semidiurnal temperature fluctuations to examine how these effects may alter the projected year of annual severe bleaching for coral reef sites globally. Here we present the first global maps of the effects these processes have on bleaching projections for three IPC

Tracking data for Thick-billed murres (Uria lomvia)

This metadata document describes the data contained in the "rawData" folder of this data package. This data package contains all data collected by the Argos System from 20 satellite transmitters attached to Thick-billed murres on their breeding range in arctic and western Alaska, 1995-1996. Five data files are included in the "rawData" folder of this data package. Two data files (with identical co

Tracking data for Common murres (Uria aalge)

This metadata document describes the data contained in the "rawData" folder of this data package. This data package contains all data collected by the Argos System from 28 satellite transmitters attached to Common murres on their breeding range in arctic and western Alaska, 1994-1996. Five data files are included in the "rawData" folder of this data package. Two data files (with identical content)
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