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Below are images associated with SBSC's science and staff. Images appear according to the year they were taken. To search, type a keyword or select a year from the dropdown menu. Or, click through the pages using the arrows at the bottom of the page. 

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Desert marigold (Baileya multiradiata) blooming in a monitoring quadrat at a RestoreNet site
Desert marigold (Baileya multiradiata) blooming in a monitoring quadrat at a RestoreNet site
Desert marigold (Baileya multiradiata) blooming in a monitoring quadrat at a RestoreNet site
Desert marigold (Baileya multiradiata) blooming in a monitoring quadrat at a RestoreNet site

Desert marigold (Baileya multiradiata) blooming in a monitoring quadrat at a RestoreNet site in Northern Arizona. Photo by Laura Shriver (USGS).

Claudia Dimartini holds a long camelthorn rhizomes exposed in a wash at Wupatki National Monument
Long camelthorn rhizomes exposed in a wash at Wupatki National Monument
Long camelthorn rhizomes exposed in a wash at Wupatki National Monument
Long camelthorn rhizomes exposed in a wash at Wupatki National Monument

USGS Biological Science Technician Claudia Dimartini poses with a long camelthorn (Alhagi maurorum) rhizome (underground root structure from which new plants can propagate that was exposed in a wash at the Deadman Wash Confluence Area. Photo by Laura Shriver (USGS).

USGS Biological Science Technician Claudia Dimartini poses with a long camelthorn (Alhagi maurorum) rhizome (underground root structure from which new plants can propagate that was exposed in a wash at the Deadman Wash Confluence Area. Photo by Laura Shriver (USGS).

Incorporating cattle into restoration treatments at a Northern Arizona RestoreNet site
Incorporating cattle into restoration treatments at a Northern Arizona RestoreNet site
Incorporating cattle into restoration treatments at a Northern Arizona RestoreNet site
Incorporating cattle into restoration treatments at a Northern Arizona RestoreNet site

Cattle inside a grazing enclosure at the Bar T Bar Ranch RestoreNet site in Northern Arizona.

RAMPS employees and partners pose in front of a cattle grazing enclosure at a RestoreNet site
RAMPS employees and partners pose in front of a cattle grazing enclosure at a RestoreNet site
RAMPS employees and partners pose in front of a cattle grazing enclosure at a RestoreNet site
RAMPS employees and partners pose in front of a cattle grazing enclosure at a RestoreNet site

From left to right: RAMPS Ecologist Seth Munson, RAMPS Coordinator Laura Shriver, RAMPS Biologist Sarah Costanzo, NAU postdoctoral researcher Collin VanBuren, and Diablo Trust Program Manager Corinne LaViolette. Photo by Seth Munson (USGS).

From left to right: RAMPS Ecologist Seth Munson, RAMPS Coordinator Laura Shriver, RAMPS Biologist Sarah Costanzo, NAU postdoctoral researcher Collin VanBuren, and Diablo Trust Program Manager Corinne LaViolette. Photo by Seth Munson (USGS).

Newly installed RestoreNet treatments including pits + seedballs + live topsoil and live topsoil + direct seeding
Newly installed RestoreNet treatments including pits + seedballs + live topsoil and live topsoil + direct seeding
Newly installed RestoreNet treatments including pits + seedballs + live topsoil and live topsoil + direct seeding
Newly installed RestoreNet treatments including pits + seedballs + live topsoil and live topsoil + direct seeding

Newly installed RestoreNet Version 2.0 treatment plots at Bar T Bar Ranch in Northern Arizona. Left: a plot that received pitting + seedballs + live topsoil inoculum (in the seedballs), Right: a plot that received live topsoil inoculum (spread across the plot) and direct seeding.

Newly installed RestoreNet Version 2.0 treatment plots at Bar T Bar Ranch in Northern Arizona. Left: a plot that received pitting + seedballs + live topsoil inoculum (in the seedballs), Right: a plot that received live topsoil inoculum (spread across the plot) and direct seeding.

The cover page of a cooperator publication about modeling the impacts of Glen Canyon Dam operations on downstream resources
Modeling the impacts of Glen Canyon Dam operations on downstream Colorado River resources-cover
Modeling the impacts of Glen Canyon Dam operations on downstream Colorado River resources-cover
Modeling the impacts of Glen Canyon Dam operations on downstream Colorado River resources-cover

The cover page of a USGS Southwest Biological Science Center, Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center cooperator publication prepared as part of an Interagency Agreement with the Bureau of Reclamation.

The cover page of a USGS Southwest Biological Science Center, Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center cooperator publication prepared as part of an Interagency Agreement with the Bureau of Reclamation.

Bike-produced seedballs laying on a tray to try before field implementation
Bike-produced seedballs before field implementation
Bike-produced seedballs before field implementation
Bike-produced seedballs before field implementation

Seedballs produced by a seedball bike drying before field implementation. The seedball bike was constructed at USGS with help from the University of Arizona and Northern Arizona University for RestoreNet restoration experiments.

