An endangered rusty patched bumble bee visiting a butterfly milkweed flower at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum.
Clint Otto, PhD
Clint Otto is a Research Ecologist for the USGS Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center in Jamestown, North Dakota.
The principal goal of my research program is to investigate the impacts of land-use change on pollinator habitat and ecosystem services in the Prairie Pothole Region. Much of my research focuses on the development of decision-support tools for informing natural resource policy and management. My lab’s current research projects include modeling the effects of agricultural land-use change and grassland management on pollinator habitat and population health. In addition, my lab works with multiple federal partners to improve population monitoring of the endangered Rusty Patched bumble bee and other pollinators of conservation concern. My team also collaborates on several remote sensing, artificial intelligence, and eDNA projects designed to enhance monitoring of pollinators and their habitats on a national scale.
Professional Experience
Research Ecologist, USGS Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center
Education and Certifications
Michigan State University (Ph.D.), 2012
Towson University (M.S.), 2006
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point (B.S.), 2002
Science and Products
Relieving the Sting: Spatial Prioritization for Pollinator Conservation Under a Changing Climate
Using Pollinator Environmental DNA to Assess the Ecological Resilience of America’s Grasslands
Determining the dietary preferences and population genetics of an endangered bumble bee, Bombus affinis, by maximizing the use of museum specimens
Quantifying the effects of land-use change and bioenergy crop production on ecosystem services in the Northern Great Plains
The pollinator library: a decision-support tool for improving national pollinator conservation efforts
Understanding how land-use change in the Northern Great Plains affects pollinator health and pollination services
Improving forage for pollinators on Federal conservation lands
Data Release: Bee and plant inventory data from four national parks in Maryland and Virginia, USA, 2021–2022
Amplicon sequencing of pollen foraged by Bombus affinis for compositional analysis
Data release for: Does the quality and quantity of honey bee-collected pollen vary across an agricultural land-use gradient?
Genetic detection of Lake Sinai Virus in honey bees (Apis mellifera) and other insects
Dataset: Plant and bee transects in the Northern Great Plains 2015-2018
Dataset: Molecular identification of honey bee collected pollen in the Northern Great Plains, 2015-2016
Nutritional physiology of honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) workers across an agricultural land use gradient dataset
Using colony monitoring devices to evaluate the impacts of land use and forage quality on honey bee health datasets
An endangered rusty patched bumble bee visiting a butterfly milkweed flower at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum.
Photograph of museum specimens of the Rusty Patched Bumble Bee, Bombus affinis
Photograph of museum specimens of the Rusty Patched Bumble Bee, Bombus affinis
Honey bee laden with pollen. Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center has developed a genetic sequencing strategy to identify bee-collected pollen.
Honey bee laden with pollen. Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center has developed a genetic sequencing strategy to identify bee-collected pollen.
A case for occupancy as a state variable for wild bee monitoring
Bee habitat, but not bee community structure, varies across grassland management in four national parks in the Mid-Atlantic, USA
Floral Composition of Pollen Collected from a Rusty Patched Bumble Bee (Bombus affinis, Cresson) Nest in Southeastern Minnesota
Association of excessive precipitation and agricultural land use with honey bee colony performance
Identifying physical characteristics and functional traits of forbs preferred or highly visited by bees in the Prairie Pothole Region
Comparison of microscopy and metabarcoding to identify pollen used by the critically endangered rusty patched bumble bee, Bombus affinis
Addressing detection uncertainty in Bombus affinis (Hymenoptera: Apidae) surveys can improve inferences made from monitoring
Introduction to the special issue on pollinators of the Great Plains
Conclusion to the special issue on Pollinators of the Great Plains
The Prairie Pothole Region: A duck factory, and a bee factory too
Can’t see the flowers for the trees: Factors driving floral abundance within early-successional forests in the central Appalachian Mountains
Grassy–herbaceous land moderates regional climate effects on honey bee colonies in the Northcentral US
Science and Products
Relieving the Sting: Spatial Prioritization for Pollinator Conservation Under a Changing Climate
Using Pollinator Environmental DNA to Assess the Ecological Resilience of America’s Grasslands
Determining the dietary preferences and population genetics of an endangered bumble bee, Bombus affinis, by maximizing the use of museum specimens
Quantifying the effects of land-use change and bioenergy crop production on ecosystem services in the Northern Great Plains
The pollinator library: a decision-support tool for improving national pollinator conservation efforts
Understanding how land-use change in the Northern Great Plains affects pollinator health and pollination services
Improving forage for pollinators on Federal conservation lands
Data Release: Bee and plant inventory data from four national parks in Maryland and Virginia, USA, 2021–2022
Amplicon sequencing of pollen foraged by Bombus affinis for compositional analysis
Data release for: Does the quality and quantity of honey bee-collected pollen vary across an agricultural land-use gradient?
Genetic detection of Lake Sinai Virus in honey bees (Apis mellifera) and other insects
Dataset: Plant and bee transects in the Northern Great Plains 2015-2018
Dataset: Molecular identification of honey bee collected pollen in the Northern Great Plains, 2015-2016
Nutritional physiology of honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) workers across an agricultural land use gradient dataset
Using colony monitoring devices to evaluate the impacts of land use and forage quality on honey bee health datasets
An endangered rusty patched bumble bee visiting a butterfly milkweed flower at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum.
An endangered rusty patched bumble bee visiting a butterfly milkweed flower at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum.
Photograph of museum specimens of the Rusty Patched Bumble Bee, Bombus affinis
Photograph of museum specimens of the Rusty Patched Bumble Bee, Bombus affinis
Honey bee laden with pollen. Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center has developed a genetic sequencing strategy to identify bee-collected pollen.
Honey bee laden with pollen. Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center has developed a genetic sequencing strategy to identify bee-collected pollen.