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Luminescence of AG129 mice infected with recombinant Monkeypox virus expressing firefly luciferase

Adult AG129 mice (129/Sv background deficient in alpha/beta interferon (IFN-α/β) and IFN-Ɣ receptors) were infected with recombinant Monkeypox virus (MPXV)expressing firefly luciferase by either intranasal (IN) or intraperitoneal (IP) routes. Experimental infections were conducted in a BSL-3 laboratory at the USGS National Wildlife Health Center, with a clade II MPXV that expresses firefly lucifer

Rapid-response digital elevation models of the 2020-present summit eruptions at Kilauea Volcano, Island of Hawai'i

We depict changing eruptive features within the summit caldera of Kilauea volcano, Island of Hawai'i with rapid-response digital elevation models (DEMs) acquired since a series of caldera-filling effusive eruptions began on December 20, 2020. These eruptions follow the caldera collapse of 2018, with new lava progressively filling the approximately 1-cubic-kilometer pit that formed between May and

Saskatchewan Ministry of Energy and Resources Reservoir Data (1963 - 1998)

Saskatchewan Ministry of Energy and Resources Reservoir Data (1963 – 1998) was obtained from the Saskatchewan Ministry of Energy and Resources in 2000 and was used in a historical and potential reserve growth study completed by Mahendra Verma and Mitchell Henry, U.S. Geological Survey. It is a collection of manually entered historical oil and gas reservoir data from 1963 – 1983, and digital copies

Quality Assurance of Water-Level Records from Wells in the Chicot aquifer system in southwestern Louisiana Department of Natural Resources' Stategic Online Natural Resources Information System (SONRIS)

The Louisiana Department of Natural Resources’ (LaDNR) Strategic Online Natural Resources Information System (SONRIS) is a repository for recent (1930–present) well information that includes date of completion, well construction, geology, and water level. Well information is provided by the well drillers during the permitting process and is updated regularly by LaDNR. This data set consists of wel

Sapflow data from two separate but adjoining ecotones on Bannockburn Plantation near Georgetown, South Carolina, USA (2008 and 2009)

These data support a sap flow study, as represented by dual temperature differentials between heated and unheated probes inserted into trees. Data are from two separate field sites, with five tree species recorded every 30 minutes during the time periods of June 29 to August 24, 2008, and March 5 to June 1, 2009. Data were collected from a longleaf pine plantation (Pinus palustris) and a floodplai

Bathymetric change analysis in San Francisco Bay, California, from 1971 to 2020

This data release provides bathymetric change grids of four geographic areas of San Francisco Bay, California, comparing digital elevation models (DEMs) created from bathymetric data collected in the 1970s and 1980s with DEMs created from bathymetric data collected in the 2010s and 2020. These types of change analyses can provide information on the quantities and patterns of erosion and deposition

Antimicrobial Resistance Testing and qPCR Detection of Antimicrobial Resistance Genes in Surface Water and Gull (Larus spp.) Feces on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, 2021

This data set includes information on collections of surface water and fecal samples from wild gulls (Larus spp.) at two locations on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, USA. Samples were screened for Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Klebsiella pneumoniae (K. pneumoniae) and tested for resistance to multiple antibiotics.

Elevation and Mangrove Cover Projections under Sea-Level Rise Scenarios at J.N. Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge, Sanibel Island, Florida, 2020-2100

Elevation projections from the WARMER-Mangroves model for J N. "Ding" Darling National Wildlife Refuge across a range of sea-level rise scenarios (53, 115, and 183 cm by 2100). The model was calibrated using dated soil cores sampled from the basin hydrologic zone. These data support the following publication: Buffington, K.J., Thorne, K.M., Krauss, K.W., Conrad, J.K., Drexler, J.Z., and Zhu, Z.,

Bias-Corrected Topobathymetric Elevation Model for South Florida, 2018

Accurate elevation data in coastal ecosystems are crucial for understanding vulnerability to sea-level rise. Lidar has become increasingly available; however, in tidal wetlands such as mangroves and salt marsh, vertical bias from dense vegetation reduces accuracy of the delivered 'base earth' products. To increase accuracy of elevation models across south Florida, we applied the LEAN technique to

Genotypes and cluster definitions for a range-wide greater sage-grouse dataset collected 2005-2017 (ver 1.1, January 2023)

Monitoring change in genetic diversity in wildlife populations across multiple scales could facilitate prioritization of conservation efforts. We used microsatellite genotypes from 7,080 previously collected genetic samples from across the greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) range to develop a modelling framework for estimating genetic diversity within a recently developed hierarchical

Greater sage-grouse genetic warning system, western United States (ver 1.1, January 2023)

Genetic variation is a well-known indicator of population fitness yet is not typically included in monitoring programs for sensitive species. Additionally, most programs monitor populations at one scale, which can lead to potential mismatches with ecological processes critical to species’ conservation. Recently developed methods generating hierarchically nested population units (i.e., clusters of

Hydrologic simulations using projected climate data as input to the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) for the Trinity River Basin Integrated Water Availability Assessment, Texas, 2023

The Trinity River Basin is a major source of water for a large part of Texas that includes the rapidly growing Dallas-Fort Worth and Houston metropolitan areas. An application of the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) was used to conduct hydrologic simulations for the Trinity River Basin surface water model. Climate variables including daily precipitation, daily maximum temperature, and d
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