Seedballs produced by a seedball bike drying before field implementation. The seedball bike was constructed at USGS with help from the University of Arizona and Northern Arizona University for RestoreNet restoration experiments.

Three people gather around a glowing tablet along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon
Recording bat activity along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon
Recording bat activity along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon
Recording bat activity along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon

Acoustic data recording can be used to identify bats to species and to quantify bat activity. Here, river runners gather around a tablet and microphone to view live translations of the ultrasonic sounds that bats use to navigate the world. Software translates recordings into visuals and sounds that are audible to human ears.

Acoustic data recording can be used to identify bats to species and to quantify bat activity. Here, river runners gather around a tablet and microphone to view live translations of the ultrasonic sounds that bats use to navigate the world. Software translates recordings into visuals and sounds that are audible to human ears.

RAMPS Biologist rides a bike designed to create seedballs (mixes of seed, clay, and other materials) for restoration
RAMPS Biologist rides a seedball bike to make seedballs for RestoreNet restoration
RAMPS Biologist rides a seedball bike to make seedballs for RestoreNet restoration
RAMPS Biologist rides a seedball bike to make seedballs for RestoreNet restoration

RAMPS Biologist Sarah Costanzo rides a seedball bike designed to create seedballs (mixes of seed, clay, and other materials) for RestoreNet restoration

RAMPS Biologist Sarah Costanzo rides a seedball bike designed to create seedballs (mixes of seed, clay, and other materials) for RestoreNet restoration

A researcher holds up a 1900s historic photograph with the same landscape in view in a repeat photography study
Repeat photography matching in action
Repeat photography matching in action
Repeat photography matching in action

An example of repeat photography in action - A researcher, Jim Malusa of the University of Arizona School of Natural Resources and the Environment, holds a clipboard with a historic photograph captured right at the spot where the image was originally taken in the 1900s, with the same mountain landscape in view.

An example of repeat photography in action - A researcher, Jim Malusa of the University of Arizona School of Natural Resources and the Environment, holds a clipboard with a historic photograph captured right at the spot where the image was originally taken in the 1900s, with the same mountain landscape in view.

RestoreNet poster presentation at the Society for Ecological Restoration – Southwest Chapter 2023 Annual Conference
RestoreNet poster presentation at the Society for Ecological Restoration – Southwest Chapter 2023 Annual Conference
RestoreNet poster presentation at the Society for Ecological Restoration – Southwest Chapter 2023 Annual Conference
RestoreNet poster presentation at the Society for Ecological Restoration – Southwest Chapter 2023 Annual Conference

RAMPS Coordinator Laura Shriver (left) and RAMPS Biologist Sarah Costanzo (right) pose with a poster describing the RAMPS project RestoreNet at the Society for Ecological Restoration – Southwest Chapter 2023 Annual Conference in Sant

RAMPS Coordinator Laura Shriver (left) and RAMPS Biologist Sarah Costanzo (right) pose with a poster describing the RAMPS project RestoreNet at the Society for Ecological Restoration – Southwest Chapter 2023 Annual Conference in Sant

RAMPS and the Institute for Applied Ecology get together at the Society for Ecological Restoration – Southwest Chapter 2023
RAMPS and the Institute for Applied Ecology get together at the Society for Ecological Restoration – Southwest Chapter 2023
RAMPS and the Institute for Applied Ecology get together at the Society for Ecological Restoration – Southwest Chapter 2023
RAMPS and the Institute for Applied Ecology get together at the Society for Ecological Restoration – Southwest Chapter 2023

RAMPS and the Institute for Applied Ecology (IAE) get together to discuss potential seeding network across New Mexico at the Society for Ecological Restoration – Southwest Chapter 2023 Annual Conference in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

RAMPS and the Institute for Applied Ecology (IAE) get together to discuss potential seeding network across New Mexico at the Society for Ecological Restoration – Southwest Chapter 2023 Annual Conference in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Staff profile photo of Rebecca Finger-Higgens, wearing a backpack in Canyonlands, UT during fieldwork
Rebecca Finger-Higgens staff photo
Rebecca Finger-Higgens staff photo
Rebecca Finger-Higgens staff photo

Rebecca Finger-Higgens is a USGS scientist at the Southwest Biological Science Center. Here she is conducting fieldwork in the southwest US, Utah.

Rebecca Finger-Higgens is a USGS scientist at the Southwest Biological Science Center. Here she is conducting fieldwork in the southwest US, Utah.

Staff profile photo of Shannon Sartain, wearing a USGS cap
Shannon Sartain staff profile photo
Shannon Sartain staff profile photo
Shannon Sartain staff profile photo

Photo of Shannon Sartain, hydrologist at the USGS Southwest Biological Science Center, Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center. 

Photo of Shannon Sartain, hydrologist at the USGS Southwest Biological Science Center, Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center. 

