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Hydrogeologic Framework data and models for the Eel River groundwater basin, Humboldt County, California

This data release contains a geospatial database related to a digital 3D hydrogeologic framework model (3D HFM) of the Eel River Valley groundwater basin, California. The geospatial database contains two main data elements: (1) input data to the 3D HFM; (2) interpolated elevations and thicknesses of hydrogeologic units as a cellular array, which are a spatial representation of the 3D HFM results.

Habitat use and trends of landbirds using National Wildlife Refuges along the northern Gulf of Mexico during migration

This data release includes measures of vertically-integrated reflectivity (VIR) and estimates of linear trends in VIR as observed by the Weather Surveillance Radar 1988 Doppler (WSR-88D) stations along the Gulf of Mexico during spring and autumn migrations from 2018-2020. The VIR is a measure of bird density and can be used to map the spatial distribution of birds as they leave stopover habitat an

Attributed North American Grid-Based Offshore Sampling Frames

This sampling frame is a set of grid-based, finite-area frames spanning the offshore areas surrounding Canada, the United States, and Mexico, and is intended for use with the North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat). A Generalized Random-Tessellation Stratified (GRTS) Survey Design draw was added to the sample units from the raw sampling grids ( The GRTS surv

Ground Penetrating Radar Profiles collected in Charleston, SC, in June 2015 for imaging shallow faults

This Data Release contains a series of reconnaissance Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) profiles collected in 2015 to image potential shallow faulting related to the 1886 M~7 earthquake near Charleston, South Carolina, and any other faults in the area. The data include coordinates for the profiles as .kmz files, and processed GPR data in SEGY format, with both the unmigrated and migrated profiles. Th

Annual Nutrient Loads at Illinois EPA Ambient Water Quality Monitoring Network Sites, Water Years 1976–2021

This data release contains estimates of annual nitrogen and phosphorus loads, as well as loads of other constituents, from sites in the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Illinois EPA) Ambient Water Quality Monitoring Network. The loads were estimated using Weighted Regressions on Time, Discharge, and Season with Kalman filtering (WRTDS-K) and existing discrete water-quality data and discha

National-scale, remotely sensed lake trophic status 1984-2020

Lake trophic status is a key water quality property that integrates a lake's physical, chemical, and biological processes. Despite the importance of trophic status as a gauge of lake water quality, standardized and machine readable observations are uncommon. Remote sensing presents an opportunity to detect and analyze lake trophic status with reproducible, robust methods across time and space.

Hydrothermal friction experiments in quartzite: The effect of temperature and normal stress on strength recovery

Laboratory slide-hold-slide tests were conducted in a conventional triaxial deformation configuration on 3/4-inch diameter cylindrical cores of Eureka quartzite bisected by a sawcut oriented at 30 degrees from vertical. Tests were conducted at constant normal stresses of 30, 110, and 210 MPa with a 10 MPa pore fluid pressure. The pore fluid was deionized water. Experiments were conducted at temper

Inventory map of submarine and subaerial-to-submarine landslide features in Barry Arm Fjord, Prince William Sound, Alaska

Documenting and assessing submarine or subaerial-to-submarine landslides is critical for understanding the history of slope failures and related tsunami impacts in rapidly deglaciating fjord environments. The discovery of the ~500-million-cubic-meter slow-moving subaerial Barry Arm Landslide in northwest Prince William Sound, Alaska (Dai and others, 2020) highlights the need to better understand l

GPS Telemetry and other data sets of Florida manatees from Crystal River, FL 2006-2018

These data represent 1) Telemetry from Florida manatee from Crystal River, FL 2006-2018 2) Observations of manatees, swimmers and paddlecraft from Three Sisters Springs, Crystal River, FL 2014-2017 3) GIS polygons of aquatic landscape features from Crystal River, FL.

Hakalau Forest NWR seedling and substrate data, 2015

This data release includes data and metadata on seedling counts and substrate cover in forest plots in Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge on Hawaiʻi Island. Broadly, this study asks how seedlings densities relate to their microsites in terms of grass cover and nurse log and moss presence.

USGS National Wildlife Health Center necropsy and contaminant results for bald and golden eagles collected in 8 States from January 1, 2014, through December 31, 2017 to determine cause of illness/death and lead, mercury, and anticoagulant rodenticide exp

The U.S. Geological Survey National Wildlife Health Center (NWHC) measured environmental contaminants in bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) and golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) to evaluate dietary exposure to lead, mercury, and anticoagulant rodenticides (AR), which was identified by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) as a priority issue of concern for the Mountain Prairie Region 6. Carca

Produced water volatile organic compound and select organic and inorganic data collected from eight oil fields, 2016-2020, California

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the California State Water Resources Control Board collected produced water samples for analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the eight California oil fields of Fruitvale, Lost Hills, North Belridge, Orcutt, Placerita, South Belridge, Midway-Sunset, and Buena Vista from 2016 to 2020. Sampled sites included oil wells; injectate from t
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