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John "William" Lund

J. William Lund is a member of the River and Coastal Processes team of the Upper Midwest Water Science Center. His work focuses on sediment transport including physical samples, in-situ surrogates from hydro-acoustic and turbidity sensors, lidar and bathymetry surveys, and modeling using machine learning.

Research Experience:

  • Improving predictions of sediment transport using physical samples, streamflow, geospatial datasets, and machine learning
  • Perform single and multi-beam bathymetry surveys
  • Perform lidar, RTK GNSS, and total station surveys
  • Use USGS protocols to collect water quality, suspended sediment, bed load, and bed material samples
  • Perform gage inspections and streamflow measurements
  • Design, fabricate, install, and operate index-velocity streamgages
  • Install, calibrate, and maintain acoustic Doppler velocity meters, turbidity sensors, and nitrate sensors
  • Archive, analyze, and review time series data sets for continuous water quality



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