Screenshot of a frame in Mapping biocrust with UAS technology in Moab, Utah USGS video that shows biocrusts
Screenshot of "Mapping biocrust with UAS technology in Moab, Utah" USGS video
Screenshot of "Mapping biocrust with UAS technology in Moab, Utah" USGS video
Screenshot of "Mapping biocrust with UAS technology in Moab, Utah" USGS video

A screenshot of a frame in the USGS b-roll video "Mapping biocrust with UAS technology in Moab, Utah". USGS researchers teamed up for a biological soil crust (biocrust) remote sensing and field data campaign near Moab, Utah in February of 2022.

A screenshot of a frame in the USGS b-roll video "Mapping biocrust with UAS technology in Moab, Utah". USGS researchers teamed up for a biological soil crust (biocrust) remote sensing and field data campaign near Moab, Utah in February of 2022.

RAMPS hosts park restoration ecologist from South Africa, Dr. Mmoto Masubelele
RAMPS hosts park restoration ecologist from South Africa
RAMPS hosts park restoration ecologist from South Africa
RAMPS hosts park restoration ecologist from South Africa

RAMPS and NPS host South African National Park scientist, Dr. Mmoto Masubelele, for field visits to exchange information on restoration and climate adaptation strategies. From left to right: Seth Munson, Dr. Mmoto Masubelele, park biologist Mark Szydlo. Photo by Seth Munson (USGS).

RAMPS and NPS host South African National Park scientist, Dr. Mmoto Masubelele, for field visits to exchange information on restoration and climate adaptation strategies. From left to right: Seth Munson, Dr. Mmoto Masubelele, park biologist Mark Szydlo. Photo by Seth Munson (USGS).

Two women biologists conduct fieldwork at the Gemini solar site
Two biologists conduct fieldwork at the Gemini solar site
Two biologists conduct fieldwork at the Gemini solar site
Two biologists conduct fieldwork at the Gemini solar site

Two biologists conduct fieldwork research at the Gemini solar array energy and storage project in the Mojave Desert, Nevada. They are collecting data on plant identification and soil sampling. Photo by Claire Karban, USGS, SBSC.

Two biologists conduct fieldwork research at the Gemini solar array energy and storage project in the Mojave Desert, Nevada. They are collecting data on plant identification and soil sampling. Photo by Claire Karban, USGS, SBSC.

A staff profile photo of Gregor Siegmund
Gregor-Fausto Siegmund staff profile photo
Gregor-Fausto Siegmund staff profile photo
Gregor-Fausto Siegmund staff profile photo

As an ecologist with the US Geological Survey’s Southwest Biological Science Center, Gregor works to understand the environmental variables that influence plant regeneration in the Great Basin and the Colorado Plateau.

As an ecologist with the US Geological Survey’s Southwest Biological Science Center, Gregor works to understand the environmental variables that influence plant regeneration in the Great Basin and the Colorado Plateau.

A SM4 bat detector and recorder is placed on top of a pole in Grand Canyon as part of a study
A SM4 bat detector that records ultrasonic ball calls is placed on top of a pole in Grand Canyon as part of a study
A SM4 bat detector that records ultrasonic ball calls is placed on top of a pole in Grand Canyon as part of a study
A SM4 bat detector that records ultrasonic ball calls is placed on top of a pole in Grand Canyon as part of a study

A SM4 bat detector is placed on top of a pole in Grand Canyon near the Colorado River, below Emerald Rapid. This weatherproof detector records ultrasonic bat calls. The recording is part of an ongoing study that is examining bat abundance and foraging in Grand Canyon along the Colorado River.

A SM4 bat detector is placed on top of a pole in Grand Canyon near the Colorado River, below Emerald Rapid. This weatherproof detector records ultrasonic bat calls. The recording is part of an ongoing study that is examining bat abundance and foraging in Grand Canyon along the Colorado River.

Photographs of different types of erosion that physically degrade archaeological sites along the Colorado River, Grand Canyon
Photographs of archaeological sites with physical degradation from erosion along the Colorado River, Grand Canyon National Park
Photographs of archaeological sites with physical degradation from erosion along the Colorado River, Grand Canyon National Park
Photographs of archaeological sites with physical degradation from erosion along the Colorado River, Grand Canyon National Park

Photographs of different types of erosion that physically degrade archaeological sites along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park: (A) Cutbank erosion in a large alluvial terrace has exposed a prehistoric hearth (buried charcoal lens) in profile; (B) Surface erosion from both water runoff and wind has deflated the archaeological matrix, and in the absenc

Photographs of different types of erosion that physically degrade archaeological sites along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park: (A) Cutbank erosion in a large alluvial terrace has exposed a prehistoric hearth (buried charcoal lens) in profile; (B) Surface erosion from both water runoff and wind has deflated the archaeological matrix, and in the absenc

A Northern Arizona University graduate student collects soil for RestoreNet greenhouse inoculation experiments
A Northern Arizona University graduate student collects soil for RestoreNet greenhouse inoculation experiments
A Northern Arizona University graduate student collects soil for RestoreNet greenhouse inoculation experiments
A Northern Arizona University graduate student collects soil for RestoreNet greenhouse inoculation experiments

Northern Arizona University graduate student Ri Corwin collects soil for greenhouse inoculation experiments. Photo by Laura Shriver.