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Model simulation output from a magnitude 7 eruption: the distal Mazama tephra

This data release contains model input and output for 57 simulations of tephra dispersal during the 7.8 ka Mazama eruption. Data were generated during in preparation of the following paper: Buckland HM, Mastin L, Engwell S, Cashman K (2022 (in pess)) Modelling the transport and deposition of ash following a Magnitude 7 eruption: the distal Mazama tephra. Bull Volcanol. 84(9):87.

Calculated baseflow recession characteristics for streamflow gauging locations for the western and eastern United States, 1900 to 2018

This metadata record describes observed and predicted baseflow recession characteristics for 300 streamflow gauges in the western United States and 282 streamflow gauges in the eastern United States. Specifically, this record describes (1) the streamflow gauge locations (west or east) in the United States (Location), (2) the U.S. Geological Survey streamflow gauge identification numbers (USGS_Site

Lake Ontario April Prey Fish Bottom Trawl Survey, 1978-2022

This data release includes Lake Ontario prey fish data including species captured, relative abundance, spatial distribution, size structure, and age data from the April or spring prey fish bottom trawl survey, 1978 through 2022. Data from 1978 - 2015 are from U.S. waters of Lake Ontario while data from 2016 - 2022 include both U.S. and Canadian waters of Lake Ontario. Details about the vessel and

Concentrations of metals and other water quality data for the Assabet and Concord Rivers, Massachusetts, 2008

This dataset contains water-quality data for stream samples collected by the U.S. Geological Survey at 12 sites on the Assabet and Concord Rivers in eastern Massachusetts in 2008. The samples were collected monthly from June to October, 2008. The water-quality parameters and constituents include field parameters (water temperature, specific conductance, pH, and dissolved oxygen), concentrations of

SPARROW Model Inputs and Estimated Effects of Agricultural Conservation Practices on Total Nitrogen in Streams of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed

This data release contains input and output data tables from a SPAtially Referenced Regression On Watershed attributes (SPARROW) model, which estimated total nitrogen loads in streams of the Chesapeake Bay watershed under varying better management practice implementation scenarios. Further documentation about the SPARROW modeling framework can be found here:

MODFLOW6 models used to evaluate potential stresses and hydrologic conditions driving water-level fluctuations in well ER-5-3-2, Frenchman Flat, Southern Nevada

The hydrograph for well ER-5-3-2 in Frenchman Flat, southern Nevada, has previously unexplained water-level fluctuations. Four, three-dimensional, groundwater models (MODFLOW 6) were developed to evaluate potential stresses and hydrologic conditions affecting the well ER-5-3-2 hydrograph. Four model scenarios were developed that simulated: (1) wellbore leakage without recharge, (2) wellbore leakag

Soil-Water-Balance (SWB) model archive used to simulate water budget components in Pennsylvania and Maryland, 2000-2020

This model archive documents the Soil-Water-Balance (SWB) model used to simulate potential recharge for portions of Pennsylvania and Maryland from 2000 to 2021. The Pennsylvania and Maryland SWB model was used to create output at a 250 meter grid scale. Model parameters were adjusted using baseflow estimates from 36 reference watersheds varying in area from 0.37 to 817 square miles. The simulation

Geomorphic Reference Reach Data for the Kalamazoo River Basin, Michigan Area of Concern

The Kalamazoo River Area of Concern (AOC) in Michigan has multiple dams in various stages of removal. Following dam removal, river restoration activities will occur in impacted reaches. Hydrogeomorphic data from relatively undisturbed and hydraulically stable river reaches are commonly used to inform the design parameters of river restoration projects. Reference reaches should be selected that ope

Experimental Testing of Endangered Pallid Sturgeon to Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia Virus Genotype IVb

Viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSV) is an aquatic rhabdovirus causing severe disease in numerous freshwater and saltwater fish species. Initially the virus was been found to cause disease in European fish populations starting around 1938 and was first detected in North America in the late 1980s. Of the four VHSV genotypes (I, II, III, and IV), the North American subtype IVb isolates have a b

Data Release: Mercury accumulation potential of aquatic plant species in West Dongting Lake, China

An ecological study on mercury contamination in the wetland of West Dongting Lake in China. This study measured the total mercury concentration in the soil and compared it to the measured total concentration of mercury in the above and below ground tissue of different plant species on the floodplain of West Dongting Lake. Bioconcentration, bioaccumulation, and translocation factors were determined

Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 based frequency of open and vegetated water across the United States (2017-2021)

High-frequency observations of surface water at fine spatial scales are critical to effectively manage aquatic habitat, flood risk and water quality. We developed inundation algorithms for Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 across 12 sites within the conterminous United States (CONUS) covering greater than 536,000 km2 and representing diverse hydrologic and vegetation landscapes. These algorithms were trai

Rainy Lake and Namakan Reservoir shallow water bathymetric data, water surface elevations, and recovered high-water marks, 2022

Bathymetric data were collected with a single-beam echosounder in 2022 for 18 selected shallow (0-3 meters) areas to improve a digital elevation model (DEM) for Rainy Lake and Namakan Reservoir created by Environment and Climate Change Canada. Bathymetric data were collected in transects spaced approximately 20 meters apart. In addition to the bathymetric data, the locations and elevations of obse
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