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Joel T Groten

Joel Groten is a Hydrologist with the Upper Midwest Water Science Center.

He has a M.S. in Water Resources Science from the University of Minnesota and studied karst groundwater and surface water interactions in southeastern Minnesota under Dr. E. Calvin Alexander.  Joel serves as a principal investigator related to USGS nutrient and sediment studies. In this capacity, he provides project oversight, technical assistance, teaching, training, data analysis, and reporting in support of projects for the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Lower Minnesota Watershed District, Rice Creek Watershed District, and the Institute for Technological Research in São Paulo, Brazil. These projects vary in scope and relate to continuous data acquisition in real-time, aquatic habitat, TMDL studies, stream restoration, geomorphology, nutrient and sediment budgets, and flood retention and diversion. Joel also is responsible for research and implementation of new technologies to improve understanding of nitrate and sediment sources, fate, and transport mechanisms.


Non-USGS Publications

Groten, J.T., and Alexander, E. C 2015, Karst Hydrogeologic Investigation of Trout Brook: Sinkholes and the Engineering and Environmental Impacts of Karst: Proceedings of the Fourteenth Multidisciplinary Conference, 1-7.

Luhmann, A. J., Covington, M. D., Alexander, S. C., Chai, S. Y., Schwartz, B. F., Groten, J. T., & Alexander, E. C., 2013, Comparison of discharge, chloride, temperature, uranine, δd, and suspended sediment responses from a multiple tracer test in karst: Carbonates and Evaporites, 28(1-2), 191-199.

Groten, J.T., and Alexander, E. C., 2013, Karst Hydrogeologic Investigation of Trout Brook, Dakota County, Minnesota: Retrieved from the University of Minnesota Digital Conservancy,

Luhmann, A. J., Covington, M. D., Alexander, S. C., Chai, S. Y., Schwartz, B. F., Groten, J. T., and Alexander Jr., E. C., 2012, Comparing conservative and nonconservative tracers in karst and using them to estimate flow path geometry: Journal of Hydrology, 448–449, 201–211,

Groten, J.T., and Alexander, E. C, 2012, Hydrogeologic Monitoring at University of Minnesota Outreach, Research and Educational Park (UMore Park), 2011: Retrieved from the University of Minnesota Digital Conservancy,

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