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Inventory of Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining (ASM) in Panjshir Valley: Points (2017)

Afghanistan is endowed with a broad range of mineral resources. Currently, the majority of mining throughout the country is comprised of informal and undocumented artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) operations. The exact scope of excavation operations depends largely on the mineral commodity produced. In the case of gemstones, such as emeralds and rubies, small teams of miners use manual equipm

Inventory of Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining (ASM) in Nuristan: Points (2017 to 2018)

Afghanistan is endowed with a broad range of mineral resources. Currently, the majority of mining throughout the country is comprised of informal and undocumented artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) operations. The exact scope of excavation operations depends largely on the mineral commodity produced. In the case of gemstones, such as emeralds and rubies, small teams of miners use manual equipm

Inventory of Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining (ASM) in Balkhab: Points (2018)

Afghanistan is endowed with a broad range of mineral resources. Currently, the majority of mining throughout the country is comprised of informal and undocumented artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) operations. The exact scope of excavation operations depends largely on the mineral commodity produced. In the case of gemstones, such as emeralds and rubies, small teams of miners use manual equipm

Inventory of Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining (ASM) in Zarkashan: Points (2014, 2017 to 2018)

Afghanistan is endowed with a broad range of mineral resources. Currently, the majority of mining throughout the country is comprised of informal and undocumented artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) operations. The exact scope of excavation operations depends largely on the mineral commodity produced. In the case of gemstones, such as emeralds and rubies, small teams of miners use manual equipm

Inventory of Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining (ASM) in Doshi-Shibar: Points (2018)

Afghanistan is endowed with a broad range of mineral resources. Currently, the majority of mining throughout the country is comprised of informal and undocumented artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) operations. The exact scope of excavation operations depends largely on the mineral commodity produced. In the case of gemstones, such as emeralds and rubies, small teams of miners use manual equipm

Inventory of Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining (ASM) in Shaida: Points (2017 to 2019)

Afghanistan is endowed with a broad range of mineral resources. Currently, the majority of mining throughout the country is comprised of informal and undocumented artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) operations. The exact scope of excavation operations depends largely on the mineral commodity produced. In the case of gemstones, such as emeralds and rubies, small teams of miners use manual equipm

Sea-floor sediment samples, seabed imagery, and CTD instrument data collected on Stellwagen Bank in September 2017, U.S. Geological Survey Field Activity 2017-044-FA

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen B

The North American Breeding Bird Survey, Analysis Results 1966 - 2017

This data product consists of a database of population change and relative abundance estimates for North American birds, estimated from North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) data. Data are presented in 6 separate spreadsheets for 2 methods of trend summary and 3 time periods for 548 species of birds. Metadata for the BBS data used to produce these estimates is available from a USGS ftp site (f

Geospatial Data for a Preliminary GIS Representation of Deep Coal Areas for Carbon Dioxide Storage in the Contiguous United States and Alaska

These geospatial data and their accompanying report outline many areas of coal in the United States beneath more than 3,000 ft of overburden. Based on depth, these areas may be targets for injection and storage of supercritical carbon dioxide. Additional areas where coal exists beneath more than 1,000 ft of overburden are also outlined; these may be targets for geologic storage of carbon dioxide i

Data and analytical type-curve match for selected hydraulic tests at an earthen dam site in Southern Westchester County, New York

This data release contains water level displacement data and analytical type-curve matches for selected hydraulic tests that support USGS Open-File Report 2019-1102, "Slug-test analysis of selected wells at an earthen dam site in southern Westchester County, New York." In 2005, the U.S. Geological Survey began a cooperative study with New York City Department of Environmental Protection (NYCDEP

Snow Depth and Snow Water Equivalents at Sleepers River Research Watershed, Danville, Vermont

Snow depth and snow water equivalent (SWE) measurements have been made at Sleepers River Research Watershed starting in 1960. Initial snowpack measurements were made by the Agricultural Research Service joined by the National Weather Service in 1966. Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory started measuring the snowpack in 1979, followed by the U.S. Geological Survey from 1993 to the pres

Barrier island geomorphology and shorebird habitat metrics: Four sites in New York, New Jersey, and Virginia, 2010-2014

Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-leve
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